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How to con the world that the 'genocide' in Gaza is justified

A Jenin false flag in response to ICJ ruling?

By Steve HarrisonPublished 5 months ago 7 min read

Before I went onto the website this morning I had little doubt I already knew the answer to the question I sought to confirm, I simply wanted clarification that my suspicions were correct before starting on this article.

Sadly my supposition did prove accurate and – despite another large Saturday humanitarian crusade for Palestine in Cardiff, following a United Nations International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling that Israel had one month to convince the judges in The Hague it did not have a case to answer for genocide – Wales On Sunday had no coverage of the march the day before, nor any of the others I’ve taken part in since 2024 began. And its record in 2023 was simply abysmal!

We are witnessing landmark events in world history at the moment but Wales’ national Sunday newspaper, the “pride of the nation”, has no interest in how the Welsh public is responding to them.

I believe our apology for a first minister in Wales, Mark Drakeford, is stepping down as Welsh Labour leader ahead of this year’s expected Westminster elections so this pivotal moment in history should be of interest to our nation, as I’d certainly like to know his potential successor’s views on Israel’s campaign of genocide in Gaza.

Not that I really use my right to vote in a system where democracy is simply a facade… but I’d still like to know where the candidates to replace Drakeford – Vaughan Gething, Jeremy Miles, Eluned Morgan and Hannah Blythyn – stand on matters I consider important because their views offer some insight into how those standing for Parliament are being directed.

I know very little about any of the four aspirants to become first minister, but I do remember Gething’s complicity in the “Convid scam” all too well... so I hope there’s already a big “no” next to his name. Perhaps I’ll look into his affiliations to Israel too, but I have those suspicions again that I probably already know the answer.

I believe the current Minister for the Economy in Wales abstained in the Gaza ceasefire vote, when the majority of Senedd members thankfully stood for justice and supported the humanitarian plea. Shame on him!

And I know even less about Miles, Morgan or Blythyn other than they also failed to support a ceasefire and an end to Israel’s slaughter of children in Gaza… so it’s shame on them too I'm afraid.

So if I had any say in the matter I’d be looking for one of the 11 Labour Senedd members who supported a ceasefire to replace Drakeford, but that none of them seem to be in the running tells you everything you need to know about where the loyalties of Labour candidates for Westminster are likely to fall, especially with party leader Keir Starmer being a staunch ally of Israel.

The only vote I’ve cast in the last 20 years was a vote for Labour, but don’t know the name of the person I supported, in the last election in the desperate hope of preventing Brexit, even though I knew my resistance would be futile. The coining of the phrase Brexit by a complicit media made that outcome inevitable.

When this year’s election for Parliament takes place I’ve no idea who will be standing in my constituency, other than our incumbent MP in the Vale of Glamorgan Alun Cairns, who has proved himself totally unfit for public office since he first got elected to Westminster in 2010.

The former secretary of state for Wales decided to resign from that position in 2019 because of a scandal surrounding his former aide Ross England's role in “sabotaging” a rape trial. Cairns had later endorsed England as a candidate for the Senedd.

And it’ll come as no surprise that Cairns is a big “friend of Israel” and has taken advantage of the state’s hospitality in the past to be given the “facts” about Benjamin Netanyahu’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine, so naturally he abstained during the Westminster vote in November on a ceasefire in Gaza, which had no hope of success given so many ministers in his party are “Conservative Friends of Israel”.

So I’d say it's a bit hypocritical of him to regularly participate in the London Marathon on behalf of the National Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children (NSPCC) because his compassion for the thousands of children being slaughtered by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) in Gaza has not been very apparent. I wonder whether his wife Emma and son Henri are proud of his complicity in genocide?

It’ll be an absolute travesty for humanity if the Conservatives are returned to power this year, but Starmer is not a viable alternative to Rishi Sunak and none of the other parties have any realistic chance of changing the script… and on the evidence of their performance during the ethnic cleansing in Gaza too many politicians should be heading to jail for war crimes rather than standing for public office.

I have no doubt that the system is broken and that an election this year in the UK and a presidential race in the United States are going to do nothing whatsoever to change the political climate in either country, there’s no place for humanity in government anymore and I'm not convinced there ever has been.

And, once again, I’ve gone completely off topic and have not started on any of the points I’d originally intended to address. But, before I conclude this article, there’s one other point I have to make, which surrounds Israel’s latest propaganda ploy to attempt to get it out of jail with the ICJ.

