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Fitting In

Dangers Of Being A Slave To Others

By V. H. EberlePublished about a year ago 29 min read
Fitting In
Photo by Joshua Tsu on Unsplash

Rodney jeered shaking his head, “Capitalism has been the mechanism or catalyst which has lifted this nation from a third world backwater in to the power it is today.”

“I agree that Capitalism did manage to muster great wealth and build a lot of flashy things. But that is what all oligarchs do to stun the average person into awe of them. You see it all over the world. But I seriously don’t think we were a third world backwater nation. I don’t think that the presence of factories is the sign of greatness. In fact I see the workers reduced to such a small potential of what their lives could be,” countered Nicole.

“Potential?” charged back Rodney, “I think there is a lot of potential. Look at how many people have become millionaires and how many of them went on to be billionaires. Look at all the free, public libraries, theaters, schools. Who do you think make the largest contributions to institutions such as zoos and public television?”

“So, what you are saying is that the only true mark of greatness is the accumulation of stuff? Everyone’s goal should be to become a billionaire? Of course it is the mechanism which fuels the entire system—people desiring to be billionaires. That desire is necessary to maintain value which keeps the Billionaires, billionaires. What a waste, what a narrow focus.” Not giving Rodney a chance for rebuttal, “And before you answer that, yes, I will admit that libraries, schools, et cetera are all great but I think a community or society would be better off developing these on their own.”

“If they ever develop these institutions,” chuckled Rodney with that stupid smile of his.

“Even the most primitive of societies by modern standards have developed education and the arts. But it is theirs. It is all a true reflection of how they understand or see themselves in this world—not some massed produced version of what is accepted.”

“What do you mean by that? I mean when you said, ‘But it is theirs.’”

“There was this guy named C.C. Patterson. He was a college professor who had been assigned the task of dating some zirconium crystals in a joint project to calculate the age of the earth. But he ran into some problems. He found that his entire lab was contaminated with lead which was throwing his results off. So, he cleaned and cleaned and basically developed the clean room but still lead was pervading it. He found it was in the air because gasoline of the time had lead additives which when burned in the motors would release this dangerous neurotoxin into the air and getting into everything.

“Instead of just worrying about his clean room he went on a crusade to end this addition of lead into gasoline. Some of his biggest supporters had been the oil companies. When he started his crusade they threatened to and did eventually cut his funding. They also went on to payoff a prominent toxicologist, Robert Kehoe to go before Congress and tell them that lead was perfectly fine when he knew that it was a horrible neurological agent. But eventually Patterson prevailed and lead was taken out of gasoline and he did discover the age of the earth.”

“So, what is wrong with someone desiring to protect what they had invested in and helping it to do better?”

“At the cost of the health of society—what the hell is wrong with you? You sound like the dictators of Eastern Europe sacrificing the wellbeing of their citizens for a larger profit margin and in the end having to spend that margin and then some on the medical needs of the citizens they harmed.

“But that is just like Capitalists. They don’t care who they harm to get their profits and look to others such as the government to clean up their messes. They feel that they provided the jobs which sustained the community so the least the community can do is deal with their mess. You can fool yourself all you want but Capitalists do love Socialism for a multitude of reasons. Capitalists just don’t want to pay for it.”

Rodney thought for a moment and started to say something but stopped to think some more.

“Just like the Capitalists in this country, they just saw their workforce as a highly replaceable tool for the production of their profits. But at the same time, that is the name of the game—profits no matter the cost to others. As far as their libraries, theaters, schools and such, as the C.C. Patterson story should have clearly expressed to you is that they are able to control what is available to learn and see. Luckily for us Patterson was able to work his way through the cuts in funding. Of course he could have sold out as Kehoe did and encourage our poisoning for their profits. They can put restrictions on what their institutions offer as well as decide for whom these institutions are available. When you think about it that is a lot of control and power and that is what it is all about power and controlling the game.”

“What power, what game are you talking about? I just see individuals who have done well selling their wares and sharing their fortune with those who haven’t done as well. I think these institutions are great for inspiring people to dream and to gain insights to help them rise to the top as well.”

