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Globalist plan to turn genocide in Gaza into worldwide conflict

From Lebanon to Yemen, Iran and beyond

By Steve HarrisonPublished 6 months ago 11 min read
Police prevent humanitarian crusaders reaching Barclays bank in Cardiff last weekend

Tomorrow marks the second Saturday of 2024 and after three months of incessant bombing the likes of Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer are still yet to show any sign of a conscience or hint of remorse as they continue to condone Israel’s campaign of genocidal ethnic-cleansing in Gaza and just last night a coalition force involving United Kingdom and United States gunships saw fit to escalate the situation by attacking sites in Yemen, claimed to be Houthi military targets.

Convenient that… slap bang in the middle of initial hearings in the United Nations' International Court of Justice case brought by South Africa against Israel over its campaign of genocide in Gaza!

Call me crazy, but could it be that World War III is taking longer to kick off than it was supposed to and Yemen is the scapegoat and insurance policy to make sure the ICJ acts accordingly and fails to demand a ceasefire in Palestine?

The Houthi “rebel” group controls most of Yemen, one of Gaza’s more active supporters in the world, which has allegedly been hampering shipping supplying Israel via the Red Sea and Suez Canal.

For some time Operation Prosperity Guardian, a US-led presence – including Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Singapore, New Zealand and the UK – has been operating in the area to “defend shipping”, while the French navy is also present but is not part of the group.

Yesterday coalition representatives indicated preparations were intensifying in response to an alleged Houthi attack on US and UK warships on Tuesday night, although its scale and timing have remained secret. But late last night that response happened, with Sunak’s cabinet meeting online to sanction UK involvement in the US-led strikes… Labour opposition-leader Starmer briefed afterwards.

When asked earlier in the day about potential strikes against the Houthis, US national security spokesperson John Kirby said: “I’m not going to telegraph our punches one way or another here. We’re gonna do what we have to do to counter and defeat these threats that the Houthis keep throwing up on commercial shipping in the Red Sea.”

Notice he said attacks on “commercial shipping”... not attacks “on US and UK warships”. Significant?

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, leader of the rebel group which controls the north and west of Yemen, was quoted as saying that if attacked the Houthis would fight back, suggesting any aggression in the Red Sea would be defended. Probably exactly what the US coalition wants in order to justify a further escalation of its aggression in the region.

And, with US rhetoric stressing allegations the Houthis are backed by Iran and with Israel having allegedly killed senior Hamas leaders during a recent missile strike on the Lebanese capital Beirut, it’s not hard to see in which direction the Middle East conflict is being directed. It’s all been part of the plan right from the start… World War III here we come!

And the aggressors in this charade? Look no further than the World Economic Forum puppetmasters who’ll be gathering in Davos, Switzerland, for their 54th annual summit next week. Funnily enough the theme they’ve chosen for this year’s summit is rebuilding trust… well I can tell them right now, there’s absolutely no chance of that ever happening again. These war-mongering charlatans have finally revealed their true colours to the world and will never command any respect whatsoever again.

It’s staggering the ICJ even has to consider whether or not Israel is carrying out genocide in Gaza… you’d have to be insane, blind or have your head deeply embedded in your posterior not to recognise it. But, despite no shortage of evidence suggesting Israel itself was responsible for many of the deaths attributed to Hamas insurgents following the false-flag incursion of 7 October 2023, politicians and the global media are still regurgitating Likud’s Zionist propaganda as justification for the atrocities being carried out in Gaza by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF).

Any loss of life on 7 October across the Israel-Gaza border was tragic, but the whole exercise was orchestrated by Benjamin Netanyahu’s Zionist thugs to justify what has followed during the three months of terror that has seen thousands of Palestinian children and civilians butchered in Gaza… with the underlying plan being to see these atrocities plunge the world into another global conflict.

It is Israel that is responsible for the deaths of its own citizens, allegedly carried out at the behest of its Hamas puppets, Ismail Haniyeh and Yahya Sinwar. The Israeli narrative regarding the 7 October incursion is totally preposterous but still it provides an excuse for global leaders, the majority of whom are “friends of Israel”, to turn a blind eye to the slaughter they are condoning in Gaza.

