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The Lady who fell from Grace


By Ocusan MPublished 12 months ago Updated 12 months ago 7 min read

The koi pond at the Furry Gardens was a quaint little place having its meditation pond made of glass of two levels where the lower level existed a tea 🫖 house with a entire wall of shimmering koi fish. One Spring day the unexpected happened when the house boy who hosted the tea house noticed a very particular occurrence…Mrs Woods Mrs Woods come quickly, there’s a lady in the pond! The young boy was ecstatic.. Mrs Woods appeared revealing that she was indeed a furry cuddly Bear, being a Panda 🐼 What is it little Oishii? Oishii in turn resembled a Polar Bear 🐻‍❄️ named after the Ocean he loves to catch shrimp 🦐 in. Little Oishii pointed to the wall of aquarium glass where a elderly woman was floating among the goldfish Oh my! Mrs Woods immediately went upstairs and jumped in the pond having no time to catch her breath. Diving underwater she swam to where the sunken lady was submerged as if lying in a standing position. Towing her up, she floated like a boay to the surface. Pulling her onto the grass she lye still with her eyes wide open. Little Oishii ran over to see the mermaid up close. Do you think she’s alive? Mrs Woods bent over the mysterious body to see if she needed respiration. Her pulse & heartbeat were steady! And then she took a deep breath, moving her limbs, blinking her eyes.. I think she’s coming to..Mrs Woods sat next to the woman holding her palm hoping she didn’t need emergency assistance. Is she a fish? Oishii asked. Mrs Woods ruffled her puffy dress, lifting up the hem to check her feet. No, she hasn’t a tail as her frail white feet indicated so. Suddenly, she gasped & sat up looking like a euphoric balloon breathing out either. It’s alright, we’re here to help you. Mrs Woods told Oishii to bring a tablecloth being she was drenched. Mrs Woods reassured the elderly entity as he wrapped her body with long draping hair wondering just where she came from. The woman’s blue grey eyes stared at the two creatures who made her think of cartoons she saw as a child. I must have fallen through the clouds ⛅️ She exclaimed as her memory was not clear. Do you live in a cloud house? Mrs Woods who’s first name was Bamboo 🎋 really hadn’t the foggiest idea how she landed in her fish pond. I’m sorry if I made a mess of things. The lady said looking at the eyes of what she presumed was a teddy bear. Do you have a name? Mrs Woods asked. I am called Enchandra the eldest guardian of the hemisphere where I was floating in a sea of nebulous gas reciting a spell to conjure up a rabbit for my granddaughter when I seemed to fall in a hole! Your not a rabbit are you? No we’re not, we are bears. Oh..I guess I got the spell wrong.. Do you remember the spell? Little Oishii asked out of sincerity. I can try.. Enchandra closed her eyes muttering the words..Drizzle Drazel Drizzle Drone! Then opening her eyes wide she said..Looks like this one wants to be sewn! Oh but I lost the toy rabbit 🐇 I was hoping to transform..I remember that spell from the Wizard in my Bullwinkle cartoon! Oishii exclaimed..Well, I’m not that original..Her eyes widened of a thought while speaking to Oishii bear. My granddaughter would love to see a talking bear..Maybe my spell wasn’t so bad after all..Can we go to her house?. It would be like going to the circus! Oishii exclaimed while reaching for a honey bun. A circus in the sky somewhere where we don’t know is too dangerous Oishii..Of course it is, you have this wonderful tea house to maintain while I’m not sure how I can get back…Lady Enchandra said while sipping warm lotus tea. Oishii went to the fireplace where he hung the drenched dress having it stiffened yet dry. Thank you young man! The lady said as she went behind a bamboo curtain to change. Do you have anyone you can call, we have a telephone..Mrs Woods asked. I remember those before I ascended, we haven’t any use for them in the Neatherworld. How do you communicate in a world so sublime? We simply yell out the name of the person we wish to conjure up. Why don’t you try it here to call your family.. Let’s see if it works, I’ve never tried it this far away..Closing her eyes again, the white haired lady concentrated while a slight ringing circled above her being. Astral world so far from home..Calling all departed that hear my