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Chatham House spin class aims to keep war machine on course

Strategic plan to deflect blame away from Israel

By Steve HarrisonPublished 6 months ago 11 min read
Singer Charlotte Church, centre, one of millions who stood up for Palestine on Saturday

After three months of a relentless ethnic-cleansing campaign and the biggest load of nonsense ever spoken at a United Nations' International Court of Justice hearing there’s just one question you need to ask yourself: “How would Israel have gone about trying to defend its genocide in Gaza at the ICJ hearing in The Hague last week had it not been for the preposterous false-flag incursion it staged across the most closely-monitored border on the planet on 7 October last year.”

Israel is clinging to its ludicrous tale of Hamas insurgents breaching the world’s most technologically-advanced border, guarded by its best-equipped “defence force”, using jeeps and hang-gliders and armed with antiquated weapons. But anyone with an ounce of sense and a remote interest in delving beneath the ridiculous propaganda has already seen through the story and recognised it as the complete fabrication it is.

But the fairytale has proved good enough for the “friends of Israel” in the world’s corridors of power to shut their eyes to the slaughter of innocent children and civilians going on in Gaza and to refuse to call for a permanent ceasefire to end the genocide and bring a negotiated resolution to end 75 years of Israeli occupation of Palestinian land.

So that stage-managed attack in October, the subsequent bombing of Hamas second-in-command Saleh al-Arouri’s Beirut den that followed at the beginning of this month and the current United States-led attacks on Yemen, home of the “Iran-backed” Houthi rebels, is all walking the planet down the World Economic Forum’s carefully-mowed path towards World War III.

God how I hope I’m wrong… but all the signs are shouting out global conflict and the heralding in of a New World Order with its 15-minute cities that monitor our every movement, digital currency that we can be locked away from if we question authority and global-warming nonsense to change the face of the world we live in.

Fail to rage against this machine that is orchestrating a campaign of genocide in Gaza now – that will allow Israel to build its Ben Gurion Canal to usurp the Suez and become a key staging post in the NWO’s global transport infrastructure – and what is happening in Palestine will be the situation faced by every humanitarian across the globe who refuses to remain silent as our rights are eroded by the monsters gathering in Davos, Switzerland, this week to plot our subjugation during the 54th World Economic Forum annual summit.

Funnily enough the theme the WEF puppetmasters have chosen for this year’s summit is rebuilding trust… well I can tell them right now, there’s absolutely no chance of that ever happening again. These war-mongering charlatans have finally revealed their true colours to the world and will never command any respect whatsoever again.

A second wave of the United States-led coalition’s attacks on Yemen on Saturday coincided with a Global Day Of Action For Gaza that saw humanitarian crusades in cities across the planet that roared in support of the Palestinian cause as millions took to the streets to condemn Israel’s merciless campaign of genocide.

On Thursday as the ICJ began hearing the case, brought by South Africa against Israel’s madness in Gaza, Rishi Sunak’s United Kingdom government gave its support for an attack on Yemen, where the Houthi “rebel” group controls the north and west of the country after a decade-long conflict with Saudi Arabia.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi’s group, one of Gaza’s more active supporters in the world, has been guilty of turning back commercial shipping in the Red Sea heading towards the Suez Canal to supply Israel and its terror campaign in Gaza. But there have been no casualties resulting from this action, just extensive inconvenience for Israel.

For some time Operation Prosperity Guardian, a US-led presence – including Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, New Zealand and the UK – has been operating in the Red Sea to “defend shipping” but the true purpose of this fleet, capable of inflicting massive destruction on any target, is now surfacing with the attacks on Yemen.

The world has largely woken up to the injustice, disinformation and slaughter of children and civilians Israel has perpetrated in Gaza, even if the planet’s spineless politicians refuse to condemn it. So three months into its campaign of ethnic cleansing Israel stands before the ICJ with nothing more than a fairy story to defend itself and malicious lies to attack its accusers with… could the plan to start World War III be a bit behind schedule?

So unleash the full force of Operation Prosperity Guardian to get it back on track. Bomb Beirut, attack Yemen, implicate Iran and stir the pot to cook up a global conflict… be in no doubt, that is what the world is witnessing now. The aggressors? The WEF puppets meeting in Davos this week.

On the very same day Saleh al-Arouri and other Hamas operatives were supposedly assassinated by Israel in a Beirut missile strike on 2 January, the Chatham House website carried an article about an interview the think-tank’s 60-year-old director Bronwen Maddox, a former Westminster schoolgirl and Oxford graduate, had been granted with him in 2007.

