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They were the Best of Memes, They were the Worst of Memes

A Fourth Collection of Crap Compiled from Unsocial Media, With My Addled Comedy Added Again!!!

By Lightning BoltPublished 2 years ago β€’ Updated 2 years ago β€’ 5 min read

I'm seriously out of control!

Someone should seriously stop me!

I'm having too much fun!

I posted this shit called: Meme-ing For Laughs. It was total bullshit. Absolute horse hockey. Don't believe me? Click on this link and judge for yourself. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

But some poor people actually seemed to like that junk! It blew my mind and caused my Ego to rear up like an arrogant Greek Titan! Drunk with power, I wrote a second one and called it: To Meme Or Not to Meme?

People seemed to like that too!!!

What is wrong with my readers?!? πŸ˜₯ I feel bad for them. Clearly they (you) have questionable taste (...but I certainly appreciate it)!

So... even more drunk with the power of people's laughter, I went and did it a third time! I grouped stupid jokes of mine with a bunch of memes yanked from the Internet to create this=> When the Meme-ing Gets Tough, the Tough Get Meme-ing!

And, once again, crazy... er... zany people applauded!

<taking a bow>

crackling ⚑

So here I go again!

The Standard WARNING applies: My sense of humor is wack!!! Don't read any further if you are offended by stupidity, immaturity, crudity, or inane attempts at parody. Some of these jokes are obscene.

You've Been Warned!

Like I did in the third installment of this buffoonery, I'm going to assume you're a writer. If you aren't an author, forgive me for assuming you are. There will still be jokes for you.

If you are an author? I'm throwing in some added inspirational messages for our ilk, in my modest attempt to tailor my writing to my audience!


Here's an example...

This is Writer's Affirmation #1-

If that ☝️ reminds you of you, you might be a writer! πŸ˜‰


So now, without further ado, here is the Fourth Idiotic Edition of...

Meme-ing for Laughs!!!!

There are, like, a dozen different captioned images here, all with extra added silliness!



That is ☝️ the kind of humor you can expect from me. I like to establish the tone right off the bat.

I'm thinking about calling random people 'pigeon-fuckers' when I'm at Walmart. Is that wrong of me? I just want to see how they react! Guilt? Surprise? Shame? Nostalgia?

Maybe some will strut around with pride? πŸ˜‚

I think the results would be fascinating!


#2- Movie Review!

Disney villains are chilling!!

That whole meme ☝️ leaves everything it touches feeling icky and unholy!

This post needs purified!

Let me call in a quick movie solution to that ☝️ movie corruption!

Say Hello to 'Captain Howdy!'!!!

Whoops! Wrong meme.


It's this solution πŸ‘‡ that I need...

Oh HELL no!

That's not what anyone needs!



What was I talking about before?

Did I already post this meme?


Moving On...


πŸ”ŠπŸŽΌπŸŽΆπŸŽ΅ "And that's the night that the lights went out in Georgia,

"That's the night they dropped some innocent men...!"


No. Wait. That's not right.


πŸ”ŠπŸŽΌπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆ "They fell down like some Wrecking Balls!

"Every one of them hit the ground so hard...!"


Wait. That's not it either!

I got it! It's...

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΌπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆ Oops!...I did it again

I pushed all them out, straight out of the plane

Oh baby, baby

πŸ”ŠπŸŽΌπŸŽ΅πŸŽΆ Oops!...You thought I can't shove?

Now you fall from above!



Nope! That's not the right tune either!


I know I remember the song that goes with that meme! ☝️




Strange Fact: Cheat-sex burns twice as many calories

Personally, I'm happily engaged to the most wonderful and beautiful man on the planet, so I have no desire to be unfaithful... but if I did, this solution ☝️ would probably be cheaper in the long-run for me. I know every time I plan to feed a simple foursome, my eyes are bigger than my belly, and I end up with enough food for a full-fledged bacchanal! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I get both hungry & horny just thinking about it.


