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Graveside Games

Jack & Jill Discuss a Kill

By Lightning BoltPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read

“Truth or dare?” asks Jack.

“Truth,” says Jill.

Strolling through the remote old graveyard just after midnight, Jack pauses to read the ageless inscription on a crumbling tombstone before turning to Jill and asking, “How old were you the first time you were kissed?”

Jill understands the ethereal meaning hidden behind kiss. She tells him she was, “Twenty-seven.”

Jack hopes she will elaborate, but she doesn’t. She purrs, “Truth or Dare?”


Instead of mimicking his question and inquiring about his first kiss (as so many novices would do), she impresses him by twisting it around, asking, “How old were you the first time you penetrated someone?”

He chuckles and smiles. “You’re going to be a real challenge, aren’t you?”

Refusing to smile back, she insists he, “Answer the question.”

“I was twenty-nine.”

Jill tilts her head, giving him a dubious look.

Jack scowls, telling her, “I never lie when I play Truth or Dare.”

She accepts that with a nod, declaring, “I’ll take another Truth.”

It annoys him a little bit that she didn’t wait to be asked.

She ducks behind a marble sepulcher, dashing deeper into the cemetery, making him follow her. He quickly catches up to her, grabs her arm, and spins her around, asking, “When you were first penetrated... did you fight him?” He grins wickedly. “Or did you want it?”

“That’s two questions,” she feels obligated to point out. As she deftly shrugs off his grasp, she says, "You caught me." Her eyes sparkle with ebon irony. “I didn't fight, no. I did want it.” She darts away from him, disappearing into the shadows, teasing, “And who said the penetrator was a ‘he’?”

What?” he exclaims, genuinely surprised.

From the darkness, Jill giggles.

Moments later, Jack finds her lying on a grave, in front of a grey granite slab for some BELOVED WIFE. Her hands crossed over her heart, her long hair splayed out around her head, Jill stares up at the stars, asking him if he wants a, “Truth or Dare?”

As he lies down on the grave next to her in the BELOVED HUSBAND spot, Jack says he'll take a, “Truth.”

Solemnly, she inquires, “Have you always killed alone?”

Startled, he takes a chill, rolling onto his left side to stare at her.

She rolls onto her right side to glare back. “Answer the question.”

Unhappily, he admits, “Yes.” He’s embarrassed to realize, “I have always hunted by myself.”

“Kind of a lone wolf, huh?” she says sarcastically.

“You could say that.” He snorts. “Truth or Dare?”

She surprises him by taking a, “Dare.” This is the first time Jack has ever been disappointed when a beautiful babe didn’t pick Truth. Her bold choice isn't completely unexpected, however. Jill is extraordinary, so very different than the common wenches that he typically plays with.

After licking his lips, he exhorts, “I dare you to suck me.”

“You dare me to suck you?” she repeats. The way she says it is so much more erotic than the way he says it.

“Yes,” Jack huffs, grinning. “I dare you to suck me.”

“Okay,” Jill says, grinning back.

After a short wait, he raises his eyebrows. “Well?”

“You didn’t say when I should suck you. I’ll be getting around to that a little later.” Her grin broadens. “Truth or Dare?”

He snickers at her clever evasion, looks at her with admiration, and then openly laughs at her cageyness. “Dare,” he replies.

“I dare you to hunt and kill a man of my choosing.” Breathlessly, she admits, “I want to watch you penetrate another dude.”

Triple OG, he still possesses a largely 19th Century mindset. And so he winces, feeling an antique need to look properly disgusted.

She titters, giving him a poke in the side. “You generally only slay women, don’t you?”

“Yes,” he says, breaking eye contact.

“Hot, sexy, juicy young women, I’ll bet. Big-titty women who look like me, I’m guessing.” She pokes him again. “Am I right?”

Tired of being poked, he snares her cold grip with his. For a moment they push and pull, him fighting to hold on, her fighting to free herself, neither trying very hard. Rolling on top of her, locking her hands over her head, he tells her a free Truth...

“There is no one like you.”

