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Masterful Self-Diagnosis

The Chronicles of Hypochondria

By MidasPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Masterful Self-Diagnosis
Photo by Martha Dominguez de Gouveia on Unsplash

Dr. Smith, renowned for his razor-sharp wit and ability to see through hypochondriacs like glass, prepared himself for another entertaining encounter with a patient. Little did he know that Mr. Johnson, a self-proclaimed master of self-diagnosis, was about to grace his presence with a laundry list of imaginary ailments.

Mr. Johnson marched into the room, adorned in an outfit that screamed, "I've scoured every corner of the internet for medical advice." He settled onto the examination table, a look of intense concern mixed with unwarranted optimism on his face. Dr. Smith, unable to resist the temptation, decided to indulge him in a sarcastic dance.

"Well, well, well, Mr. Johnson, what fascinating health conundrum have you concocted for us today? Please, enlighten me with your vast medical expertise," Dr. Smith quipped, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

Mr. Johnson, ready to impress, straightened his imaginary lab coat and launched into his pre-rehearsed monologue. "Ah, Doctor, I've been experiencing a peculiar sensation in my left pinky toe. It tingles with the intensity of a thousand static shocks every time I encounter a cat donning sunglasses. I suspect it's a rare case of feline-induced nerve disorder."

Dr. Smith, struggling to maintain a straight face, raised an eyebrow in mock interest. "Ah, the ever-elusive feline-induced toe tingle syndrome. A true medical marvel, I must say. And pray tell, what esteemed sources of knowledge have you consulted to uncover this groundbreaking condition?"

Mr. Johnson, puffing up with self-importance, replied, "Doctor, I've scoured the darkest corners of the internet. From dubious health forums to YouTube videos uploaded by self-proclaimed experts, I've absorbed every drop of wisdom available."

Dr. Smith, barely containing his sarcasm, nodded in feigned awe. "Ah, the boundless wonders of the internet. Where would we be without armchair doctors and their infinite wisdom? Tell me, have you also diagnosed yourself with rare tropical diseases, mysterious fungi infestations, or perhaps, an allergy to mythical creatures?"

Mr. Johnson beamed, his chest swelling with pride. "Indeed, Doctor! I've explored the depths of medical mysteries. Tropical diseases, exotic fungi, and let's not forget my personal favorite—spontaneous unicorn allergy. The medical world trembles at my brilliance."

Dr. Smith, unable to resist any longer, erupted into laughter. "Oh, Mr. Johnson, you're a true pioneer in the realm of self-diagnosis. With such profound expertise, have you considered opening your own clinic and charging exorbitant fees for your unparalleled insights?"

Mr. Johnson, playing along, bowed with mock humility. "Oh, Doctor, you flatter me. It's a calling, really. Perhaps one day, the world will recognize my genius and seek my consultations for even the most trivial sniffles."

Dr. Smith regained his composure, a glint of amusement still present in his eyes. "Ah, Mr. Johnson, but I must inform you that your condition goes far beyond a mere self-proclaimed title. You, my dear patient, suffer from a chronic case of 'Googleosis.' It's an affliction marked by an insatiable thirst for medical knowledge and an uncanny ability to uncover the rarest diseases known to humanity."

Mr. Johnson's face flushed, a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "So, you're saying I should put aside my grand visions of being 'Dr. Johnson' and entrust my well-being to the genuine professionals?"

Dr. Smith nodded, a hint of genuine sincerity in his voice. "Indeed, Mr. Johnson. Leave the diagnosing to us, the humble doctors who've dedicated years of rigorous study to earn our degrees. But I must say, your talent for self-diagnosis has provided endless entertainment for us, and for that, we thank you."

As Mr. Johnson bid his sarcastic farewell and left the office, both doctor and patient shared a knowing smile, understanding that their interactions always brought a touch of amusement to the serious world of medicine. For in Dr. Smith's realm, sarcasm and banter were the antidotes to dullness, reminding everyone that a healthy dose of humor can go a long way in alleviating the stress of doctor visits.


About the Creator


Hello! I'm Midas, the storytelling enthusiast. From mythical tales to high-stakes adventures, I bring life's magic to paper. When not weaving words, I delve into books or on a global escapade. Join me, as every tale is a golden adventure!

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Comments (1)

  • D. ALEXANDRA PORTERabout a year ago

    I enjoyed Dr. Smith and Mr. Johnson. ☺️

MidasWritten by Midas

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