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Dear Mom

~ Dimples ~

By Jay KantorPublished 12 months ago Updated 11 months ago 4 min read
Top Story - July 2023
- The Folks -

Author © Jay Kantor

"Just put some Ketchup on it and Eat-It"

— Dinners Disguise —

Mom, such a character! She was a Huge-Hugger! She just wouldn’t let those she loved pass by without a little kiss or hug; so we just put-up-with-it! The spitting image of actress Betty White, always with the sparkling dimpled-smile. She served (2) terms as P.T.A. President. I don’t really know why, she never had much of a podium 'Schpiel' - So-to-Speak - But, being very pretty and sociable probably made up for that?

Or, nobody ran against her? - Nah -

As a prelude to this 'Dance' although, at times, these little memories may seem trite and inconsequential; perhaps even boring. And, you may not want to take the time to read most of it. But when the time comes that The Kids are 'Nana's or Papa's' themselves these little-ditties may be kind of fun and interesting for them to pass on to their grand-kids as well: So, for the next-gen — may they have long and happy lives!

Mom~Nana~Alice would always be dancing around 'she was a child-tap-dancer' those were Pre-Bop (or is it called 'Be-Bop' of late?). She'd stand there and grab your hands and start singing jolly tunes, always, even into her 90's she'd Tap away with big-toothy-smiles—think you get the picture? Every Thursday we'd go to a café of her choice. As soon as we were seated she'd ask for a 'Cocktail/with olive' - as was her generations pre-luncheon habit - even into her 90's. Invariably the Server would immediately glance at me for approval. My 'immediate' answer: "Either 'Card Her' or please give the lady what she wants."

Wherever we went, even when I'd take her to the Doctor (again at 90+) she would dance around to the piped-in medical-office music - I mean WHO does that? She would constantly announce, while pointing at me, boasting to everyone within ear-shot, "and he has a twin-brother, too!" ~ It never got embarrassing - We were used to it ~

Mom: "When you have a twin you never feel alone."

We would go to the weekly community sing-a-longs, at the Sunland Elementary School. Mom~Bet's~Vic~Lar~Jay would sing along to old tunes such as: "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" or "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" and other whimsical favorites. Jay was often asked to just "Lip-Sing-It"—Don't really know why?

Mom and Dad (Nana & Papa) loved to dance together. They would go dancing, especially on New Year's Eve. I couldn't figure that out, it was always so crowded everywhere that 1st night of the year. But it was a major event that was special to them and they savored every bit of it; down to the costumes.

They would get all dressed up: Mom in her best 'Prom' type dress, with her full-length white gloves, to complete a woman's 'dress-up' at the time. Essential Holly Golightly (Breakfast @ Tiffany's) formally-dressed attire; a fashion-must in the Actress Audrey Hepburn era. And Dad would have his best suit and tie on, with his shoes so shiny you could see your face in them. He actually had this dress-code that we could never possibly wear white socks with a suit; anybody remember "dress-for-occasion-codes?" Ah, simpler times! As Leon Redbone once sang, "He'd go insane going anywhere without his Stylish Walking-Stick!" Step-High!

The Folks would go to the Champagne Ballroom next to the Santa Monica Pier where they would dance to the music of then very popular band leader, Laurence Welk. Or they would go to the Coconut Grove at the Wilshire Ambassador Hotel. And, in later years, their favorite was the Caesars Palace in Las Vegas for huge New Year's Eve bashes along with lots of crammed-attendees dancing together — But, they always went, and loved it!

Ooh, Big-Sister, Vicky Lynn, wasn't always the perfect child while the folks were away as well; such an instigator! She would dote on us! Often having these little projects for us to do, that always got us in trouble; fun to mention now. Such as: Sis would assist her 'Little Brothers' to stay up until the stroke of midnight then eagerly equip us with pots/pans to bang together on the sidewalk to welcome in the New Year - never knew how that ear-smashing tradition got started?

One year, on Hanukah, Vicky had us go over to the empty lot next door and collect wood-branches; we were quite young at the time. Then we put them on the kitchen table and painted them, along with a bunch of Domino's and old poker chips, in lots of bright colors and glued-on-glitter: We made a 'Hanukah Bush' because little Jewish kids like us never had an x-mas tree. Well, when Dad walked in and saw it he just lost it! I still remember how loud he screeched when he saw that 'tree' on display! No-Mo 'Holiday' trees ever for us after that - Thanks A lot, Vicky Lynn!

