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The Multifaceted Self

The Intricacies of the self

By Afia NajmiPublished 17 days ago 4 min read

The self, an intricate network of systems. I try to picture it as a myriad of neurons fired all at once, having its own spark and clusters of information from the outside world as they move around what we know as the mind. These neurons with circuits like freeways travel around, meeting at a point of junction creating an intricate network of systems. These systems having both agency and autonomy, give rise to an environment which acts as an avenue of giving birth to new infinite sub-systems. Blending with one another these sub-systems procreate unique formations giving rise to an infinite number of connections like an infinite maze, making the self not a singular entity but a constellation of many selves.

These dynamic and interconnected selves are like these little voices in our head, the incessant chatter where our mind boggles upon. Its like its just not one single self but many selves being experienced a ll at once some pairing up together in one instance and some competing or clashing with one another. Each part/s wanting us to think, feel, and act in a certain way while the others want to command us on its own whims and wishes. It is a state of polarizations where it seems that one wants to love yet hate others, to be calm yet be full of rage, to be uptight yet flexible, to be rational yet impulsive, to nurture yet be nurtured. These are just a few everyday dilemmas that one goes through but is it really two or more different entities or just one or is it just to assure ourselves we claim it to be two or more different entities but its just sub personalities residing in what we term as the self.

The self has many connotations, you may know it as I, me, or myself and in some cultures this Self takes a new form that is Us, for this article I will be using the terms Self. Unbounded by time and culture it has been a subject of interest for thousand of years now not merely due to its significance in ones’ lives but because it is the heart of human existence. as understanding the Self might bring some solace to human being pleasing them or granting them some sense of certainty and control. For centuries now, philosophers’ and psychologists have made several attempts to understand the entirety of the Self but to no vein not because of some lacking within the human being but mainly due to the Self own multifaceted nature that despite identifying its fundamental attributes one fails to acknowledge yet alone understand entirety of the Self.

By no means, the self is to be mistaken as a passive entity it is as much a living being as any other living organism. It is not confined to the realm of the external world but has its own agency, where it actively integrates and process what is already there and what it received bringing about a profound change and with the imprints of time, social and cultural learnings and experiences these systems of the self bring s about a profound change in the self as delve into the formation of different identities of the self. Each assigned with their respective roles and as with roles come along certain responsibilities so is the case with theses systems taking charge over a few or sometimes many aspects of the I. These selves may vary in prominence and salience depending on the social, psychological, cultural, and personal context, they may be accepted, or they may be suppressed nonetheless they are an integral part of the self or I, as it takes the basis of our identity, our perception of the self and others and the overall outlook to life.

One of the key dimensions of the self, is its fluidity and dynamism, where the constellation of the selves learns to co-exist with one another. To categorize them as to be just as a part of the self will be poetic injustice as they are much more than that, they are the ones responsible for making us unique and different. Indeed, we may have similar selves, clustered in the form of similar thought patterns and emotional experiences but the way they are felt, the way they influence and leave their impressions on the self is a whole different experience, these sub-personalities are like a flow of energy urging the self to think, feel and act in a certain way, making each one of us susceptible to change in its own unique manner.

Given todays world is all about self-love and self-acceptance and you may find abundance of books on it however, the very fist step towards the two is self-knowledge but have we ever wondered there is more that meets the eye when it comes to the I/self and just like certain mysteries of life which the human mind fails to understand so is the case with the untold and unexplored mysteries of the I/self. This failure makes us more vulnerable to be our very own lets face it failing to understand our self, leads to more berating ourselves, criticizing ourselves or seeing ourselves as to be the problematic one or the atypical one and as we push down our selves in this viscous cycle down goes all the love and acceptance in the drain.

By no means I am rooting against self-exploration or introspection I am a huge supporter of that all I am trying to convey it that the I/self will unravel on its own pushing ourselves to understand what we may not be ready for is like being your own oppressor so one just need to be with it and let the time unfold the multifaceted nature of I / self in its own rhythm as what’s the fun in being a know it all.


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    ANWritten by Afia Najmi

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