“Like I said a million times before, we live in a system where more is considered better but it can never be enough. If it is ever enough then the whole system collapses.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” asked Rodney.

Rodney was just beginning to feel proud that he had stumped Nicole for once when she started to explain, “Imagine one day you find yourself on a deserted island.”

“Wait what is this about?” demanded Rodney.

“Just humor me. Sometimes it is better to give a graphic example of abstract thoughts to assist another to understand. So just go along with this and listen carefully and much will become clear. I think this will help you to understand my point much clearer.”

Nodding his head shallowly and quickly Rodney agreed, “Okay, I’m all ears.”

“So, you find yourself on this island,” Nicole started as she found her spot, “There is absolutely no one on it except for yourself. It is a nice size island and has all that you could ever want or need to survive and create a comfortable life for yourself. Of course you will have to work and create everything and to do this you are bringing to the effort your strength, abilities, knowledge, and understanding of the various things in your life. You are also bringing your viewpoint of how things should be.”

“Okay, I understand that. Are you on another island of your own?”

“No, I didn’t trust a cruise liner with my life.”

Rodney laughed, “Good, good.”

“Of course in the beginning there are certain things which will dominate your thoughts and efforts such as security, shelter, food, and tools to make this all possible.”

“Yeah, sure, makes perfect sense.”

“Now this is the interesting thing about economics. Once you have your home built your desire for a home decreases or becomes a back burner sort of thing. When you have met your need for shelter you’re not going to continue to harvest materials and build houses. Your need has been met. However, you may want to improve your level of comfort so your focus of need has now changed to one of want as you seek to improve your living standard.”

“Sure, again I agree with this.”

“This goes with everything. As you have harvested trees and stones to build your home you have also cleared land which now you use to grow crops. Once the basic needs are met your thoughts change to wants such as how to organize your crops, protect them from animals, better ways to harvest and store your production. At first you may have focused on what was needed to sustain life but now you may add other things to your diet to improve the quality of the experience. Before you may have just raised basic food staples but now you may be adding an herbal garden. Instead of striving to maintain your life you may now be adding more for the overall improvement of that life such as things you do just for fun.”

“Okay, yeah, I understand what you are saying.”

“How you fulfill your wants and needs with that which is available is your economy. It is the very basic definition and what I consider to be the best of all the definitions of economics I have run across. How you choose to live is your society. And, you are able to adjust according to your wants and needs because they are both you and you are them. You are free to adjust according to what is happening in your situation.”

“Okay,” responded Rodney looking as if he had a question.

Looking to nip it in the bud Nicole started, “Let’s say a storm damages or destroys your crops, you are free to adjust according to your needs. You may be able to harvest some but you are able to subsidize your diet with food you for which you are able to forage. You may increase your hunting and fishing efforts. If your home is damage you can switch your focus from improving to repairing and possibly making improvements you desire at the same time. In other words since you and the economy are one in the same you are able to adjust quickly to the changes which occur.”

“I get that,” quipped Rodney sitting back in his chair starting to think this isn’t going to go his way yet again.

“Your economic recovery depends purely on you and your ability to react accordingly to your needs. It is able to adjust with your needs and wants. As I mentioned economics is the study of how a society fulfills its needs and wants with that which is available. Since you and the economy are one in the same you are doing what you need to fulfill your wants and needs according to that which you have available which is not only limited to food and other materials but also your ability, knowledge, understanding, and vision how you see yourself. This is a Free Market Economy or what I like to refer to as a Natural Economy. You are the economy and your desires and ability to and how you choose to fulfill those desires is what shapes your economy.”

Nodding his head in the same way as before with its quick repetition and shallow dips Rodney said, “Yes, I can see what you are saying. I still don’t see how any of this makes Capitalism seem like a bad deal.”

Looking him right in the eye Nicole calmly said, “I’m getting there. Unfortunately to get there we need to understand the very basics and differences of economic thought.”

“Okay, okay, proceed,” replied Rodney.

