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The Meme-ing of Life is to Find Your Gift; The Purpose of Memes are to Give Them Away

The Eleventh Installment of my messed-up series: "Meme-ing Madness", with the obligatory Superheroine Appearance! ⚡

By Lightning BoltPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 10 min read
I'm a good witch, not a bad witch.

Hey there! 👋😁⚡

Phone a friend! Tell your neighbors! Harass your in-laws!

I'm back with the 11th incredible edition of Meme-ing Madness!!!

I'm _Lightning Bolt⚡. Some of my fans know my 'real' name, but they are sworn to keep my secret identity a secret... upon penalty of seeing me cry. That's all you need to know right now. Oh, except for the T on this silliness...

Once again, I've been harvesting memes off social media so I can compile them for your entertainment! It's thankless work but someone has gotta do it.

The Standard WARNING applies: this shit is wimpy, worthless, and weak. It will probably become salaciousness at times and could possibly include double entendres, although that's doubtful because I don't speak French. Bad puns are assured! If you're turned on by someone with a fantastic sense of humor, you're probably going to fall hopelessly in love with me. 💕🤷‍♂️💕 I can't be held financially responsible for people who respond to my phenomenal jokes by feeling smitten, cootie-ridden, enamored, high, horny, discombobulated, confounded, fearful, furious, or jealous. I'm a lame comedian— not your ex or future lover so— you know— jealousy is expected. Just don't make the mistake of thinking I'll to do anything to placate your feelings.

Are we good?

Okay then! ⚡😁👍 Let's get this rodeo started! Hold onto your hats, kids, because this one is about as predictable as a bucking bronco!

Be safe out there!


#1- — feeling punny

(I warned you this would happen, right at the outset ☝️)

-- for the travelers

Sluggish luggage makes me cry.


Why is it you can never find a good therapist for your duffle bag?

Hm ... 🤔🤔


#2- — feeling sociable

Inspiration, Thy Name is Florida

"And the Best Cthulhu Impressionist Award goes to .... NANCY!!!"



#3- — feeling a need to brag

Me 👇 responding to this Freada chick ....

"You should!!! Some of us have to coil it all the way down our leg!"



#4- — for the older folk

Can someone please leave some Bengay in the comments?

We call ourselves the Illuminaknee!


I'm such a comfort, don't you think?

Hm... 🤔🤔🤔🤔


#5- — and then came that pivotal moment on Facebook (we've all had them 🤷‍♂️) when this electrifying 👇 meme crossed my radar & Changed My Life Forever⚡⚡⚡!

Steal this & post it to witness unspeakable RAGE.

One of my friends said their 'pettiest reason not to date somebody' was because...

"They are imaginary."

I responded...

That never stopped me, man. What's that old saying? "Imaginary is in the eye of the beholder"?

Another friend said they thought it was petty that, "The caretaker refuses to let me dig her up."

Some people were shocked by that answer ☝️.

Personally, I was sympathetic, responding...

Ironic, isn't it, that someone who supposedly cares is such a cock-blocker. Life is hard.

Another friend said his pettiest reason for not dating was that his wife was mean.

I didn't think that was petty at all. I don't have a wife, but I have seen a shit-ton of movies (including The Stepford Wives), so I was sympathetic. I told him that his reason was actually scary, not petty.

Time and again, people thought their answers were petty, but they really didn't seem all that petty to me.

Still another internet friend (I have gazillions) wrote that they wouldn't date someone because of "How they put the toilet paper on the roll…"

I counseled them...

Some things are seriously worth fighting for.

Another friend said they wouldn't date someone because, "They smoke."

I was confused and asked...

From which orifice?

But a couple answers were unmistakably petty, without a doubt. For instance, one of my friends actually had the audacity to say they wouldn't date someone because said-someone is "into astrology."

I told them that was "Harsh, dude!" and I assumed, "You're either a Leo or Libra, aren't you?"

A lady friend observed, "He sounds more like a Scorpio or Capricorn."

I testified then, telling her, "I live with a Capricorn, and I can personally attest they are entirely too focused on work to give a shit about astrology."

The original astrology-denier replied, "Grew up thinking I was a Taurus, but my family wasn't into astrology. I was actually a Gemini. But obviously that doesn't explain anything."

I immediately fired back, "I think that explains a hellava lot! You grew up thinking you're a Taurus and you're actually a Gemini?!? So, you're basically in denial that you're of TWO MINDS???" 😐

I rarely shout like that in text, but that level of obtuseness gets on my nerves.

Sympathetically, I then said...

No one likes admitting they're wrong, dude. I'll pray for you.

Honestly, I felt personally validated over here as an Aquarius rooting for the underdog ⚡😁👍


Seeing how good I am at this validation shit, do you think I might have a future as a therapist? Or some kind of half-ass astrological guru?

I think I have a knack for soothing people's doubts about themselves!

Except for that one guy in Toledo, of course.

But he's a dick.


Such a simple one-sentence meme ☝️ and yet it just might lead to a meaningful career change for me.