She stops struggling.

Releasing her fingers, he cradles her head and kisses her passionately. She embraces him, squeezing tight, nibbling at his lips, licking his tongue. Mouth to mouth, she tempts him, “Just imagine how naughty it would be to do another man! Some huge, macho, hot-blooded hunk who thinks he's oh, so strong! I know a popping singles bar just a few miles from here. We can go find some muscle stud who's out on the prowl, looking to get laid, looking to penetrate, and we’ll turn the tables on him! You can penetrate him... while I watch.” Jill licks her ruby-red lips. “Doesn’t that sound delicious?”

Jack wonders if this is how Adam felt when dealing with Eve. He hides the fact he’s titillated by affecting a casual shrug. “Maybe.”

"What's happening to me?"

"Don't ask me, baby! I feel crazy!"

"There's no point in hoping something good will come from this... is there?"

"Absolutely not! It's a cruel existence!"

"I don't know about you, but I never asked to live forever!"

"Amen! Who needs this shit? Eternity is ruthless bitch. Am I lying?"

"We're fucked," she gasps.

"Big time," he rasps.

Lying on dead grass growing over deeply-buried skeletons, the magnificent monsters hold each other, panting like overheated hounds. Lightning slams the earth nearby, resulting in a thunderclap that rattles all the bones— the animated ones above and the still ones below. A storm is about to break. They both feel it coming.

Pressing tighter against him, her eyes dazzle with luminous misfortune as she announces, “I’m ready to suck you now.”

Jack is instantly aroused. “Smashing!” he says. “Excellent! Go for it!” Closing his eyes, he shudders from exquisite lust. His voice is gravelly as he begs her to, “Suck me, lass!”

Jill opens her mouth unnaturally wide, her jawbone cracking like a string of loud firecrackers just detonated inside her face. She extends her fangs, raises her head, and then plunges her razor-sharp barbs into Jack’s tender neck.

His preternatural black blood oozes torpidly over her tongue.

His sins issue forth with his liquids. Jill drinks in the secret knowledge of his darkest plots and deeds.

For his part, Jack’s consciousness is obliterated by pleasure. His head rolls back and, upside-down, he reads the names on another headstone, bemused to see graves belonging to another long-dead couple named Jack & Jill. Somewhere inside his heady haze, he apprehends that fate has no need for subtleties when dealing with his infernal kind.

The brassy vampire babe gleefully guzzles the blood of the cocky vampire dude, sucking up enough of his sap to weaken him, while also absorbing the details of Jack’s most vile trespasses against God and humanity. She ransacks his memories, raping his malignant soul. Then, when she has glutted herself with the feral essence of him, filling herself fully with his gross iniquities, she offers up her own jugular vein— with its flowing archive of all her worst transgressions. “Now, you suck me.”

Eagerly, reverently, fiercely he complies.

Once this most intimate of acts is consummated, they rise together, standing side-by-side for the first time as soulless mates. Each of them now knows the awesome depths of depravity within the other.

A childish game has resulted in a lasting bond.

Another sizzling _lightning bolt rips through the cold clouds. Fat raindrops fall heavy from the elemental wound.

“Come,” she tells him, taking his hand. “Let’s go hunt your first male.”

Jack is tickled that he finally has the opportunity to surprise her. Slyly, he says, “Who said it was my first?

Giggling uncontrollably, the hottie blonde does an extremely fast pirouette, spinning crazily on her left tiptoes like girlish dervish. When she lands on two feet again, facing him with a seductive smile, she wonders aloud, “Whose turn is it?”

Coyly, he shrugs.

Jill tells Jack, “We need to play some more Truth or Dare!”

🦇🦇 THE END 🦇🦇

If you enjoyed this romp through the cemetery ☝, please consider embarking on this black and blue quest... 👇 if you dare!

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About the Creator

Lightning Bolt

From out of the blue, _Bolt writes horror galore, Sci-Fi, Superheroes & strange Poetry + MEME-ing MADNESS X12.

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    Lightning BoltWritten by Lightning Bolt

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