Officially called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House’s lineage dates back to 1920 when it was established by British diplomat Lionel Curtis to foster “mutual understanding between nations and for the institute to propose solutions to the biggest challenges facing the world”.

I’ll say no more about Chatham House’s credentials other than to list some of its major donors which include: the United States Department of State; British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; European Commission; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; United Nations Development Programme; World Bank; Shell; Robert Bosch Stiftung; Carnegie Corporation of New York; Chevron; Crescent Petroleum; European Climate Foundation; and ExxonMobil.

An impressive group of trusted institutions there… not a vested interest anywhere among them, is there? Then examine Maddox’ own background... which also includes a remarkable collection of employers.

According to Wikipedia: “Her first job after graduation in 1985 was as an investment analyst at the private equity firm Charterhouse Capital Partners. She left the company in 1986 to join the investment bank Kleinwort Benson, where she was promoted to director of their media investment team.”

Maddox then went on to become an investigative reporter with the Financial Times in 1991 before joining The Times, where she was initially US editor and Washington bureau chief before becoming foreign editor in 1999.

She left the newspaper in 2010 to become chief executive and editor of the current affairs magazine Prospect. Then in September 2016 she became the director of the Institute for Government think-tank. She is also a non-executive board member of the Law Commission set up by Parliament to review and recommend reform of the law in England and Wales.

Since 2003 she has been a governor of the Ditchley Foundation, whose primary focus is British-American relations. Maddox is also a former trustee of the Imperial War Museum and she became Chatham House director in August 2022.

Some background, but why would Hamas’ second-in-command have granted her an interview? Maddox doesn’t cover that on the website, which simply states that: “Saleh al-Arouri told Chatham House director Bronwen Maddox about his ambition for Hamas – and his long-term strategy to achieve it.”

Maddox begins: “There are some interviews you don’t forget. For me, high on that list was a conversation with Saleh al-Arouri, one of the leaders of Hamas implicated in the 7 October atrocities in Israel, who has just been killed in Lebanon by a drone strike.”

For the record Maddox claims to have met al-Arouri in March 2007, when she was foreign editor of The Times, at his family home – in the village of Arour, high in the West Bank hills above Ramallah – which was destroyed by Israeli troops at the end of October last year after the US government had put a US$5 million price tag on his head.

Allegedly one of the founders of Hamas’ military wing in the West Bank, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, and a deputy to Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, al-Arouri was one of the names on the target list cited by Israel after 7 October’s false-flag operation to justify its campaign of genocide in Gaza.

According to Maddox al-Arouri had just been released from 15 years in an Israeli jail when they talked in 2007... but considering the state of some of the prisoners released by Israel at the end of November during the brief ceasefire last year I confess to finding this hard to accept.

Could he really just have been one of Israel’s Hamas puppets who’d past his sell-by-date by January this year or perhaps he’s now living in hiding under a new name until a beach-front condo he’s been promised by Israel in Gaza is ready to move into?

Maddox writes: “We sat, with translator, on the sofa in the low two-storey house, noting the giant bouquet of plastic flowers on the low table (a common celebratory present in the area) bearing a card from Abu Mazen, leader of the Palestinian Authority (PA).

“That was striking given the rivalry between Mazen’s Fatah party, running the West Bank, and Hamas, which had narrowly beaten Fatah in elections in Gaza the year before – and in June 2007 was to kick the PA out of Gaza entirely.

“Asked whether being in prison had been any impediment to communication with Palestinians in the West Bank or Gaza, al-Arouri shrugged dismissively, claiming that it had been none at all.

“The strategy that al-Arouri set out was as coldly clear as a business school textbook. ‘Our job is to keep the Palestinians radicalized,’ he said. ‘Most of them would settle in a moment for peace, some deal that will let them get on with their lives. We need to keep them angry’.”

During the 2007 interview Maddox claims al-Arouri pointed the finger of blame towards Britain and the 1917 Balfour Declaration for the plight of the Palestinian people now and said Hamas would never accept the existence of the state of Israel and was committed to its annihilation.

“Al-Arouri was arrested again later that year and was expelled from areas controlled by Israel in 2010,” Maddox continues in the Chatham House article. “From Syria and Lebanon, he became one of the most prominent spokesmen for Hamas, not reticent about giving interviews.”