Right now, this 👇 is the best I can say for myself.

Or "Meme-ing Sovereign" if you prefer.

Consider yourself in the presence of make-believe Vocal royalty!



You're welcome!


#6- — for my beloved (and endowed) fellow writers

Poets count too, obviously.

Especially authors of Happy Endings!!!

Am I right?


— feeling accomplished.


We Pause Your Regularly Scheduled Memes for This Public Service Affirmation...

Believe in Your Own Unique Superpower

You are POWERFUL (whatever your circumstances may be)!!!

You Got This!

That meme ☝️ does not refer to electrical outlets or actual _lightning strikes⚡🌩️ !—


#7- — feeling foul

the Colonel-Sanders-Killer suspect

"And why the Hell are you wearing Groucho Marx glasses?!? You think you're a duck? You're in hot soup, clucker!"


#8- — for my fans planning their weddings (Congratulations!)

Some people are so picky. Birds are birds, right?

I mean, sure, penguins 🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧 would be more appropriately 'dressed' for a wedding, but they're also more likely to hump the ice sculpture.

And nobody wants that.

Ostriches seem like a perfectly acceptable choice to me.


*🤔💭 Yep! I can definitely be a therapist, for real! 💭


#9- — feeling like Lynn Wimmer needs an editor

Carroll County prohibit punctuation?

"We're sorry," would mean you're talking about "catS" not a single cat. That's bad grammar right there 🙄☝️.

And cats can't talk.


Obviously, these so-called 'veterinarians' have never spent any time with any actual catS.

Stupid shit irritates me. Now that I stop to think about it... 🤔 ...that might be the source of my own self-loathing! 🤔


🤯 🤯🤯🤯

I'm even a therapist to myself!

Am I good or what?!?!


#10- — for art lovers

--feeling sophisticated

One of my gazillion internet friends insists this 🙄☝️ is a Monet, but I'm convinced it's a Pablo Peecasso.


(I told you there would be piss poor puns in the WARNING at the top of the program. 🤷‍♂️)


#11- — for the hard-working first-shift-workers who fuck up people's breakfast

Void on planets without a star

Try this excuse. ☝️🙄 It could work. 🤷‍♂️ Maybe.

The boss depicted in that meme 🙄☝️ probably has some kind of ESP, which isn't very realistic.


And finally...!!!

(I always do twelve of these things. It's exhausting.)

#12- — for In-The-Know Film Buffs

Steal this 🙄☝️ meme, post it on Facebook, and watch everybody and their cousin say, "Star War".

Like... Duh!


My list is long and auspicious!

👇 Check this shit out!


A Steppingstone on the River Kwai

A Quiet Instant on the Western Spot

Cool Tongue Luke (everyone has two hands but only one tongue, unless they're some kind of lucky mutant freak)

The Unicycle Thief

Singin' Under A Droplet

S*S*S*S* (Stationary Soldier Surgical Scalpel*)

( * It's a M*A*S*H joke. No one gets it.)

One Likes It Hot

National Lampoon's Animal Room

Singlesite (A pair'a them is one too many)

Pulp Sentence

Gone With A Puff

North By Nothing Else

The Single Samurai

T- The Terrestrial

The Breakfast Cub

The Sixth (Minus Five) Sense

That One Incantation of Oz

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Nothing

It Didn't Happen One Night (Does that make sense? It's late and I'm tired.)

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Garage

Planes Without Trains or Automobiles

(...or maybe that should be just be 'Plane.' Period. But then it gets all confusing because readers might mistake it for 'Plane of the Ape', instead of Planet of the Apes. And wouldn't 'Plane of the Ape' make people think I am dyslexic (I am) and trying to spoof Snake on a Plane? 😥 Comedy is complicated. And no, I do not overthink things, thank you very much! You're not the therapist here. I am!)


I know what you're thinking. You're thinking...

This dude can't do genre flicks!

Well, you're wrong!


De-Pluralized Westerns 👇 ...

The Gun of Navalone

A Fistful of One Penny

The Good is Bad Ugly

Dancing Alone on the Corpse of a Wolf

True Granule

Kidless Butch Cassidy

A Zolitary Mule for Zizter Zarah (it's all about eliminating the s's)

Once Upon a Time in the Wet



De-Pluralized Stephen King 👇 ...

Salem's Not So Much

Pet Grave

Minimum Overdrive

Doctor Nap

Child of the Cornstalk


The Dark Whole

The Green Inch

The Stationary Man (Running requires multiple legs)

Delore Claiborne (it's all about eliminating the s's)


De-Pluralized Disney 👇 ...

Swiss Bachelor Robinson

The Jungle Sentence

Bamhetero (it's so sad when her mama is killed with a single shot! 😭😭)

Peter Jack-off ( If he were Pan *sexual*, he'd be hooking up with everybody.)

