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The Instigating Forces, The Gods, & The Creation of Flatworld.

Prologue to ‘How Dragons Ended Warfare’.

By Lightning BoltPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 12 min read

There weren't always dragons in the Valley.

Before magical monsters were spawned there, the Savage Basin was the only location on Flatworld inhabited by dinosaurs. Both the place and the creatures that dwelled in that verdant valley were irrevocably changed as a result of the First World War.

All throughout the Opening Epoch, the six sacred nations (their people and their Gods) battled for supremacy. It was because of divine diplomacy at the Elsewhere Council of Freshwater that the carnage finally ended. Thirteen of the Eighteen material Gods sided with the goddess Aqua to imprison the war god Clash atop Thunderhead mountain.

There is only one final step in the Perilous Plan before all the disparate populations of Flatworld can enjoy a lasting peace. The transformation of the last dinosaurs into the first dragons will usher in the Second Epoch, “the Age of Adventure,” which is where our saga will soon start.

But preceding History, the Precursory to Everything was…


Consciousness Has Always Been. There is no design without a designer. There is no story without an author.

Consciousness is the First Cause.

_Before the Beginning, Awareness awakened. And Its aspects were Three.

E-mahl is the Emotional Force.

Lo-cahl is the Logical Force.

And Pay-tahl is the Parental Force.

These are the Primordial Powers, the First Trinity, also called the Ancient Progenitors. They are the Original Instigators.

For untold eternities, Lo-cahl and E-mahl sought to understand each other, efforts that seemed fated to be in vain. The more they tried to come together, the further the distance between them grew. The separation between their Spirits expanded so far, it breached into the physical realm, creating infinite space there.

{In the material realm, nothingness preceded both energy and matter.}

Eventually, Lo-cahl and E-mahl agreed they couldn’t possibly ever agree on anything— and so they agreed to filter their grievances through Pay-tahl. The Parental Force dispassionately influenced the other Two, resulting in the First Act of mutual Creation. From out of the Three, Six New Distinctions were delineated: the Second Trinity (or the Twin Trinities), who are the Motivators.



While the Original Trinity had the singular facet of Awareness, the Second Trinity encompassed Two Spheres of Influence each. The establishment of this Paradoxical Six created a Threefold Dimension of Motives, establishing the delineation of Good, Neutral, and Evil. This also resulted simultaneously in the creation of Heaven, Limbo, and Hell, what would collectively be thought of as the Justice (or Judgement) Realms.

The Six Discordant Spirits weren't as pure as the Original Three. They had eternal homes that were initially incomplete! An Afterlife was conceived by Lo-cahl, sanctioned by E-mahl, and set in motion by Pay-tahl before there were mortal races in need of an Afterlife.

Everything was anticipated {except for The eventual Forthcoming of Humanity}.

The two Elder Spirits personifying Goodness are Serene, the purest source of Love and Hope; and Constance, who establishes Order and Renewal.

The dual Neutrality Spirits are Stimuli, the influences of Pleasure and Pain; and Cogno, embodying Study and Whim.

The two dark Spirits representing Evil are Septic, pure Hatred and Despair; and Chaos, exemplifying Disorder and Death.

When Death & Renewal were made manifest, their creation marked the Beginning of Time. Eternity imploded, stimulating the Ancient Ones. Jointly both Lo-cahl and E-mahl turned again to Pay-tahl for the Second Act of Creation. While the First Act happened faster than fast ever could happen again, the Second Act took six days to complete. The sacred elements of physical reality were the result. Flatworld took shape because of the emergence of matter, energy, & life.



Pay-tahl blended the Forces of the Instigating Three with Motivating Six, creating the Eighteen Dominators and their dominions of Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Plants, & Animals— the Six Essential Facets of Physicality.

The Eighteen are of the Flat, by the Flat, for the Flat.

When speaking of the Pantheon, the six governing elements are considered "the Trinity Force". The terminology is different for the Eighteen Visceral Gods, who comprise "Six Triads".

Many of these Cosmic Lords were the first to assume a distinctive "humanoid" shape, with a body, a head, two arms, and two legs. The firstborn of each Triad is generally the most powerful of the three, sometimes considered a father or mother. In other Triads, the ‘head’ of their alignment is viewed as an older sibling.


In the Beginning was the Foundation.