To every politician across the globe who is not supporting a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and not calling for Netanyahu to be tried as a war criminal I say: “Shame on you, you are not fit to be in office and should be removed and tried for crimes against humanity yourselves.”

During the past few months I have attended the majority of humanitarian crusades in Cardiff in solidarity for the people of Palestine being brutally assaulted by the IDF in Gaza and the West Bank but it is definitely not the way I’d hoped to start 2024. That so many people in the UK are totally ambivalent about the situation in Gaza beggars belief.

In my 60 years on this planet the question of what we’d have done if we’d been caught up in the Holocaust in Germany during World War II has been raised many times... well your reaction to what’s going on in Gaza now stands as your answer to that question. If you watch idly as genocide takes place in Gaza now, that’s more than likely what you’d have done during the Holocaust.

In October last year I spent a few weeks visiting my daughter in Amsterdam and during that time we went to the Anne Frank museum, which left me close to tears for the entire duration of our visit to the monument. It was made all the more poignant by the fact we were also watching A Small Light, the biographical miniseries created by Joan Rater and Tony Phelan, around that time which tells the story of Miep Gies, a Dutch employee of Otto Frank, who put her own life in jeopardy to help the Franks and other Jewish refugees go into hiding during the German invasion of the Netherlands.

What struck me most about the series was not how Gies put her own life in danger to help the Franks (it was incredibly brave but was what you’d like to think any humanitarian would do to help good people during a time of great danger) but how her friends and family became polarised by the Nazi propaganda against the Jews.

The Holocaust could never have happened without the complicity of the civilian population... good people doing nothing out of cowardice resulting from a fear of reprisals or acting totally irrationally due to the effects of heinous propaganda. See any parallels here?

The experience reminded me of when I was a teenager and my brother and his wife spent a time teaching at British Armed Forces’ schools in Germany. During one family visit to see them we stayed in Munsterlager, a base about 1.5 kilometres from the centre of Munster that served the military training area on Luneburg Heath.

About 30 kilometres north of the Bergen-Belsen Nazi concentration camp in Lower Saxony, the house in Munsterlager where my brother and his wife were stationed was a vast former German officer’s quarters with a long winding staircase that led to a huge L-shaped landing. My room during the stay was at the far end of the corridor, the farthest point from the top of the stairs.

At some point during the holiday we went to the Bergen-Belsen camp, outside the town of Celle, which 30 years after the end of World War II was perhaps the quietest area surrounded by rich countryside I’ve ever visited… totally devoid of any bird song, none whatsoever. The reason, I was told, was the result of the stench of death that had filled the air when the mounds of bodies and images that covered the walls of the visitors’ centre were witnessed when Allied forces reached the camp in 1945.

The photographs of the survivors, walking skeletons covered by a wafer thin layer of flesh, on the walls of the visitors’ centre and the images of the mounds, marked by signs denoting the thousands of bodies buried beneath them, that littered the grounds have never left me.

Parked in my room at the far end of the landing I didn’t sleep much for the rest of the holiday… I couldn’t get the images out of my head nor the stories my brother and father told me about how creative the Nazis had become in using the skin of the dead inmates and how much gold they’d been able to extract from their dental fillings.

Now 80 years on it’s quite shocking to know that the world’s largest skin bank was set up by Israel in 1986. The medical facility that stores human skin for later use in treating burns and skin cancers was set up under the supervision of the military medical sector of the IDF, which provides its services internationally, especially to requests from Western countries.

Of the many Palestinian bodies currently being bulldozed into mass graves in Gaza many have allegedly been horrifically mutilated, organs stolen from the bodies without family consent… later to be offered up for transplants, once again to Western countries. You see, body parts are a lucrative business when you can supply them in the quantities Israel can.

In contrast to other skin banks around the globe, the Israeli one differs in that its supply does not predominantly come from voluntary donors. You see Israel ranks third globally in terms of its population's refusal to donate organs because of Jewish religious beliefs… so where does the world’s biggest supplier of skin and organs get their inventory from?

