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Problems Buying Alcohol

There is a slight problem when buying alcohol in this country and it isn't talked about enough.

By Stephen Kramer AvitabilePublished 11 months ago 5 min read
Top Story - August 2023
Photo by Author

I had just been to the store and bought myself some bourbon and a decently priced bottle of wine along with some groceries a day ago. The wine was good so I decided I needed more. I felt stupid for not having bought two bottles to begin with… but I was already buying a bottle of wine and a bottle of bourbon and sometimes it’s a problem when I buy “too much” alcohol at once. A stupid problem. A problem I am partially to blame for. But a problem nonetheless. I'll explain what exactly the problem is momentarily.

I walked back to the store. I also needed water. So, it would be a water and wine purchase. If I wanted to think about it I could come up with a decent Jesus joke but I don’t really feel like it. Just know there was a thought there and I almost did. Feel free to laugh at the almost joke.

As I walked to the store I was already thinking about what would happen as I attempted to purchase the alcohol. You see, my license had recently expired and I hadn’t replaced it yet. That’s the part where I am partially to blame. I still need to renew my expired license. My driver’s license, mind you. The thing that allows me to drive. It doesn’t allow me to drink, however, it proves that I am of age to drink.

Now, I am 36. There isn’t much question whether I’m old enough to drink. I’m not one of those people who looks so young that people question if I can legally drink. I’m sure, especially when I shave my beard to a stubble, I look a little younger than I am. But I couldn’t imagine anyone is buying any less than 30. Absolutely I don’t look under 21. Some of the kids in my neighborhood who have to be between 10 and 16 even call me sir when I talk to them. Now, I feel “sir” should be strictly for 45 and up, but maybe that’s just me. In any event, if the kids are sirring me, you know I’m old enough to drink.

But, the nature of selling alcohol, everyone is always worried about selling to a minor. And I get it. I worked at a restaurant. They would say if we couldn’t say without absolute certainty that someone was 35 then just card them. Just to be positive. I get it. But also sometimes you can just tell someone is in their 30’s and it’s like, okay you’re fine here is the alcohol, man.

Basically, because I don’t look 60, I am prone to getting carded. People don’t want to take chances so if you don’t look like a grandparent they may card you. They may not. I was at the store the day before and the cashier didn’t card me. Thankfully.

Many days I have been carded and I give them my license as if everything is fine. Sometimes they just read the date and punch it in. Other times they scan it. And then they tell me that my license is expired.

“Yes it is, but I am still old enough to drink.”

“Do you have another form of identification on you?”

“I don’t but you can see on that one that my birth year is 1987 which means that I was able to drink by 2008 and we are now in 2023.”

And then sometimes this is what they say.

“Sir, I can’t let you buy alcohol without a valid identification.”

Sure you can. First of all, you called me sir. That right there proves I can drink. Secondly, you can see my birth year on there! Had you punched it in we would have been fine! But you decided to scan it and then it told you my license expired. But this isn’t a drinking license! If it expires it doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to drink! It means I’m not allowed to drive! The two are not related. You are just using this card to find out when I was born. And you can still see that. See? It says born in 1987. It was true before my license expired and it’s still true now. Nothing about my license expiring made my birth year change. Nothing made me unable to drink alcohol.

Now, I get that there are probably laws and rules and the employees don’t want to break them. It’s not their fault and I should renew my license. But let’s admit how stupid this is. What if I decided I was done driving and hadn’t gotten a new form of identification yet? What? I’m not allowed to drink during that time? Of course I can drink.

But here is why it is stupid. Because sometimes the employees scan my license and it tells them it’s expired and then they go, oh, let me enter the date. I can see here you are obviously over 21.

Yes! Thank you!

So, why do some of them refuse me alcohol? It makes no sense.

Furthermore, I often won’t get carded for one thing. One bottle of wine. One case of beer. One bottle of bourbon. But if I get two things I am pushing it. If I get three things at once they always card me. It’s as if more alcohol prompts them to need to card me even more. Like not only do I need to be over 21 I super duper need to be over 21. But why? Is more alcohol more damage done? If you sell to a minor is it worse if it’s more alcohol? The damage is done either way. And why, do they look at me as they scan by beer and decide not to card me, because I look over 30, but then when they scan the two bottles of alcohol after, why do they now have to card me? You already determined you knew my age! What happens if I buy more? Now I don’t just have to be 21? I have to be 31? What is the logic?

So, I worried as I brought the water and the wine to the register. I worried if I looked old enough today. I worried if I should come up with a “turning water into wine and I’m halfway through” Jesus joke for the cashier to prove I am old. Should I make a joke about Cheers? Anyone who makes a joke about Cheers has to be old enough to drink, right?

The guy asked for my card. Ugh. I handed it to him. He scanned it. Ugh. He told me it was expired. “Oh?” He asked if I had other identification and I said I didn’t have any on me.

He looked at me and said, “Well, you’re obviously old enough. No worries.” And he punched in my birth year like a normal person!

I have no idea if what he did was illegal or against company rules, but if it was, it shouldn’t be. He sold alcohol to someone who was of age and had money. What’s the crime? Why do so many people not take this simple action?

I went home and enjoyed more wine, my old-36-year-old self, happy I looked every day of 36 years old. I don’t want to look too young. Because I procrastinate and don’t renew my license. And I need something to help me buy my alcohol. Let it be my slight gray hairs on the left side of my chin. Let it be my wise eyes that have seen much. Let it be my old face.


About the Creator

Stephen Kramer Avitabile

I'm a creative writer in the way that I write. I hold the pen in this unique and creative way you've never seen. The content which I write... well, it's still to be determined if that's any good.

