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Murmurs of Purgatory

The Never-ending Party

By Denelsia WalkerPublished 13 days ago 10 min read
Whispers of the Night

Murmurs of Purgatory: The Never-ending Party encapsulates the essence of Fear Overwhelm Scream Park, drawing readers into a world where nightmares and dreams intertwine. The vivid imagery and haunting descriptions immerse the audience in Nicole's recurring nightmare, evoking terror and fascination.

The narrative unfolds with Nicole's struggle to escape the clutches of Fear Overwhelm Scream Park. She is teleported and surrounded by a menagerie of supernatural beings. Each character is brought to life with depth and complexity, their stories intertwining to create a rich tapestry of darkness and light.

The incorporation of song lyrics adds another layer of depth to the story, providing insight into the atmosphere and emotions of the park's inhabitants. From Frankenstein's Bride's haunting melody to the werewolf's primal rhythm, each song reflects the inner turmoil and longing of its creator.

Ultimately, "Murmurs of Purgatory: The Never-ending Party" leaves readers on the edge of their seats. Witnesses will wonder what fate awaits Nicole in the depths of Fear Overwhelm Scream Park. It is a tale of fear and fascination. A platform of nightmares and dreams. The eternal dance between light and darkness.

Nicole tossed and turned in her bed, the sheets twisted around her as she grappled with the images that plagued her mind night after night. It was always the same dream, or rather, the same nightmare.

In her dream, she found herself standing at the entrance of Fear Overwhelm Scream Park, a place she had never visited in reality but felt oddly familiar with in her subconscious. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the park, while shadows danced menacingly in every corner.

As Nicole ventured deeper into the park, she was surrounded by creatures straight out of her worst nightmares. Monsters, ghouls, and mythical beings roamed freely, their laughter echoing through the night air. Despite their festive demeanor, Nicole couldn't shake the feeling of dread that washed over her.

She watched in horror as Frankenstein's bride crooned into the mic, her haunting melody sending shivers down Nicole's spine. The werewolf pounded on the drums with savage intensity, while gorillas at the keys played melodies that seemed to seep into Nicole's very soul.

Everywhere she turned, Nicole was confronted by fantastical beings, their otherworldly presence overwhelming her senses. Unicorns pranced alongside astronauts, dominatrix queens mingled with submissive souls, and the air was thick with electric energy that seemed to crackle with malevolence.

As the clock struck 3 am, the park erupted into a frenzy of activity, and Nicole felt a rising sense of panic grip her heart. She wanted to run, to escape the nightmarish scene unfolding before her, but she was paralyzed with fear.

Suddenly, a voice boomed from the darkness, sending a chill down Nicole's spine. "Welcome to Fear Overload Scream Park!" it declared. "All of you, come out of the closet to play! We aren't leaving anyone out! But don't run out of gas on the way here. Except for the normal humans. We will need to feed on them!"

Nicole's heart hammered in her chest as she realized she was the only human in the park, surrounded by creatures who seemed all too eager to make her their prey. She wanted to scream, to wake herself from this terrifying dream, but she was trapped in its clutches, unable to break free.

As the nightmare continued to unfold, Nicole's fear reached a fever pitch, and she prayed for morning to come and release her from its grip. But deep down, she knew that this nightmare would haunt her for many nights to come, a recurring terror that she couldn't escape.

In the heart of the night, when the moon hung low and the shadows danced with eerie delight, there was a place unlike any other: Fear Overwhelm Scream Park, touted as the world's top haunted house. Here, amidst the pulsating energy, supernatural beings, and eccentric characters gathered to revel in the chaos.

Monsters, ghouls, and mythical creatures mingled freely, their laughter echoing through the night air. It was a surreal blend of horror and humor, where the macabre met the festive in a poltergeist movement of abandon.

As Nicole stepped through the gates, the characters before her beckoned with excitement and mischief, their eyes alight with otherworldly allure. Frankenstein's bride crooned into the mic, her haunting melody tugging at Nicole's heartstrings, drawing her deeper into the night. The rhythm of the werewolf's drums pulsed through her veins, igniting a primal energy that set her feet in motion.

Amidst the revelry, unicorns and astronauts rubbed shoulders with dominatrix queens and submissive souls, welcoming Nicole with open arms to the ultimate playground for the supernatural. Yet, amidst the chaos, a warning lingered for ordinary humans, the prey for the creatures of the night.