On the first Day of Creation, the physical earth was carved into existence from Spirit, a manifestation of the First Mother, Terra. Flatworld is a titanic rectangular cuboid, with a top surface equally divided into six identical squares.

Also on the First Day, both Manos and Luster were conceived— Manos in the afternoon, and Luster at night. The pacing of hours was set in stone on Day One, even before the sun & moon were created.

Terra is the Goddess of Stone, Security, and Lore. She is the Keeper of All Secrets.

Manos is the God of Base Metals, Soil, and Tools. He is the Divine Craftsman.

Luster is the God of Precious Metals, Gems, and Salt. {All animal life requires salt to live. Most roads were originally paths made by animals going to locations where salt could be found.} Sometimes called Bling, he is the Immaculate Jeweler. His churches are both banks and black markets.

The Earth Triad reside in the nation of Minera— a Queendom located top right on the Flat. It is mountainous country, renowned for its quarries and mines. It also holds several secret entrances into the Serpentine Caverns, the interior core of rectangular Flatworld.


Day Two of Creation brought forth the Water Trinity. A single great saltwater sea rose up out of space to surround the flat world in a giant circle. The Briny Ocean also sinks deep under the Flat. The world is essentially a colossal block sitting atop a gargantuan water-filled, curved-bottom bowl. After the Ocean arose on the second morning, freshwater lakes and rivers appeared on the surface, on the second afternoon. The Greatest River—the Sacrosanct— exploded into existence, flowing down from the northern mountains {creating gravity}, bisecting Flatworld, streaming all the way to the Verdant Valley, at the extreme southern end of the world. The Water Nation called Whet is located in the middle of the Flat, on the western side of the mighty estuary.

On the Second Day, it was Oceanna who appeared first, the Matriarch of the Water Triad. She is the Goddess of Seas, Sadness, and Solace.

Agua came second, that afternoon. She is the Goddess of Fresh Water/Refreshment, Peace, and Charity. {In the Godly realm, Peace came before War.} Also widely called Pool, her people are the Pacifists, Peacemakers, & Healers.

Humours completed the Wet Triad that evening. He is NueGod of Bodily Fluids, Laughter, and Dreams. He is renowned as the Consummate Comedian.


Day Three of Creation celebrated the birth of the atmosphere, & the Air Trinity. An expansive dome of gasses dropped down to cover Flatworld, settling like an invisible round cap atop the singular circular sea. Glacia is the Kingdom of Air (& Ice).

{In the first two days, the Goddesses are most powerful. Day Three marks the rise of male energy.}

The patriarch of the Air Triad is Clash, God of Storms, Warfare, and Slavery. Simply put by His son, the Wordsmith...

"Clash was Born Trouble!"

Frea is Goddess of Cold, Vengeance, and Female Vanity. She is the Heartless Bitch.

Respiratus is the NueGod of Aether (breath), Scent, and Language. {Before the Third Day, none of the Gods had noses or mouths.} He is the Gentle Raconteur.


Day Four of Creation gave spark to the Fire Trinity, which brought both light and warmth into the world. For the first time, the sun rose to signify morning; and by night, the moon and stars appeared. The desert kingdom of Ardent is the fiery nation in the south. {The north is the cold country; in the south are the hotlands.}

Seethe is generally considered to be the most evil of the Eighteen. He is the powerful God of World Heat (Hotness); Mind Heat (Anger); and Body Heat (Lust)

Haze is wicked too, strongly influenced by the Elder Septic Spirit (like Seethe). Haze is the God of Smoke, Deception, and Thievery.

Illuminus decided to live apart from Her brothers, leaping above the Flat to become the NueGoddess of Light, Retribution, and Truth. The sun, moon, and stars are all the Many watchful Eyes of Illuminus.


Day Five of Creation combined new light with Pay-tahl’s power and from the soil came forth the Plant Trinity. Greenery quickly spread over the Flat. From out of Botany, the Plant Nation, trees (and all varieties of vegetation) began to sprout up along the banks of the Sacrosanct River, spreading out into all five of the other nations. {Food was conceived and created before the forthcoming creatures that would consume it.}

Folia is the Goddess of Forests, Flora, and Fashion. She generally manifests as the Divine Sequoia— the biggest & tallest tree in the world. Her roots are connected to every country. She drinks directly from Sacrosanct Waters (and is in love with Aqua). Folia is "the Modest Goddess", the creator of clothes.