Well even if your head is buried up your posterior you can probably figure it out… dead Palestinians are covered in skin and they have corneas, kidneys and other organs that can be harvested… certainly more valuable to Israel’s Likud monsters dead than alive.

Journalist Anas Abu Arqoub, an expert in Israeli affairs, has been quoted extensively on the subject, saying: “The Israeli skin bank is the largest in the world, surpassing the American skin bank that was established 40 years before it, noting that Israel’s population is much smaller than the United States.”

Details of Israel’s trade in body parts goes back at least as far as the start of this century, with Swedish investigative journalist Donald Bostrom publishing a report in 2001 that exposed the theft of organs from the bodies of Palestinians and their trafficking by Israeli groups.

But Bostrom did not stop his research and published another investigation on the subject in 2009 in the Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet, in which he states the Israeli Ministry of Health launched a national campaign to encourage organ donations in 1992 but there remained a significant gap between demand and the supply of donations that coincided with the disappearance of many Palestinian youths, who later turned up in closed coffins and had to be buried at night without funerals.

Bostrom says, "I was in the region at that time and, on several occasions, UN employees contacted me concerned about the developments. The individuals who contacted me said that organ theft certainly happened, but they were prevented from doing anything about it."

Also in 2009 a documentary surfaced on the issue, in which the former director of the Israeli Institute of Forensic Medicine Yehuda Hiss confirmed the theft of organs from the bodies of Palestinians in the institute took place. Hiss said: "We took corneas, skin, heart valves and bones… almost everything was done unofficially to a large extent... and permission was not sought from the families."

After last Saturday’s humanitarian crusade in Cardiff I met up for a beer in Penarth with a friend, also a former MediaWales journalist, who asked why I’d been in Cardiff earlier in the day? When I told him the reason, he asked whether I thought my actions and those of the other marchers in solidarity with Palestine would change anything?

Sadly I had to confess I had little expectation anything would come of our protests, but tomorrow I will be back crusading through the streets of Cardiff once again, desperately hoping for the genocide to stop because there’s precious little more we can do when our politicians are impervious to the horrendous suffering which now looks likely to extend to Yemen and beyond.

My friend, like myself, has little respect for any of our politicians and pointed out that even if those now in office were held accountable and lost their seats in Cardiff Bay or Westminster they would simply be replaced by others corrupted by the same greed and lust for power as those they replaced.

Once again I had to agree, but protest – be it through marching or boycotting companies that support Israel – is the only course of action open to us, so we have to keep coming out in support of Gaza.

Last Saturday the crusade in Cardiff temporarily shut down two branches of establishments that stand with Israel, Starbucks and McDonald's, and a police cordon prevented similar action taking place outside the Barclays’ branch in The Hayes.

The scene outside Starbucks which was forced to close to customers last Saturday

To my shame, as a former MediaWales employee, this significant development in the way these weekly protests are being policed once again went undocumented on the WalesOnline website and in the Wales On Sunday newspaper which my friend and I both formerly worked on.

It’s quite startling really that if you bought the Wales On Sunday at any time during the past three months you’d have virtually no idea weekly protests were taking place in Cardiff at all given the paucity of coverage they have received. Even when The Hayes is cordoned off to prevent a protest outside Barclays it is not worthy of mention. Shame on you MediaWales!

But police action last weekend in Cardiff and Swansea, coupled with last night’s attacks on targets in Yemen, serve as an indication that the protests – however futile they may seem when so many children and civilians are being slaughtered – are having some effect and are changing the dynamics of world affairs.

So, I pray, more people wake up to the madness taking place under their noses so that our actions can have a bigger impact and steer us away from another global conflict.

My conscience won’t let me sit idly by as genocide takes place in Gaza, please for humanity’s sake join tomorrow’s protest in Cardiff and show you stand for humanity too!

politicsopinionnew world orderhumanitycontroversiesactivism

About the Creator

Steve Harrison

From Covid to the Ukraine and Gaza... nothing is as it seems in the world. Don't just accept the mainstream brainwashing, open your eyes to the bigger picture at the heart of these globalist agendas.


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    Steve HarrisonWritten by Steve Harrison

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