“Now that I think we have connected a bit on this let’s ramp it up a bit,” suggested Nicole with a wink, “One day you find that another person has come to the island. You will note that there are several choices to be made. You could decide to keep to yourself and don’t make any contact with the person. This could of course put you into direct competition with the person as he strives to develop his own society and economy vying for the resources of the island. You would have to expense time and effort to adjust your economy to suit the needs of this decision. You could be spending a lot of effort to maintain your sovereignty of your economy. But that is how it goes. Whether you like it or not his economy will be affecting yours.

“I understand what you are saying.”

“Or, you could reach out to one another and through cooperation combine your skills, knowledge, and effort. You could learn from one another. You could be able to double your efforts and increase the quality and production of your needs and wants. You could bounce around ideas and develop even better ideas and understandings. Yet, at the same time you both are members of the same economy you still retain your own personal economics in that you will need or want things which your new companion doesn’t just as he will have wants and needs you don’t.”

“So, why couldn’t we just keep to ourselves and arrange agreements and even trade?”

“That is exactly what you are doing. As I had said, even though through working together you have created a two person economy you are still retaining your own individual economy which adds to the mix. How this person and you decide to do things is up to you. He may prefer fish while you are a vegan which will create different experiences. He will specialize in crafts which allow him to fish while you develop crafts which allow you to farm and identify which plants are good for consumption. Even if you both fish you will develop your own set of skills and experiences which all enriches the possibilities. You may for the most part stick to yourselves only coming together when you need an extra hand, help in dealing with an issue or coming up with a plan through bouncing ideas together, or just for companionship. For the most part you are free to be you and the other person can do their thing. This again, can help to enrich the experiences you can then share to solve issues.”

“How exactly do you mean?”

“Well, you are on your part of the island and are totally independent from the other person. You will experience and see things which the other person doesn’t. At the same time this other person will encounter and witness things you don’t. If you were together all the time you would pretty much experience the same things though from different viewpoints and personal understandings but they would be very similar experiences. Being apart you both will be able to discover more and experience more.

“Thing to remember is that you do have your own personal economy as this other person does. Your differences and interactions are actually chances for personal growth and development. Even though you both have your own economy your combined economies and efforts form the economy of the island. But let’s get this puppy running and ramp it up a whole lot.”

“And so we ramp it up,” quipped Rodney.

“One day you awake to find others on the island and with each day you find more and more. There is plenty for all to sustain themselves and live nice lives. With each additional person you can either tighten the claims on what you consider to be yours which again, would entail expending a lot of effort and resources on protecting and enforcing your claims. They could all do the same or even create a unified economy of their own. And, as mentioned before when you exert claims and try to restrict others it just places you in competition and your entire community and economy then geared for this competition and control of resources. Instead of letting your economy follow a natural course and evolve as you could you are forcing it in the direction of protecting your interests.”

Rodney asked, “What exactly do you mean by that?”

“You would have to put effort into protecting what you believe is yours. In the absence of an authority such as what Anarcho-Capitalists would like to see but it would require you to basically enforce your own claims such as the Old West. As with other cited examples of quasi anarcho-capitalism such as Medieval Iceland or Saxon England there was a lot of force and violence to enforce claims as competitors sought the resources they felt they needed, wanted, and to which they were entitled. Unfortunately, a vast amount of your time, thoughts, and effort would be expended on this enforcement of claim and that will be how your entire society and economy are directed to sustaining you and maintaining your claims. You are basically locked in this system where you need to maintain and support a constant defense as will your competitors. Which means you will have so much effort in sustaining you, keeping in mind your security from others who will be doing the same and in the process, that you’ll be missing out on so much potential. Or…”

“You could combine your efforts and talents with the others and develop an economy where people are able to freely express ideas and work with others to develop new ideas while assisting one another to overcome obstacles and issues and helping others to fulfill their needs and wants and allow room for experimentation and specialization.