Agros is the God of Crops, Preservation, and Paper. He is the Perfect Gardener. He is also the First Author. He wrote love poetry to the God of Tools when Manos created for him the first pen.

Weeds is the God of Hemp, Intoxicants/Toxins (aka ‘Radplants’), and Mad Prophets. They are the Philosopher. {Weeds is the only one of the Eighteen who refers to themselves in the plural.}

It was at the end of the fifth day that Respiratus, God of Aroma, had a wild threeway affair with Folia and Hemp.


Day Six of Creation was when the Animal Trinity were created from the dust, the waters, the winds, and the pods. The ocean, lakes, and rivers were quickly filled with a plethora of life. Simultaneously, breathing beasts seeking substance spread out across the entire surface of Flat. Free-willed movement debuted with the creation of hooves, paws, wings, fins, and legs of all kinds. Life found a way to invade all climates, even the coldest parts of Glacia and the hottest parts of Ardent. In the middle of the Flat, on the east side of the Great Sacrosanct is the nation of Zu (usually called "Zooland" by outsiders). That habitat of the Animal Gods started as another monarchy, but is ultimately destined to be a democracy.

Mammale can manifest as any mammal, but he generally spends most days as a magnificent lion. He is the God of Wild Beasts, Freedom/Liberty, and the Hunt.

Ova is Goddess of Reptiles, Fish, and Birds. She is the Egg-Layer.

The final member of the Animal Triad (and the last of the Eighteen) to be born is Domestica, Goddess of Domesticated Animals, Pets, and the Home.

By the end of the Sixth Night, all the powers governing this new universe were set. No more Gods would be ever born (although various deities will sire monsters and demigods.)

On the Seventh Day, to complete the first week, the Gods rested.


The original SIX RACES of MORTALS

The First Week of Creation divvied up Flatworld equally among the Triads. Although they were immortal beings, immune to the ravages of time, the Eighteen found themselves operating in a timed universe dependent on their control. Each of the Six Triads could have enjoyed their separate six paradises for millennium, or even for all eternity. But some deities felt incomplete, and others knew they needed more. Part of their intended purposes relied on worshippers.

And so each Triad went separately to Pay-tahl, beseeching the Cosmic Begetter, asking her to bless them. And all the Triads— Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Plant, and Animal— each created a race unique to the needs of their nations.

The Earth Triad created Terrans, beings like slow-moving animated statues. Empowered by divine magic, terrans aren’t born through sex. Two adult terrans carve and cobble together progeny during a religious ceremony honoring Pay-tahl. This race is defined by their stability, their work ethic, and their dedication to making money. They revere Pay-tahl most.

The Water Triad was the only trio to create a race outside their own country. Instead of birthing water people in one of Whet’s Great Lakes, Mer-people were created to live in the Great Surrounding Sea. {Over time, a forthcoming fresh-water breed of mermaids will find ways to swim inland via the Sacrosanct River.} Mer-people are the most emotional of the six races, with moods and personalities that are fluid. They are closely linked to E-mahl.

The Air Gods created winged humanoids called Angels. Their entire race was nearly wiped out early in the Flatwide War, slaughtered during the Battle of Falling Fire by the armies of Seethe and Haze. The souls of angels took on new radiance in the Heaven, transformed in the afterlife by Serene & Constance to be divine helpers and heralds. This race was always studying and theorizing. They were the Intellectuals, with "their heads in the clouds," intimately tied to Lo-cahl.

The Three Fire Gods created Magmen— tall, skinny red-skinned wraiths with flesh like hot rubber, bones made of smoke, and lava-blood pumped from volcanic hearts. They bathe in fire. They feed on heat. This race is passionate, enthusiastic, and volatile. There are no female Magmen; they are all male, with personalities greatly influenced by E-mahl.

In the Garden of Eden, the Plant Triad grew Wealdings— motile sentient plants. The defining characteristics of Treefolk are tenacity, adaptability, and growth. Some seasons they shrivel and die, only to blossom anew at other times.

And the Animal Trinity created Felines, the cat-people {along with a few other adapted forms}. The animal people are the most diverse of the six races, yet are characterized by their commitment to family and tribe. Fuzzies are both protectors and predators. They are also the sexual ones, and the most jealous of the worshipping races.