Here's your 2nd Writer's Affirmation...

an Introvert by any other name would still write as sweet


That meme is as old as dirt. ☝️


Fascists! ☝️😑

(And since when do buttons have genitalia? Is that an Alabama thing???)


Is it just me or has all this time off because of Covid made it difficult to go back to dealing with other people's current expectations?



Aren't you a writer? <pointing at you>

Couldn't you write your own caption for that meme☝️ and give me a breather?

I make this comedy shit look easy, but, in actuality, maintaining this level of gold-star jocularity is difficult as fuck!


This is Squirrel Girl. πŸ’˜

She doesn't have a meme. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ She's just here because I love Squirrel Girl.

{Did I already mention that?}

🐿️🐿️🐿️ πŸ‘€πŸ’“β€οΈπŸ’“β€οΈπŸ’“


And here's your third Writer's Affirmation...

You die early because I like you!



The end came then, and it was like it was over.

I'm sorry. That "meme" ☝️ was about as funny as a meme-about-bad-analogies.

I'm as embarrassed right now as you would be if you were me.

This whole so-called 'comedy concept' of just posting captioned pictures? It's as lame as some lazy old white dude posting a bunch of memes filched from Facebook.

I hang my head in shame, as if I'm a humiliated high school student who just got an F on an English essay for making bad analogies.

I sigh now, like someone on the other side of cyberspace who you can't actually hear sighing.

And I belabor this bad analogy premise, like someone who doesn't realize he's lingered here entirely too long...... and now this shit just stinks like feces instead of being funny!



<Note to Self: Insert that hilarious meme you forgot here>


Did someone call for an Exorcist???

#11- Reality is so rude...

"Apple pie again, George? Really!?!"

It's funny because it's true. ☝️


#12- Still more reality intrudes...

<sigh> ☹️

Yeah. It did.

Okay, so I think it's time to use my hands for something other than a keyboard!



There's always this... πŸ‘‡

Clearly, we define "relief" differently!

Damn! Memes can be such buzz-kills sometimes.





You're looking at me like this 4th episode of Meme-ing For Laughs was disappointing compared to past batches.


I'm disappointed too. That gum πŸ‘† is an Abomination Against God! 😠


Let me cough up some more writer's shit... er... affirmations and then we'll see how we feel.

You're a writer, right?

Here's great advice! πŸ‘‡

Writer's Affirmation #4-

Caption without caution

You are NOT ALONE!

It happens to the best of us.

I really do need to go now. I don't think the gum is working. And I personally believe it's really, really bad luck to ignore a fortune cookie's advice!

One Last Author's Affirmation Meme...

Remember, fellow writers, when we were young? πŸ‘‡

Childhood is tough.



I'm out!

Until Next Time...

Thank you for your continued support!


Did I already post this meme?

⚑____________The END.

Do you want more?

>Meme-ing for Laughs!

>>To Meme or Not to Meme? That is the Question!

When the Meme-ing Gets Tough, the Tough Get Meme-ing!

>>The End Doesn't Justify the Memes

We Don't Stop Meme-ing Because It Grows Old; We Grow Old Because We Stop Meme-ing (awarded Top Story for some unfathomable reason πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ).

>>>>>>> Bad Memes Rising (Sex, sex, SEX!!)

>>> Quote the Raven: "Memeingmore!"

That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Memer

>>>>>>> I Think, Therefore I Meme


SUBSCRIBE! More Meme-ing Madness is Forthcoming!

lο»Ώ[email protected]


About the Creator

Lightning Bolt

From out of the blue, _Bolt ⚑writes horror galore, Sci-Fi, Superheroes & strange Poetry + MEME-ing MADNESS X12.

Vocal needs a Comedy Community!

Proud member of the Vocal Social Society on Facebook.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (1)

  • Mariann Carroll2 years ago

    How about meme on dragons , you got this β€οΈπŸ‘

Lightning BoltWritten by Lightning Bolt

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