But as he was no longer incarcerated by Israel he was at liberty to read from a Hamas propaganda script his Mossad handlers could have fed to him? You see the issue with all this is that Israel propelled Hamas to victory in the 2006 elections in Gaza and has kept them in power by refusing to allow further elections since because, as al-Arouri is quoted as saying to Maddox, most Palestinians just want a deal that will let them get on with their lives. But that’s not what Israel wants at all. It demands that Gaza be cleansed of all Palestinians… and Hamas is the catalyst to achieve that. That’s what’s happening in Gaza now.

All the destruction Israel is carrying out at the moment is just part of a long-term scheme to transform the area into a NWO transport hub with the Ben Gurion Canal at its heart. Plus there’s a strong indication Gaza has huge offshore gas reserves to be exploited.

“Given that many Hamas leaders remain at large – and three of its top leaders have been living in Qatar – al-Arouri’s death alone is unlikely to have much impact on the organization other than as a sign of Israel’s commitment to hunt them down,” Maddox writes.

“But the strategy he set out is flourishing. A new generation has been radicalized by those schools and events since I spoke to him. His comments show that it is hard to eradicate Hamas as a military force alone. Most of all, the use of Israel’s actions as a tool to recruit opponents against it is a powerful one. The expansion of the settlements has played its part, and Israel’s bombing of Gaza has inflamed criticism around the world, far beyond the Palestinians. That is the trap Hamas set for Israel on 7 October.”

I’m sorry, a Hamas trap? Come on lady, give us some credit, we’ve got a nose for phoney-baloney! It’s not hard to work out that Maddox, in her role as Chatham House spin doctor, is simply trying her damndest to deflect culpability from Israel, which is entirely responsible for what happened on 7 October… just a carefully constructed propaganda exercise to attempt to play off genocide as self defence and derail any case to come before the ICJ.

Hamas insurgents allegedly killed hundreds of civilians attending the Nova music festival on 7 October but even the Israeli press has carried stories largely attributing this slaughter to an Israel Defence Forces (IDF) attack helicopter that opened fire indiscriminately at the event.

This report originated in Haaretz, the longest running newspaper currently in print in Israel, on 18 November and states an IDF combat helicopter opened fire on the Israeli festival-goers while engaging the Hamas fighters, with police estimates suggesting 364 people were killed at the festival although their identities were not revealed.

And at the nearby Re’im kibbutz, allegedly the focal point of the Hamas attack, a skeleton Israeli tank regiment – strangely served by an inexperienced group of young women, untrained on the hi-tech machines they were put in charge of – were also ordered to fire indiscriminately on anyone in sight.

So, believe it, I’m not making it up, this comes from sources in Israel itself and clearly indicates the Zionist Likud government was responsible for much of the killing that occurred on 7 October. I’d even question whether the attack was actually carried out by Hamas, being more than a little suspicious the faces hidden behind the masks could actually have been IDF operatives dropped there to take hostages so Israel could throw the blame on insurgents to defend the ethnic cleansing that has followed.

But, either way, the purpose of Israel leaving the border open to attack was the justification of the genocide that continues unabated to this day. The Israelis taken hostage were allegedly held in tunnels under Gaza, the very same network built by Israel during its occupation there from 1967 to 2005.

During the brief ceasefire at the end of November many of those alleged hostages were handed over to Israel in exchange for imprisoned Palestinian women and children, who returned to those who were left of their families with bones broken and wrapped in bandages, with many displaying signs of far more serious abuse by their captors.

But in 2007 Hamas’ second-in-command al-Arouri, in good health, spoke to The Times directly after his release from 15 years of detention by Israel and told Maddox how Hamas needed to radicalise Palestinians because most just wanted to get on with their lives and live harmoniously in their homeland, as they had done for centuries until the 1917 Balfour Agreement and Germany’s Haavara Agreement, put to its Jewish citizens in 1933, opened the floodgates to an occupation force that has been stealing land from Palestinians since 1948.

The globalists calling the shots in Davos this week and the NWO they want to create is the driving force in world affairs right now… the way they plan to achieve their objective is global conflict, from Gaza to Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, Sudan, Syria and beyond. How do you like those apples?

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About the Creator

Steve Harrison

From Covid to the Ukraine and Gaza... nothing is as it seems in the world. Don't just accept the mainstream brainwashing, open your eyes to the bigger picture at the heart of these globalist agendas.


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    Steve HarrisonWritten by Steve Harrison

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