The story of How the Six Nations Went to War, and the horrific results of those conflicts, is a story for another time. Our tale is set to begin right after the ceasefire was negotiated by the pacifist clergy of Aqua. A bold plan was devised at the Council of Freshwater— an outrageous proposal requiring unprecedented cooperation between six churches.


The Verdant Valley became the Savage Basin when Ova's church conquered it. In the jungle heat, dinosaurs were hatched by the Egg Goddess to be her personal guards and most favored pets. The hot-lands of Ardent were just across the Sacrosanct River, as was Seethe, Ova's ally in the World War. It was only after the epic Massacre at Golden Gulf, when the Air Triad launched its most devastating campaign of the Epoch that Ova abandoned her claim to the savage land {actually part of Botany, the Plant Kingdom}.

The Subjugating Permeating Winter did widespread damage throughout the south and killed off all but a handful of the strongest dinosaurs.


It was agreed Elsewhere that six representatives of the Gods would seek out the last of the thunder lizards, intent on bringing divine blessings to the nearly-extinct. A Priestess of Ova, Lizzy'ard Crawler (disparagingly known as “the Slitherer”) was the natural leader of an expedition seeking deadly reptiles. With her went also a Furnace of Seethe, Swelter Simmer Summers; a Chaplain of Terra, Crag Solidsunder; a Master Carpenter of Folia, Knot Hardword; a mermaid minister of Aqua, Lilliclill Cleardrop; and a frozen devotee of Frea, Boldt Coldbreath, the Last Angel!

For a cleric of the Hot God to work with a follower of the Frozen Goddess was unprecedented, almost as mind-boggling as a chaplain of Terra cooperating with peacemaker of Aqua in order to allow a mermaid functionality on land. These unfathomable associations were a testament to how terrible the War had been, and also to how persuasive Aqua’s clergy were in their pleas for peace.

The goal of this remarkable fellowship was to create six invulnerable dragons, each with a unique elemental breath-blast. The purpose of these terrible behemoths was t0 be used by the six nations as Weapons of Mass Destruction!

Through the threat of shared mutual annihilation, this intrepid sextet was determined to force an end to warfare!

Their adventure would forever change the course of Flatworld’s history.

"So that's basically the backstory. Now let me tell you the Legend of how Lasting Peace was Established! It's the epic saga of six former enemies who venture forth on an impossible mission, intent on transforming a blood-soaked Savage Basin into a mystically-pristine Valley of Dragons!"


About the Creator

Lightning Bolt

From out of the blue, _Bolt writes horror galore, Sci-Fi, Superheroes & strange Poetry + MEME-ing MADNESS X12.

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Proud member of the Vocal Social Society on Facebook.

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Comments (16)

  • Jason Ray Morton 2 years ago

    I enjoyed this. Left a heart.

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Fantastic!!! Loving it!!!💖💕

  • J. Delaney-Howe2 years ago

    I have a feeling I would be a fan of Weeds. 🤣

  • Heather Hubler2 years ago

    Wow!! Your world building is top notch!! So much creativity and attention to detail. Did you write more for this? Great work!

  • You really create a new world with this. Good job!

  • This was very interesting how you created yourand entire society. I love your given name. Great job!!!

  • I love it! It's very Genesis. I have a similar evolutionary pantheon for my world, Noyath, and it was loads of fun for me to see where our world building paths crossed and where they diverged.

  • Great story. I love dragons. I am getting a bearded one soon

  • Lena Folkert2 years ago

    Wholly creative and original! Awesome world building!!!🙌👏🙌

  • E. J. Strange2 years ago

    How interesting I want to know more!

  • Gerald Holmes2 years ago

    Excellent lead up to what promises to be a great story.

  • This is an amazing prologue, a great set-up telling us everything we need to know before the upcoming real story.

  • Dylan Crice2 years ago

    Very intricate lore, provides backgrounds of gods, races , nations, and poignant world building. Looking forward to seeimg world come alive.

  • Whoaaa! This was fantastic! Such an amazing prologue!

  • Mariann Carroll2 years ago

    Outstanding, Wow😲You went all out in this story !

  • Omg just commented on FB but wanted you to know this was a masterpiece

Lightning BoltWritten by Lightning Bolt

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