“And in the process create a possibility for personal growth and evolution,” quickly added, Nicole taking charge of the conversation again, “An economy or society has an innate desire to respond to the needs of the individual members of that society or economy because they all make up the society and the economy. Without these individuals the economy and society would not exist. This is a natural economy. Individual members are able to add new things to replace old out of date things. If there is a disaster the economy and society are able to react to it instantly because it is the individual members. In the same vein the society and economy are able to react instantly to change. They can adapt it if it proves to be worth it, they could just ignore it and maintain with what they have and are comfortable, or they could develop a hybrid of what they are use to and that which is new.”

“You mentioned about society scale disasters. Of course people throughout the society will come together to address what has happened to them, but what about an individual with problems? Let’s say you have a person whose home burns down and they lose everything. Or, this individual doesn’t feel they need to contribute to the societal pot. What happens then?”

“Well, that is a pickle isn’t it?” said Nicole jokingly, “Whether you like it or not you will be responding to this individual. As with any living creature this individual will do what they need to in order to survive. So, you could choose to not help the individual and help to create a potential powder keg which could result in you and your neighbors having to expend much of your time and resources on protecting what you believe is yours. This person will do what they believe is necessary for them to survive and regain what they have loss. You may have to create institutions to deal with this individual such as security force, poor house, jails, work houses and many others which were tried in the past with no improvement and becoming drains on the society and the economy as well as forcing both to focus on one thing such as maintaining individual property or everyone could pitch in together and help this individual become an asset to the society again which will encourage others as well.”

“Encourage others as well?” asked Rodney in repeating her words.

“Yes, think about it. If you live in a society where you mess up and end up having to pay for it dearly the rest of your life then chances are you might become very unwilling to try anything outside of the mainstream norm. You would have very few attempting to push the envelope. It is a stagnation of innovation except to improve upon existing products which in itself might be slow in order to protect what you do know. But if you live in a society where you know that if you try something and it blows up in your face they will have your back then there is an open door to innovation, new ideas, and endless possibilities.”

“But what if you keep coming up with misses? How long do you expect the society to pay for your ongoing failures?”

“I guess it all depends on how you mean by pay? If as in the modern understanding of paying with resources purposely restricted in order to maintain a value or is it just a matter of helping the person out with an abundance of resources which aren’t restricted to maintain value? Is it about the overall health of the community or about your individual greed?”

“Huh, what?” asked Rodney a bit thrown by the question to his.

“Never mind, we will get to it in more detail. Long ago people started doing something which seemed incredibly stupid. Certain individuals were building wings and jumping from high structures in the hopes of flying. Many were badly injured and there were those who died from their injuries as well. People kept doing it. Eventually Diego Marin Aguilera jumped from the castle of Coruña del Conde and actually glided over 300 meters. Da Vinci designed a couple of flying machines including a helicopter and ornithopter which as far as we know were never built. What you refer to as failures have all been in other eyes seen as experiences from which to learn and build.

“No life should ever be considered to be a waste. Failure is one of those words which tend to make me want to examine the person who is using it closer. It is one of those words which a person who is trying to manipulate you from paying attention to another to just listening to what they have planned or to sell themselves. Even if you have a debate with someone and never see eye to eye the encounter gives you the opportunity to learn about your position; your ideas; and how others perceive them and you learn about others. Everything no matter how disastrous can be a lesson or a step towards complete success. Everyone has had to face obstacles and challenge themselves to grow. It is why generals study the losing side as much as the winners to see what can be improved. Did you know Gallipoli Campaign which was a monumental disaster which cost Winston Churchill his position as First Lord of the Admiralty was the inspiration for Operation Overlord? Officers were tasked with the job of how to have turned Gallipoli into a victory for the ANZAC and British Forces. Every Experience is a lesson for others no matter how small you or others think of the experience. Look at Gregor Mendel.”

“What the pea man?”

“Yes, did you know that he had done all of his experiments and observations and had pretty much kept this research to himself? I understand that it was only during the rise in interests in genetics and traits that someone found his notes and in turn were able to build on them. He wasn’t one hundred percent correct but his observations on dominate and recessive genes and outcomes did provide a nice platform on which to build.