moan..I’ve fallen through a air pocket through the sky..Transcending down as birds do fly..If someone can hear me, let out a cry..Suddenly their was a loud puff of smoke in the room where a man stood dressed in a glittering turban having a waxed mustache carrying a doctors bag. Why it’s Dr Bombay! Enchandra recognized him at once. Grand Enchantress Enchandra what can I do? I was just brewing a new medicine by using a flute.. The charming Doctor held out a snake charmers flute while a basket lye among the smoke clouds holding a dancing snake. Sorry to bother you but I’ve fallen from my throne in the hemisphere and I’m not sure how to get back.. Oh my stars! This is most alarming..The doctor twiddled his dash thinking. I haven’t the spell for that..You must acquire a remedy for returning yourself by obtaining the quill of a extinct dodo bird. Where can I find that? Not even the King would have that! No, I don’t believe he would..But as I was flying here on my flying carpet I spotted a museum that might contain the species you need. Yes, we do have a museum Mrs Woods told. Dr Bombay studied the furry creatures taking note. I do say you’ve traveled into the furry kingdom, you might have to disguise yourself when going to the museum. Yes, I do feel like a stranger..If we do find the quill, what spell do I use with it? There’s no spell, just a brew you need to make by using a fizzy tablet. I might have one in my bag. Finding the right tablet he instructed to put the feather into the drink. Once you drink it while still fizzing you will be able to ascend back to the astral plane without any further ado. This tablet is from the nectar of a Madagascar rare butterfly, it should match best with the feather. Enchandra took the tablet placing it in her pouch where she kept dry hankies. Now before I go, is there anything else you need? Well, yes, how do I disguise myself to look like a furry? Let’s see.. I haven’t a mask in my medical carpet bag, some makeup might do the trick with tangled hair. I think I have my eyeshadow case in my purse. That might work, be sure to use only brown, any bright colors would be a distraction. Enchandra fished out of her pouch a small case of eyeshadow. Well, I’ll be on my way..Thank you Doctor..Ta Ta..He bowed and disappeared in a poof. Setting out to the museum after applying the disguise, the threesome discussed on how they would acquire the feather. Oishii would distract the guard while Enchandra & Bamboo would snatch the quill. Once inside the museum they found the apparatus of the ancient bird standing in a roped display area. While in position near the bird, the two ladies gave Oishii the signal. Oishii ran out to the opposite side of the floor pretending to trip on a hacky sack bag. Doing his best break dancing he immediately drew a crowd including the guard. Easily for Lady Enchandra she quickly stepped into the roped area, plucking the quill that wasn’t so easy to pull out. Being so old in time it gave out a lot of dust as she stuffed it into her pouch. Oishii was spinning on his elbows with onlookers of all types of furry creatures when the guard grabbed him by his colar bouncing him out. The two ladies made the getaway as their mission was accomplished. That wasn’t easy! Oishii your performance was outstanding! Enchandra gave him a bear hug. And she has the feather..Mrs Woods informed. Lady Enchandra took out her prize holding it up in the sunlight. Oishii just grinned. Do you have the teacup? Enchandra asked Mrs Woods. Of course, as well as the canteen of water for the ceremony..The cup of water was poured while Enchandra placed the tablet of butterfly nectar in the cup then carefully inserting the Dodo feather. I hope this works..I shall never forget you..Her eyes teared up smearing her camouflage of brown eye shadow. You don’t look so bad as a furry..Why thank you Bamboo Woods. I’ve made a new friend..The two bears became bashful at the sensitivity. Drinking the drink while it was still fizzing..The mysterious lady from the pond began to fade. Goodbye she said as her voice reverberated high in the mountains. Oishii and Mrs Woods walked back down the trail to the tea house looking up at a shimmering golden moon. There in the moon light they could see a tiny silhouette of what appeared to be the woman in the pond.


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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