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Mythbursting Anxiety, BPD

Borderline Personality Disorder, the facts

By Lucas AjaoPublished 13 days ago 3 min read
Mythbursting Anxiety, BPD
Photo by Christopher Ott on Unsplash

What is Borderline Personality Disorder, also known as BPD?

BPD is something that many of us struggle with. Some of us have been officially diagnosed with it, while others may exhibit symptoms similar to those of BPD. It's common for us to wonder what exactly this diagnosis means and why it is often perceived as a negative thing.

To provide some background, BPD is essentially our mind's way of coping with various challenges. I will try to explain this in a clear and concise manner, as sometimes people use terminology that may not apply to us. It's important for you to grasp the true essence of BPD. According to the DSM, in order to be diagnosed with BPD, one must exhibit some of the following criteria I am about to discourse.

The first criteria is about the desperate efforts to avoid being abandoned, whether real or imagined. This is a common trait among individuals with borderline personality disorder. However, it is important to note that in order to be diagnosed with this disorder, one must exhibit at least five of these traits.

The second trait involves a pattern of unstable and intense relationships, characterized by constantly fluctuating between extremes of idealization and devaluation. In the therapy world, its often refer to as being put on a pedestal or being thrown under the bus. It's either extreme adoration or intense hatred towards someone, with no middle ground. This is usually the trait that people notice first when they are in a relationship with someone with borderline personality disorder. It can be quite challenging for them to handle the constant shifts in emotions and feelings towards them.

The third is identity disturbance, which refers to a persistently unstable self-image or sense of self. This is something that many people can relate to, which is why it is important to have at least five of these traits in order to be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

One reason why it is strongly associated with eating disorders is because we have a low self-esteem and a distorted perception of ourselves. This can lead to various other issues, such as impulsive behavior that can be self-destructive in at least two areas. For example, we may engage in excessive spending or have unsafe sexual encounters with strangers without thinking about the consequences. These impulsive actions can take many forms. Additionally, substance abuse, reckless driving, and binge eating are also connected to eating disorders.

Another characteristic is recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or self-harm. Many only includes self-mutilating behavior under Borderline Personality Disorder, but it is not exclusive to this disorder.

Many of us struggle with these challenges, especially with suicide. Suicide is always an excuse to exit unexplainable frustrations of abandonment which are common in people with Borderline Personality Disorder. They often act out and make threats of self-harm or suicide in order to manipulate others into staying in their lives. This behavior is driven by their fear of abandonment.

An additional characteristic of Borderline Personality Disorder is emotional instability, where their mood can rapidly shift from extreme happiness to anger or sadness within a short period of time. These mood swings can last for a few hours or up to a day. If they persist for longer, it may indicate Bipolar Disorder. Chronic feelings of emptiness is another symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder, although it is important to note that individuals must have at least five of these symptoms to be diagnosed. It is common for individuals to relate to some of these symptoms without meeting the full criteria, leading to terms like "Borderline tendencies" or "Borderline-like symptoms" being

The next symptom is difficulty in controlling anger, where individuals may experience intense and inappropriate anger, thiskind of go hand in hand with the eating disorders and self-harm. We experience anger in different ways. This text is explaining that individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder often have intense and inappropriate anger that they struggle to place or understand. This anger can be overwhelming and negative.

Additionally, individuals with this disorder may also experience transient stress-related paranoia, paranoid thoughts, or severe dissociative symptoms. Some people cope with difficult situations by dissociating, which is like stepping out of their body and observing themselves. This dissociation occurs because everything feels too intense and they are unable to fully be in control of thier environment.

Self-harm behaviors and eating disordersare close neighbours of Boderline Personality Disorder, but it's important to do proper diagnosis which requires meeting at least five of the specified criteria. It's possible for individuals to fluctuate in meeting these criteria at different times, but this explanation should give you an understanding of what the disorder entails.

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Lucas Ajao

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    Lucas AjaoWritten by Lucas Ajao

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