“Look at Vincent Van Gogh, he was a perfect example. Despite being constantly criticized he just continued on painting and developing his style. He was considered to be a very poor artist not because he was, but because of the taste of the area and the era. Now he is considered to be one of the most brilliant artists in history because people have learned to see and understand the true beauty of his work. Everybody, everything, every event has much we could learn. The mosquito is one of the most deadly plagues ever visited upon humans but yet at the same time we have learned much about the body and medicine because of it and are still learning more about ourselves and nature because it has truly gotten our attention.”

“So, mosquitoes are good?”

“As I have said, yes and no. They are a challenge such as others such as the tsetse fly which helped us to learn more about ourselves and the world around us as well as the universe. It’s as if the world is an amazing classroom for us to learn enough to reach even higher levels of ourselves.”

“Okay, so what about people with disabilities both mental and physical?”

“They are people and all potential assets to a community and the world at large with a wealth for us to learn,” responded Nicole, “Just imagine if we can come together, overcome our personal issues, force ourselves to work through our differences to develop mutually beneficial ideas on which we can continue to build; there would be no limit to what we could accomplish. It is easy to just think of yourself. Most people do decide to take the easy answers which leave out many; especially within a system such as capitalism which teaches everyone to be out for themselves and what you end up with is rationalizations, excuses, and justifications which include thinking of others as lazy or inferior. But to take everyone into consideration requires growth and at the same time with each issue you resolve we prosper as we unleash even more potential. With each issue satisfactorily resolved raises us to even higher plateaus and with that growth and learning we are able to take on even tougher issues.”

“And Capitalism doesn’t offer this?” asked Rodney with an exasperated expression, “Are you serious?” as he gestured to the skyline of high office buildings and apartments.”

“You can see this in numerous cities and towns throughout the world. You run into the same old concepts over and over. It never ends and at the same time you have the same old answers for the same old problems which are the same problems that existed thousands of years ago, same old crimes and social issues. Do you know why I think that is?”

“Go ahead, enlighten me.”

“In the economy which I described on this island and its society as well have the ability to grow and evolve in numerous directions. You have, let’s say, 1,000 people. You have a wealth of 1,000 minds with their experiences, knowledge, points of view, understandings, and so much more working for all. Both the economy and society are able to respond to the needs and emergencies of the 1,000 members. It has the ability to respond to changes and challenges as needed. A person could lose everything and the society and economy both have the ability to either help this person get back on their feet and be an asset or ignore the person’s and others’ needs and allow them to become a potential liability and having to adjust itself to meet that need expending effort and resources on protecting those who haven’t lost everything. It has the ability to learn and to grow in the way which the society is free to choose.

“Yet under Capitalism what was a free society of 1,000 minds with the economy responding to the 1,000 members is now a society which is being forced to bend to the will of those who control the resources on which the society is depended. What had once been a free economy is now being directed for the benefit of those on top by the ones on top. Essentially we are in a game like “Monopoly” in which those on top get to make all of the rules.

“Very simply those who are able to fit into the vision of those who control the economy will do well. Then there are those who don’t fit perfectly but are able to make themselves fit the capitalist’s vision they have a very good ability to succeed but are they truly happy? I think that the source of a lot of mental illnesses and substance abuse originates from trying to modify yourself to fit within the vision of someone else instead of just being who you are. I also think that that this group counts for the largest amount of people. Also keep in mind these people are all different and are within a large range of those who have to do a little to fit to those who have to do a major transformation. Then there are those who have an incredibly difficult ability to fit or not at all. These are the individuals who will be forced to the fringe of society. As I mentioned,” Nicole said thrusting her arm up with her elbow on the table and one finger pointing up from a clenched fist to stop Rodney from interrupting, “These people will not just allow themselves to perish. They will fight to survive and do whatever they can to get what they believe they need and want—a huge source of criminal activity and poverty.

