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An Officer's Hilarious Encounter

Jail Breaks, Art Heists, and Mom's Killer Lasagna

By MidasPublished about a year ago 4 min read
An Officer's Hilarious Encounter
Photo by Jacky Lam on Unsplash

Officer Mike was sipping his lukewarm coffee while filling out yet another tedious report when the radio in his patrol car crackled to life.

"Possible break-in reported at 23 Park Avenue. Please investigate."

Sighing, he put down his half-eaten donut and maneuvered his car toward the address. As he arrived, he noticed a man suspiciously trying to climb down the drainpipe of the house.

"Hey, what're you doing?" Mike yelled, stepping out of his car.

The man on the pipe jumped, looked down, and saw Mike. He gulped audibly and tried to smile casually. "Oh, hey Officer! You know, the gym is so last year."

Mike raised an eyebrow, his arms crossed over his chest. "Is that so? Interesting choice of exercise gear you got there."

The man was clad head to toe in black, a stark contrast to the brightly painted house he was trying to descend from.

"Ah, well, you see, it's, uh, very slimming. Got a date later," the man chuckled nervously.

"Sure, buddy," Mike said, clearly not buying it. "And I suppose those lock picks and crowbar are for...?"

"Modern art sculpture! My date's an artist, you know, she's into...umm...urban grunge art."

Mike choked back a laugh. "Is that right? I'd love to see her work."

"She's...uh...very avant-garde. Her work is not for everyone," the man replied, sweat dripping down his forehead.

The officer leaned against his patrol car, clearly amused. "Alright, Picasso. How about the stolen goods in that bag?"

The man looked genuinely surprised, glancing at the black bag hanging off his shoulder. "Oh, these? No, you've got it all wrong. These are...uh...props. For the art show."

Mike, unable to contain his laughter, finally erupted. The man on the pipe looked confused but also a little relieved. It wasn't every day you got caught in the act and the cop laughs instead of handcuffing you.

"Alright, alright," Mike wheezed, wiping a tear from his eye. "I've had my fun. Down you come, Van Gogh."

The man grimaced, looking down at the considerable distance between himself and the ground. "You wouldn't happen to have a ladder, would you?"

"Why don't you use your 'art supplies' to get down?" Mike suggested, laughing even harder.

"Ha-ha, very funny," the man said, rolling his eyes. After a bit of struggle, he finally managed to climb down. The moment his feet touched the ground, Mike cuffed him.

"Alright, Casanova, you're under arrest for attempted burglary."

"But what about my date?" the thief whined.

"I'll send her a note, how about that?" Mike replied, leading the man to his patrol car. "Maybe she can make an art piece about it. 'My Date, The Art Thief' has a nice ring to it."

The thief huffed, "You're enjoying this way too much, aren't you?"

Mike just grinned, "Oh, immensely! This is the most fun I've had in weeks."

Just as Officer Mike was about to radio in his 'catch of the day', the thief piped up from the backseat, "Hey, could you do me a favor, officer?"

"What, you need me to call your mom?" Mike chuckled, shaking his head.

"Nah, just, if you could let me off here? My mom's house is just around the corner."

Mike burst out laughing again. "Nice try, pal. I haven't heard that one before."

The thief pouted in the rearview mirror. "Seriously, Officer, my mom makes a killer lasagna. You won't regret it."

"Killer lasagna, huh? Does it come with a side of 'get out of jail free' cards?" Mike quipped, his hands tightening on the steering wheel as laughter shook his entire body.

"Nah, but it comes with garlic bread. Can't resist that, can you?" The thief shot back, a mischievous grin on his face.

Mike guffawed, shaking his head. "I've met some smooth-talkers in my time, buddy, but you, you're something else."

"Is that a yes to the lasagna, then?" the thief asked hopefully, his eyes sparkling with humor in the rearview mirror.

"Nope," Mike responded, still chuckling. "The only place you're going is the station. But I'll tell you what, if they serve lasagna in jail, I'll bring the garlic bread."

The thief let out a hearty laugh, his prior tension melting away in the ridiculousness of the conversation. "Deal, Officer Mike. But I gotta warn you, jail lasagna doesn't hold a candle to my mom's."

Mike laughed as he drove off, the thief's words echoing in his head. This was a day for the books. It wasn't often you arrested a thief who tried to bribe you with lasagna.

Back at the station, his colleagues doubled over in laughter as he narrated his bizarre encounter. And though it was a story they'd tell for years, Mike couldn't help but wonder about that lasagna.

Every now and then, when he passed by 23 Park Avenue, he'd chuckle and shake his head, the memory of the art-obsessed, lasagna-promising thief never failing to bring a smile to his face.


About the Creator


Hello! I'm Midas, the storytelling enthusiast. From mythical tales to high-stakes adventures, I bring life's magic to paper. When not weaving words, I delve into books or on a global escapade. Join me, as every tale is a golden adventure!

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