— Mom: "Do you want me to tell Dad?"

— Dad: "Don't ever pass-up an opportunity to shut-up!"

Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, California

'Senior' Vocal Author - Vocal Author Community -

'For Our Kids Someday'


About the Creator

Jay Kantor

Retired: Write for "The Kids Someday"

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Comments (41)

  • Heather Zieffle 2 months ago

    Oh my gosh what wonderful memories! I felt every moment of them as if I was there. Thank you for sharing them. As much as we miss them, these memories are too great not to revisit often.♥♥

  • Lacy Loar-Gruenler3 months ago

    Ah, Jay, I am working through your memoir pieces, and they always bring me joy. What a grand mom who dispensed hugs with abandon and made a great man and writer of you!

  • Kristen Balyeat6 months ago

    What an amazing tribute to your precious mama! She and I would have gotten along really well—although we may have spent the whole time hugging! 😂 Fantastic and fun piece, Jamigo!!!! ✨💞💫

  • Wonderful to write these memories down… made me think of having a go sometime.

  • John Cox8 months ago

    Jay. Back at you. I like your writing style, the images you shared in this story are a real blast from the past. Looks like you do pretty damn well for a "goof' writer.

  • Rachel Deeming8 months ago

    The warmth emanates with every word and the evocation of a bygone era takes me back to time spent with my great aunts and uncles. Loved this, Jay. Really lovely sentiment. I want to be the mum who is eccentric and makes her kids laugh. I also never resist a hugging opportunity.

  • Shirley Belk9 months ago

    I'm smiling because I miss those greats from that generation!

  • krisaleen10 months ago

    I miss may mama

  • wow I'm always impressed with your writing Jay. You have a unique voice. Like everyone else this piece made me think of my own mom

  • Kenny Penn11 months ago

    Wonderful story and made me think of my own mom, some great memories never fade

  • Denise E Lindquist11 months ago

    Great story. My mom was always singing and whistling around the house. Brings back good old memories! Thank you!! 💕😊 Congratulations on the Top Story🎉🎉🎉

  • Tina D'Angelo11 months ago

    This made me cry. Such wonderful memories. You make me proud to be the family sillitator. I will never stop being goofy and crazy with my family, no matter how often they say, "Mooom!" Thank you for permission granted.

  • Misty Rae12 months ago

    Congratulations on the top story! I loved this, your family sounds like so much fun. On another note, I'd seen earlier that you commented on one of my stories (only now am I getting around to reading and responding, it's been quite a day), but it's disappeared. This of course piques my curiosity and drives me a little insane. LOL

  • Margaret Brennan12 months ago

    such GREAT memories

  • Yanger Mollier12 months ago


  • Gina C.12 months ago

    Congrats on Top Story! 🤗❤️❤️

  • Lol, this was so hilarious! I especially loved the Hanukkah Bush! I always enjoy reading these stories of yours!

  • Missclicked12 months ago

    what a great piece of work!

  • Dana Stewart12 months ago

    I sure enjoyed your walk down memory lane, Jay. Sounds like you had a fun family. Congratulations on your Top Story and I hope you let the shut up boat sail on by.

  • Jay Kantor (Author)12 months ago

    Jay, we've spoken of our parents' mutual idiosyncrasies many times over the years. Yours created a symbiotic relationship as an incredible love story throughout their marriage. Cynicism-sarcasm-wisdom on your Dad's side - Warmth and playfulness from your Mom - I would say that you've gleaned the best from both Terrilynn

  • Catherine Dorian12 months ago

    " ~ It never got embarrassing - We were used to it ~" I love that, in the right place and time, a family members eccentricities become so commonplace that they're not embarrassing. In time, especially in adulthood they become endearing. Love this one, Jay!

  • Dana Crandell12 months ago

    Keep 'em coming, Big J! These little snapshots are always entertaining and a very thoughtful gift for the upcoming generations. Thanks for sharing this and congratulations, bud!

  • Naveedkk 12 months ago

    Congratulations on achieving top story status!

  • Donna Renee12 months ago

    So sweet!! I love these memory snapshot stories 🥰. I remember watching the Laurence Welk show reruns with my Papap as a kid!

  • Babs Iverson12 months ago

    Fantastic memories!!! Congratulations on Top Story!!!❤️❤️💕

Jay KantorWritten by Jay Kantor

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