“I should also mention at the same time the economy which is not a construct of those on top but which is the sum total of all of those involved has its own direction. It has the need to respond to the individual members. However, the Capitalists who control the resources of the society and economy are doing so in a way which best fits their vision. When you see upheavals, recessions, wars, breakdown in society, rise in black markets, rise in crime these are all symptoms of an economy being forced to respond to those controlling the resources for their benefit at the expense of the rest which is Capitalism in a nutshell. Yes, individual members are responded to through the Capitalists’ need for people to work and consume but this is all to the vision of the Capitalists not the people. But…”

“Okay, but what?” asked Rodney.

“I honestly believe that if people are allowed to they will work together on issues. As I have mentioned there is far more potential in working together. They are willing to work together because it is in their best interests to take advantage of the different expertise, experience, skills, knowledge, division of labor, and the force multiplier through a group effort with more eyes and minds on the project as well as the physical strength. Even Capitalists recognize the tremendous value of people working together. Of course the difference is when it is just people coming together it is the result of the vision of the group whereas when it is under Capitalism it is at the direction of the Capitalist and for the benefit of the Capitalist who then decides to whom the rewards go. In the voluntary group it is done for the benefit of all involved.”

“But if any of this was true why wouldn’t people just go and do their thing? Why would you subject yourself to such a thing?” asked Rodney sensing a possible victory.

“That is actually a very good question and unfortunately the answer can be and is very complicated. Think on what I just told you.”

“Okay,” responded Rodney realizing that the victory he had sensed is possibly hers.

“Think about the entire economy and society being forced to bend to the rules of Capitalism. People are being forced to follow the rules of the game.”

“Forced?” asked Rodney without missing a beat.

“Yes, forced,” responded Nicole.

“How so?” rebutted Rodney.

“When you have a few controlling the resources through ownership you also have the weight of the law defending those claims of ownership. This creates a situation where those who do not have control of those resources which are needed to depend on the ones who do hold the deed. At the same time those with the financial resources have to power to decide what is to be invested and in what it is to be invested. Which means with the investment it will only be those parts of the economy and society which are developed and in the way they choose to develop it. Through the ownership and the power to decide what is developed they are able to control people’s decisions and if these people wish to get what they can then they need to play their game.

“Now this brings us to a very interesting part of the whole situation.” She paused a moment to take a drink. Rodney just sat silently and waited patiently. Putting cup back on the table gently she asked, “How do you measure success in the game of ‘Monopoly’?”

“Well, there are two ways. You can win by bankrupting all the other players and gaining control of their wealth or you could win by just stopping the game and counting up your wealth and the one with the most wins.”

“Okay, and how do you win or be a success in our economy?”

“You gather the things you need for your life as you desire it to be.”

“But all those things are owned and controlled by others.”

“True, so you have to play their game to get the money you need to legally acquire the things you desire.”

“And what is the measure of success?”

“Having the resources you need to do as you please? So, I guess you must play their game to get what you need to get what you want.”

“So basically, if you are able to fit within the vision of those who control the resources and play well within the limits of their game then you could become a success?”

“Yes, I guess you would have to be able to fit and well.”

“Exactly, and this is what robs us of so much potential. An economy and a society have an amazing ability to respond to the needs and wants of their members because they are all one in the same. It is all able to adjust accordingly to emergencies and change. But when you have Capitalism you have a group who may not necessarily form a central planning committee but since the goal and the ability to reach that goal are all the same you might as well have a planning committee which is constantly forcing the economy and society to respond to their vision not that of the economy and society. If the game and the rules are all the same all over the world you will have the same results and with the restriction of resources to maintain value you will bring many into competition instead of being able to grow and evolve through cooperation. This is where we loose so much potential. But it is okay, we have all the flashy large buildings and cars and boats, and houses to keep us jumping at the bait to gather up as much material wealth as we can. To think of it that is just so sad that that is the focus of so many as what they see as being a success in life. It’s life you are throwing away.

“You know, it is so sad that money is seen as the answer to the problems of many. But that is the name of the game all over the world and it has to be maintain to keep the materially wealthy where they are and keep us in our place as obedient, subservient cogs in the machine which keeps them on top. And we have the people who have the hardest time getting themselves to fit within the vision to be scapegoats and warnings to all of us of what could happen if we refuse to play their game.”

“I think I see what you are saying.”