1 Dalmatian (too obvious? I'm tired!)

Flake White and No Dwarves

The Beauty with no Breasts

Mary Pop

The Sword Without a Stone

The Lady Who Was a Tramp


Okay, so I'm out of obscure inside-joke genre-movie lists but... 🤔 here's a few final de-pluralized film titles to beat this dead horse even deader.


The 300 Minuz 299

When Zally Was Ztood Up

When Harry Died

The Penny of the Zierra Madre

Fahrenheit 1

The Godfather: Part Only


One Thought for Only an Inztant about Flying Over the Cuckoo'z Nezt

... and, of course....

The One Commandment!!!


That last one of mine ☝️ is no better than Star War, no, you got that right. I'm exhauzted, okay? Let's see what YOU got! Respond in the Comments with your own de-pluralized moviez. And no 'Close Encounter of the Third Kind'! It would be 'Close Encounter of the First Kind'!



Okay. So... 🤔...

I usually do a dozen of these per collection and that's twelve. I should be done here. But I know how some of you people are. You'll be like....😐👇...

"Two of those memes are from the same Carroll Veterinary Clinic! And neither one of them actually qualifies as a true meme!"

Well, you're just wrong about them not being memes! That's pure social media gold right up there, baby! ☝️ But you are right that two come from the same place. So. Here's one more 👇... just to keep things civil between us.


Alternate#12 (or #13, depending on how you look at it)


That sign does make sense if you think about it. 🤔 Before the DM can even say "roll for initiative"... squirrels will bite you. 🐿️

feeling rabid and craving nuts


Now we're done for real!

More Meme-ing Madness will be forthcoming soon! Subscribe! There are 10 other installments every bit as dicey as this☝. Read them all or you could catch Covid. Maybe. A doctor told me that. Don't shoot the messenger.

Have you read them all?

#1- Meme-ing For Laughs

#2- To Meme or Not to Meme? That is the Question!

#3- When the Meme-ing Gets Tough, the Tough Get Meme-ing!

#4- They Were the Best of Memes, They Were the Worst of Memes

#5- The End Doesn't Justify the Memes

#6- We Don't Stop Meme-ing Because It Grows Old; We Grow Old Because We Stop Meme-ing (👈awarded a Top Story honor for some bizarre reason 🤷‍♂️)

#7- Bad Memes Rising (extra filthy!!!)

#8- Quote the Raven: "Memeingmore!"

#9- That which does not Kill Us makes us Memer

# 10- I Think, Therefore I Meme

Please hit that ❤️ button if you didn't hate this happy horseshit. Copy the link to Facebook at risk of going to jail. 🤷‍♂️ Spread me on Twitter and all over the known cyberverse. I'd appreciate it.

I'm trying to Manifest $127 for something I dearly want.

Want to help me out? I'd be very grateful for even a single buck that gets me closer to that goal. If you are independently wealthy, maybe give me a dollar for every time I made ya snicker? If you do decide to go that route, you're on the honor system. But I feel compelled to remind you there are a lot of movie titles above that are freaking hilarious. So, you know... be honest with yourself when donating and you'll sleep so much better tonight.

And again: I apologize if you fell passionately in love with me. You're definitely not the first reader to find me irresistible— not by a longshot. My sense of humor is truly adorable. 🤷‍♂️ What can I do? If you got it, you got it.

As always, I thank you for...


Oh SHIT!!!

I totally forgot the obligatory superheroine appearance!!!

I make compiling these crappy collections look easy but it's not. 😥 There's so much to coordinate and remember! Not to mention all the cutting & pasting! It's exhausting! And now that I'm branching out as a therapist, it's even harder to pull this off. One might even call it harrowing. There's a lot of pressure to perform at this extraordinary level!

That's 🙄☝️ 'Writer's Speak' for...

Dammit! I fucked up again!


Save me, Wonder Woman!!!

Princess Diana to the rescue!

Eye Candy Insertion Complete!


... thank you for your support!


l[email protected]

HumorSatireFan Fiction

About the Creator

Lightning Bolt

From out of the blue, _Bolt writes horror galore, Sci-Fi, Superheroes & strange Poetry + MEME-ing MADNESS X12.

Vocal needs a Comedy Community!

Proud member of the Vocal Social Society on Facebook.

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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (8)

  • D-Donohoe2 years ago

    Quality funny shit as usual!!!

  • Linda Rivenbark2 years ago

    I had just read a Medium essay that was downright depressing and was feeling like crawling in the closet and hiding for about 10 years. I switched to Vocal and found this masterpiece and now I can't stop grinning, or laughing. I would send you a tip, but I am broke right now. Hopefully, before I get through all these pieces, I will be able to help out a bit. Looking forward to the next comic relief!

  • A couple of these, like the miss Florida one, qualify for a wow!

  • I Lol-ed for 3, 7, 8 and 11!!! These were all hilarious! Thank you for us up with these memes! 🤣

  • Heather Hubler2 years ago

    My favorite was the work excuse!! Hilarious article :)

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Laughter is the best medicine!!! I've had my dose!!!

  • Mariann Carroll2 years ago


Lightning BoltWritten by Lightning Bolt

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