Mainstream media sources erupted yesterday with the news Israeli operatives dressed in doctors’ scrubs and women’s clothes – not as fetching as the Hamas masks and fatigues they also like to sometimes dress up in, but almost as sneaky – killed three Palestinian militants in an undercover operation in a hospital in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.

I’ve seen some of the CCTV footage and really have to wonder what part last week’s ICJ ruling played in this latest false-flag operation which apparently saw a border police counter-terrorism unit and a contingent from the internal security forces, known as the Shin Bet, enter Ibn Sina hospital on the outskirts of the city’s refugee camp early yesterday.

But we have that TV footage to supposedly “prove” the veracity of the Israeli claims, with the operatives said to have made their way to a room on the third floor where they shot all three suspects in the head using pistols fitted with silencers in an attack that took less than 10 minutes.

The dead men were identified as Hamas military wing spokesperson Mohammad Jalamana, Islamic Jihad member Basel Ghazawi and his brother Mohammed. All three were allegedly active in the umbrella force known as the Jenin Battalion, a newly formed group that has allegedly “engaged Israeli forces in fierce fighting during raids in the city over the past two years”.

I’m not dismissing the possibility there is some justification for Israel’s claims but the nature and timing of the raid – conveniently caught by CCTV footage and hot on the heels of the ICJ ruling – are clear indications it was another staged production, although I don’t think either Quentin Tortellini or Steven Spielbound were in the director’s chair for this one, it had more of an Italian B-movie feel.

According to the Israeli propaganda wing’s scriptwriters, who’d only had since last Friday to hone the narrative, the three men had been involved in planning an attack similar to the one launched by the Palestinian militant group Hamas on 7 October… oh, that little charade that has allowed politicians globally to condone the acts of genocide in Gaza that followed it!

According to a Guardian report, Hamas claimed Jalamana as a member and “Palestinian Islamic Jihad” said the two brothers were part of their Jenin cell. So, there you go, all the justification you need to continue slaughtering children in Gaza and summarily executing three alleged "plotters" without trial.

In a statement, Hamas apparently called the killings “a vile crime that will not go without response”. It said: “The resistance forces, who have sworn to fight the occupation until it is expelled, are not afraid of the assassination policy.”

For pity’s sake people engage your brains, don’t breathe in this bulls**t… it’s just the way Israel works… all just propaganda, pure and simple. These Hamas spokespersons are just Israeli puppets, with Mossad pulling their strings.

The Guardian does report hospital spokesperson Tawfiq al-Shobaki saying no exchange of fire took place during the raid but that the Israelis attacked doctors, nurses and hospital security. And, in the security camera footage, one of the undercover agents can be seen searching a man against a wall with his hands above his head.

“What happened is a precedent,” al-Shobaki said. “There was never an assassination inside a hospital. There were arrests and assaults but not an assassination.”

But I suppose we should be grateful they sent an undercover squad in to carry out the assassinations instead of ordering a drone strike to level the entire hospital. See, perhaps the ICJ ruling has also had some positive repercussions too!

The genocide in Gaza is now entering its fifth month and in Khan Younis over the weekend more than 128 people were killed according to the local health ministry.

Talks on a second ceasefire in Gaza, led by Qatar, Egypt and the US, apparently include plans for a 30-day pause in fighting and the release of “dozens of Israeli hostages still held in Gaza” in return for Palestinians held in Israeli jails.

But given the number of innocent children and civilians slaughtered during the past five months how any Israeli citizens held hostage in Gaza could have survived would be a miracle. But the whole narrative surrounding the events of 7 October last year is nonsense anyway, the Israeli propaganda exposed as fantasy orchestrated to justify the genocide that has followed.

The Guardian reports that progress on a deal remains elusive, according to statements from Israel and Hamas, which is exactly how the monsters running the show in Jerusalem want it. Wake up and smell the excrement everyone, you are being played by the most evil regime in the last 100 years. Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Slobodan Milosevic… Netanyahu's gunning for a seat at that table!


About the Creator

Steve Harrison

From Covid to the Ukraine and Gaza... nothing is as it seems in the world. Don't just accept the mainstream brainwashing, open your eyes to the bigger picture at the heart of these globalist agendas.


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    Steve HarrisonWritten by Steve Harrison

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