“When one person helps another to see the light and truly understand it isn’t a competition and both win.”

Rodney thought for a few more moments and then finally asked, “How can you be so sure that Capitalism isn’t part of the nature of humans?”

“It is a part,” fired back Nicole, “It is but it is the most basic nature of humans; it is the part which is closest to being an animal. You have the greed and selfishness of an animal in survival mode. But we humans have evolved away from that nature millennia ago. Through working together and looking out for one another and actually division of labor we have manage to move forward in leaps and bounds. Capitalism is the division of individuals from these groups which prospered working together with the focus being shifted from the group to that of the Capitalist.

“Funny thing,” started Nicole changing direction, “If people within a community would come together, learn to work through their differences using their varied experiences and knowledge to resolve issues with mutually beneficial solutions which take all into consideration we could easily lose our dependence on the rich and powerful and gain the potential of the economy of the one I described on the island.”

“Yeah, but you look around and you see people falling perfectly into place under capitalism?” asked Rodney.

“Again, that what you are seeing is also millennia of being forced to fit the vision of those on top. This is the reason for all the rules, regulations, enforcement, institutions, restrictions, and punishment. What you are seeing is the result of ages of being forced to fit within the vision of those in power.

“I think that one of the things that made our Founding Parents so special was they were living on a strip of land between the Atlantic and a thick never ending forest which was populated by people who weren’t that crazy about our Founding Parents being there. At the same time Great Britain was embroiled in the political machinations of Europe. Our Founding Parents were in a precarious situation and had to respond to it which led them to looking to one another instead of the powers that be in the homeland. They had to come together and learn to workout things amongst one another. Do you realize that they had to build entire cities, towns, villages, from total scratch? They learned to see the powers that be such as the king and parliament as hindrances. They decided to create a government in which the people were in charge and free to reach amazing levels of potential. Of course they were limited to what they knew and did keep a lot of things in place such as voting only to white, male, landowners but they understood the dynamics of many ideas coming together and we have made many important progressions since then. Women can vote, slavery is illegal, and many minorities are able to be heard and many have rights they never would have had before. Unfortunately, we have come under the control of those on top again and along with it were a lot of rules, laws, punishment and enforcement of these rules to keep people within the limitations which make the game work. And yes, over the years through a selective process of those who are able to fit the best are those who benefit from the system and with each generation we become more obedient, subservient employees instead of Americans.

“And, before you say it, yes there was a lot of violence and force to get us here. Using property laws and protectionist laws many small rebellions have occurred and many have been arrested and killed to help protect and encourage Capitalism. In fact one way to look at the Civil War is that it was over the protection of northern Capitalists at the expense of the South.”

“I think I am really beginning to understand what you have been explaining. But I still may have a lot of questions.”

“Hey, that is perfectly fine,” chimed Nicole, “Take your time. Read, research, and think about things. It is all out there and can be found. That’s the one thing, they don’t teach it in class and do offer an official history they want you to believe but it’s the whole idea that it is all out there that they can say we are a free country.

“Sad thing is when most people are taught about something they believe that they know all that they needed to know and their search ends. I hate to tell you but what they teach you in high school are only familiarization courses. The only things they really go deep into are English and Math the rest is just enough to give you a basic idea. But most people think they know enough to make real decisions when in actuality they know enough to be easily manipulated. Even a Professor of American History doesn’t think they know all there is to know about American History and realize that they have much more to learn as does a medical doctor or an economics professor and so on. True learning never has an end. You may become very knowledgeable about a particular event or subject but if you are truly a scholar you know you have more to learn.”

“Okay, sounds like a plan,” responded Rodney, “I do obviously have a lot to learn.”

“As do I,” replied Nicole.

“We can do it together?”

“Yes, you may see things I don’t and vice versa,” smiled Nicole.

new world orderopinionactivism

About the Creator

V. H. Eberle

I have been a student of human nature since I can remember. I hope that you feel free to explore my findings in these short stories and articles. Perhaps you will learn far more about yourself and others.

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    V. H. EberleWritten by V. H. Eberle

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