As the clock struck 3 am, the festivities reached a fever pitch, with ghouls, goblins, and ghosts emerging from every corner. It was feeding time for every freak of nature and animal, as they gathered to cast spells and revel in the joy of life.

The atmosphere crackled with electric intensity, a chilling delight that surged through the night like a current. In this spectral dance, monsters dipped and swayed to the haunting rhythm, while villains thrashed and gyrated with unrestrained fervor.

But amidst the chaos, there was a sense of unity, a bond forged by the shared experience of the night. From Frankenstein's wife crooning on the mic to werewolves pounding on drums, every creature found its place in the dance of the night.

As dawn began to peek over the horizon, a sense of satisfaction lingered in the air, palpable amidst the fading echoes of revelry. The creatures of the night, having reveled in their moment of glory, harbored the knowledge that this ecstasy was not confined to a single night's embrace but would return, an eternal dance awaiting the next dusk's call.

The Murmurs: Song Lyric

The commentary by the mixed crowd continues to swirl:

A horrifying Transylvania Twist?

A game requiring laser tag?

Maybe dig up her bones?

No No No

How about off with their heads?

Is the Commentary by mixed crowd still going?





Pimps & Tricks

Verse 1:

"Something strange?" "Something weird." "Seeing things?"

The commentary by the mixed crowd continues to swirl:

Welcome to Fear Overwhelm Scream Park! The #1 Haunted House in the World. All of you, come out of the closet to play! We aren't leaving anyone out! But don't run out of gas on the way here. Except for the normal humans. We will need to feed on them!"

Suddenly, a voice from the crowd breaks through the din:

"Humans, run for your lives! Ah!"

And a woman chimes in, adding to the chaos!

"Ghouls, goblins, and ghosts are taking over civilization as we know it. By a fierce storm. Life will never be the same! Ah, my pretty! Every freak of nature and animal is coming out to haunt your life! It's feeding time! Yeah!"


Let's Go Crazy.

At this thriller party.

Don't be late!

The fun starts at 3 am!

It does not end right after the clock.

Strikes the witching hour.

We are going to groove all night!

Don't try to sleep.

The boogy and sand man will visit your nightmares.

If you try to rest.

Bones claw and crawl themselves out of graveyards and oceans from throughout the nation.

To gather for this yummy gooey invite.

It's a special occasion.

Gathering and casting spells for this lovely rave called life.

It can seem as if it's a

Dark, dreary, and gloomy.

Dreadful fright.

(Ghost making noise)

Rule that B!tch with a ruling scepter.

Turn that whore out!


It's a poltergeist movement.

Put your hands in the air!

Come on out monsters!

Dip it low to the floor!

Get Chingy with it! Right, here!


Don't worry about who is watching!

At this function.

Just shake your derriere.

Go ahead monsters.

Headbang it out.

Bond villains.

Ha Ha Ha (Monster Laugh)

Buss it!

If you dare!

Do the Mash.

To the stench of evil.

Lingering in the air!

This poltergeist movement should be every day.

Not just once a year.

Verse 2

In the dimly lit corner, Frankenstein's bride takes the stage,

Her ethereal voice echoed through the haze.

Werewolf pounds the drums with primal might,

Each beat echoes into the night.

Gorillas at the keys, their fingers swift and sure,

Creating melodies that haunt and allure.

Mr. Ape Shits' bass guitar rumbles low,

A steady rhythm to the eerie show.

Pillsbury Dough Boy's horn blares with glee,

Adding to the cacophony, wild and free.

Fairies sprinkle their magic, unseen but felt,

Their enchantment weaving through the air, heartfelt.

Superheroes, bound in chains, dance with abandon,

Their movements were graceful, their spirits unbroken.

Sexy cheerleaders and naughty nurses, sway,

In the flickering firelight, they play.

Bat girls and cat women, half-naked in the night,

Their silhouettes danced in the firelight.

School ladies twirl and spin with delight,

Their laughter mingled with the music's flight.

As the night wears on, the party roars,

Creatures of the night on all fours.

In this haunted celebration, they find release,

A moment of joy, a fleeting peace.


It's a poltergeist movement.

Put your hands in the air!

Come on out monsters!

Dip it low to the floor!

Get Chingy with it! Right, here!


Don't worry about who watching!

At this function.

Just shake your derriere.

Go ahead monsters.

Headbang it out.

Bond villains.

Ha Ha Ha (Monster Laugh)

Buss it!

If you dare!

Do the Mash.

To the the stench of evil.

Lingering in the air!

This poltergeist movement should be every day.

