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A serbian lady horror night


By haishaikhPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

In a small Serbian town named Svet's Daughter, my co-worker Anna and I found ourselves on a dark, moonless night. We had just finished a long day and decided to take a shortcut through the eerie alleyway behind the cathedral. To pass the time, we hummed a tune, the soft shuffling of leaves under our feet the only sound accompanying us. The streets were deserted, except for a few stray cats lurking in the shadows. I bent down to share my lunch with them.

As we neared the end of the alley, a sudden chill ran down my spine. The cats began hissing and yowling in terror, then fled past us. It was then that we noticed her: a woman dancing in the dim light of a nearby streetlamp. At first, I thought she was a street performer, dressed in traditional Serbian clothing, her long skirt swaying with her strange, unnatural movements. Her face was expressionless, her eyes vacant.

Unease washed over us, and we quickened our pace, but the dancing woman followed, her movements growing more frenzied. Panic set in, and we attempted to lose her, but she was relentless. Anna tripped and fell, and as I turned back to help her, the dancing lady reached out with bony fingers and grabbed her shoulder, her nails digging into Anna's flesh.

Anna struggled, but the stranger's grip was too strong. I screamed and rushed back to free my friend. The strange woman, her grotesque grin widening, finally released Anna and turned her attention to me. Her grip tightened on my shoulder, and her hot, fetid breath brushed my neck as she whispered in an incomprehensible language.

She pushed me to the ground, and as she danced around me, a sense of overwhelming dread washed over me. I sat there, frozen in terror, while the woman continued her supernatural dance. I looked around for an escape, but my heart sank when she produced a knife.

I knew then that I was in the presence of something malevolent, something beyond my understanding. The dancing lady appeared to be in a trance, lost in her own world, but she was not alone. Two featureless figures in black suddenly emerged and dragged Anna away, her screams echoing into the distance.

I tried to run after them, but the dancing lady's grasp was unbreakable. Anna's cries grew fainter and eventually faded away entirely. I was left alone with the dancing lady, her frenzied dance growing more unhinged by the second. I knew that if I didn't escape soon, I would suffer the same fate as my friend.

With a surge of adrenaline, I managed to break free and ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction. I didn't look back until I reached the safety of my apartment building. When I did, I could have sworn I saw the woman floating in the distance, but I quickly bolted the door and called the police.

The next morning, I woke up in a hospital bed, my mind reeling from the night's horrors. I asked about Anna and the dancing lady, but the hospital staff looked at me with confusion. They seemed to have no knowledge of them. It was as if they had never existed.

Disturbed and determined to uncover the truth, I delved into research, both online and among locals. I discovered that the dancing lady was a demon, a powerful entity capable of possessing and leading its victims to their doom. The faceless shadows that had taken Anna were her minions.

I knew I had to confront this evil, so I armed myself with knowledge, preparing for an inevitable showdown. I returned to the cathedral, where it had all begun. The dark, moonless night mirrored the first encounter, but this time, I was ready.

The dancing lady appeared, and we engaged in a fierce battle. There were moments when it seemed like she would prevail, but I refused to give in. Drawing on all my strength, I delivered a powerful blow that sent her reeling. For a brief moment, there was silence, and I thought I had won.

But then she roared and lunged at me, her body twisting and contorting in an unnatural dance. Bracing myself for the worst, I began to recite the prayers my grandmother had taught me as a child. As I prayed, her movements slowed, and in a blinding flash of light, she vanished.

I stood there alone in the darkness, trembling. The memory of that night haunted me, but I had prevailed against the Serbian dancing lady. I had faced a malevolent force that defied explanation, and I had triumphed, thanks to the power of faith and determination.

As the sun rose, I knew that the memory of that night would always linger, a reminder of the unfathomable horrors that lurked in the shadows. The Serbian dancing lady had claimed my friend, but she had failed to claim me as her eternal dance partner.


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    HWritten by haishaikh

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