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Comments (23)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran11 months ago

    Lol, I laughed at your almost joke! I can't believe some people can be so dumb! Congratulations on your Top Story!

  • Tiffany Gordon 11 months ago

    Congrats on your TOP STORY! I felt your pain in this one! great job!

  • JBaz11 months ago

    Cleverly written about an average event, you made it special. Almost like a mystery ….will he get the damn wine or it, will he grab it and run madly down the street. Lol Congratulations

  • Grz Colm11 months ago

    …“feel free to laugh at the almost joke!” 😆 Also I don’t really like being called Sir! I was wondering why I found all this so funny 🧐 & then realised it was the humour section! Love it! Felt like I was in unaired episode of Seinfeld at times! ☺️ I’m in Australia so I I don’t get all this…maybe in my 20s I looked like I was about 12 and got carded but certainly not in my 30s. Strange policy, but at least you got the goods! The real question is how did you drive home?

  • Congratulations on your interesting Top Story❤️❤️🎉🌟👍❗❗

  • Lamar Wiggins11 months ago

    Back to say congrats, Stephen!🥇💯

  • Naomi Gold11 months ago

    First of all, congrats on Top Story! 🥂 Second, YES, bourbon! I see you have good taste in booze. 🙌🏼 Third, I need to know what kinda wine you got that was worth getting a second bottle. I recently found a wine I’m crazy about. Tamburini ‘The Boss’ Chianti. It’s got this earthy, spicy flavor. I totally feel your pain on this one. I’m older than you but look very young. People tend to think I’m in my late 20’s. I had so much trouble renewing my ID in Oregon during the pandemic, and the dispensaries can’t even let you inside if your ID is expired. Sometimes liquor stores carded me, other times not. I had so much anxiety around it, like I was doing something wrong! I felt like a teen with a fake ID. I wasn’t even able to get an updated ID til I moved to Minnesota, and now I can breathe easy. It truly is ridiculous.

  • Alexandria Stanwyck11 months ago

    This was so funny! I didn't realize it could be so complicated to get some alcohol, probably because I don't buy alcohol. I also wish that I looked more my age. Most of the time, people think I am between 18-20 years old (which I'm not. Haven't been for a few years.)

  • Catherine Dorian11 months ago

    Your wit, sarcasm, and fixation on the preposterousness of having to prove that you can legally drive in order to legally drink reminds me of Larry David or even David Sedaris. Very well done and congratulations on Top Story! You've earned yourself a subscriber.

  • Heather Lunsford11 months ago

    Funny and so very true. They do have crazy rules.

  • Jazzy 11 months ago

    First of all, what bottle of wine did you get in curious!? And you having an expired license is almost better bc it’s means (probably) you won’t be drinking and driving 😂

  • Dana Crandell11 months ago

    Well, you caved and let Jesus out of the bag, anyway. lol I haven't been carded more than twice since I was 18. These days, I complain when they don't, just for fun. Speaking of fun, this story definitely is. Congratulations on Top Story!

  • This is a great read, the almost joke (implied) was great, and they should have sold you more, since you were obviously NOT driving. Thank you for sharing, it delivered a great supply of smiles

  • Cathy holmes11 months ago

    Thought I'd see this here. Congrats on the TS

  • Real Poetic11 months ago

    Back to scream congratulations on top story!!! I saw this one coming. 💗❤️🎉

  • Assuming that you're simply going to break a twenty for your purchase, you will return with change, water & wine. See now, if that was funny it would classify as a joke. But it's not, so it's also "almost a joke" (or maybe not even that). My claim to fame is that when I was in seminary I got carded for the Safeway Bingo game.

  • Cathy holmes11 months ago

    Omg. This is hilarious, and oh so stupid. And I feel your pain, sort. I had to renew my expired health card and get a government ID so I booked the appt for both. They wouldn't give me an ID card because my health card was expired, but they did give me a new health card. No amount of logic or reasoning worked. I had to wait to get the new here card in the mail and make a separate appt for the ID.

  • Lamar Wiggins11 months ago

    I totally agree with the logic you pointed out when you said "But this isn’t a drinking license! If it expires it doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to drink! It means I’m not allowed to drive! It says born in 1987. It was true before my license expired and it’s still true now." How can you argue with that logic. My guess is that they are trained to scan it and put the date in as a backup in case scanner isn't working. Putting the date in seems easier anyway, so yeah, I don't get their policy. I worked in a casino once as a F&B manager. We had a minor get out onto the floor and gamble for 3+ hours before he was caught. The casino's surveillance team went through all the camera footage and fired everyone who had the opportunity to card him. I totally disagreed with their decision. The only person that should have been let go was the security guy that checked his fake ID. Thanks for sharing, man. Still waiting on that Jesus joke though, lol.

  • Mother Combs11 months ago

    Thank you for sharing a part of your life

  • Babs Iverson11 months ago

    Oh the horrors with out an unrenewed license!!! Fantastically written humor story!!!❤️❤️💕

  • Isaac Ong11 months ago

    I get what you mean, senior staff should teach their juniors about the punching in the date method. I worked as a cashier at 16 and wasn't allowed to scan and put alcohol in the plastic bag for customers - i had to get another staff to do it 😂

  • Real Poetic11 months ago

    😂😂 Stephen this is so funny. I laughed out loud when you said the kids in your neighborhood call you sir. This is an awesome read. Thanks for sharing.

Stephen Kramer AvitabileWritten by Stephen Kramer Avitabile

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