Not just once a year.


Dracula is raised from the coffin.

He is no longer dead.

He heard the band kick ass!

Howling around the fire.

Screamed out!

Ain't no elevator upstairs.

Y'all better beware!

Now, up that amp!


It's a poltergeist movement.

Put your hands in the air!

Come on out monsters!

Dip it low to the floor!

Get Chingy with it! Right, here!


Don't worry about who watching!

At this function.

Just shake your derriere.

Go ahead monsters.

Headbang it out.

Bond villains.

Ha Ha Ha (Monster Laugh)

Buss it!

If you dare!

Do the Mash.

To stench of evil.

Lingering in the air!

This poltergeist movement should be every day.

Not just once a year.

Verse 3:

There's an after-party.

Headed to the Penthouse Suite.

No guns allowed.

Slam the door.

Hurry quick!

The demons are escaping.


Each one got out!

People running around in terror.

Some were paralyzed by the glorious horrific sight.

Zombies parading to daylight!

Shaking up the country like it is 1999!

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide!

Beware! The witches are poised to seize your very being, ensnaring your soul in a dance of eternal torment until the beat of your heart is silenced.

You close your eyes.

Imagination goes wild!

Pulling out your phone.

Thinking Ghostbusters might save you!

Nicole drops hers while running!

(lady Shouts! Get her goblins!)

Uh Uh, Nicole!

Too late for that chile!

The hounds of hell.

Will have their way.

As your soul gets down.

Have another beverage potion.

A shot of drool poured

from the invisible man's laboratory.

To aid in keeping you alive gremlin.

You shiver.

As the sinful liquid it swallowed.

It prevents you from rotting in a corpse shell.

Did I mention it?


It's a poltergeist movement.

Put your hands in the air!

Come on out monsters!

Dip it low to the floor!

Get Chingy with it! Right, here!


Don't worry about who watching!

At this function.

Just shake your derriere.

Go ahead monsters.

Headbang it out.

Bond villains.

Nicole dances uncontrollably.

Ha Ha Ha (Monster Laugh)

Buss it!

If you dare!

Do the Mash.

To the stench of evil.

Lingering in the air!

This poltergeist movement should be every day.

Not just once a year.

Fade Out!

Welcome to Hell on Earth!

The place where screams are captured.

Fear speaks back to you in sicko mode.

Should you attempt to close your eyes?

Drown your deadly sins out! I

Ignore us.

Pretend we aren't there.

In the heart of the night stood Fear OverWhelm Scream Park, a haven for the supernatural and the curious alike. At its core were characters both strange and captivating.

Frankenstein's bride, once a lonely creation, found solace in music, her haunting voice expressing the longing within her stitched heart. Beside her, the werewolf conveyed raw emotion through the pounding rhythm of his drums, masking a longing for acceptance.

Gorillas at the keys were more than performers; they were keepers of ancient melodies, their wisdom born from centuries of contemplation. Mr. Ape Shits, with his thunderous bass guitar, commanded attention yet harbored a vulnerability, longing for connection.

Pillsbury Dough Boy brought levity with his whimsical horn, masking a deep insecurity. The fairies, elusive and mysterious, wove spells of enchantment, drawing others into their realm.

As the night unfolded, these characters danced and sang, intertwining their stories in a tapestry of darkness and light. Nicole, at the park's threshold, felt a mixture of fear and fascination as she stepped forward.

Despite her dread, a strange exhilaration coursed through her veins. Something was intoxicating about the darkness, calling to her soul's deepest recesses.

With a shaky breath, Nicole crossed the threshold, entering the heart of the nightmare. She knew she was doomed to wander its corridors, trapped in a cycle of fear and fascination.

Yet amidst the chaos, a spark of hope flickered. Nicole realized she was not alone; her nightmares were shared by countless others, bound together in a dance of eternal torment and fleeting joy.

In "Murmurs of Purgatory: The Never-ending Party," readers are left on the edge of their seats, gripped by a tale of fear and fascination. The story explores the eternal dance between nightmares and dreams, offering a chilling glimpse into the human psyche's dark recesses.


About the Creator

Denelsia Walker

Poet, Author, Musician, & Adult Enter Model. My Brand is HOEZBWINNING via Amazon Merch on Demand. Plus am an Amazon Influencer. Founder of Delcia Secrets Contoured LLC custom-made lingerie. Creator of International Poetry Whore FB Group.

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    Denelsia WalkerWritten by Denelsia Walker

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