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Everything Donald Trump Accomplished as President of the United States

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By Timothy A RowlandPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
Everything Donald Trump Accomplished as President of the United States
Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

Donald Trump's presidency was a tumultuous era in American politics, marked by a myriad of accomplishments and controversies. From his successful business ventures to his unconventional political ascent, Trump's presidency left a significant impact on the nation. Let's delve into the various aspects of his tenure and evaluate the accomplishments that defined his time in office.


Donald Trump, a renowned businessman and television personality, entered politics with a promise to shake up the establishment and put America first. His journey to the Oval Office was unprecedented, characterized by his unorthodox approach and divisive rhetoric.

Early Career and Business Success

Trump's early career was distinguished by his ventures in real estate and entertainment. His business acumen catapulted him into the public eye, establishing a brand synonymous with opulence and success.

Political Ascent and Presidential Campaign

In 2016, Trump announced his candidacy for president, running on a platform focused on economic revival and immigration reform. His unconventional campaign strategies resonated with a segment of the population disillusioned with traditional politics, leading to a surprising victory.

Major Policy Reforms

Tax Reform: Trump's administration implemented significant tax cuts, aiming to stimulate economic growth and bolster job creation.

Immigration Policies: His presidency witnessed stringent immigration policies, including the controversial travel bans and efforts to secure the southern border.

Foreign Policy

Relations with North Korea: Trump's approach to diplomacy led to historic meetings with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, although lasting denuclearization remained elusive.

Trade Policies: He initiated trade negotiations, advocating for fairer deals to protect American interests.

Economic Achievements

Job Growth: The Trump era saw steady job growth and a decrease in unemployment rates, especially before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stock Market Performance: The stock market experienced periods of growth during his presidency, reaching record highs.

Judicial Appointments and Supreme Court

Trump's legacy includes the appointment of three Supreme Court justices and numerous federal judges, shaping the judicial landscape for years to come.

Healthcare Reform

Efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act faced challenges, with debates surrounding the best approach to healthcare reform.

Environmental Policies

The administration's stance on environmental regulations and climate change sparked debates and rollbacks of certain policies.

Response to Natural Disasters

Trump's response to natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires drew attention, with varied opinions on federal support and disaster management.

Challenges Faced

Impeachment: Trump faced impeachment twice during his presidency, highlighting divisions within the political landscape.

Controversies: Various controversies, both personal and political, often overshadowed policy achievements.

Legacy and Impact

Donald Trump's presidency left a lasting impact, polarizing opinions about his leadership style and policy decisions. His legacy continues to influence American politics and discourse.


Despite the controversies and challenges, Donald Trump's tenure as president showcased a blend of unprecedented achievements and contentious moments, leaving a complex legacy that continues to shape the nation's political landscape.

Quick List of Trump Accomplishments

Built a prosperous economy with 7 million new jobs The White House - Trump Administration Accomplishments

Record-breaking growth in manufacturing jobs The White House - Trump Administration Accomplishments

Implementation of policies that brought significant changes to American policy Politico - 30 Things Donald Trump Did as President You Might Have Missed

Contributions to fixing water infrastructure issues in Flint, Michigan The New York Times - A Fact-Checked List of Trump Accomplishments

A mix of accomplishments and failures during his presidency Business Insider - Trump's Biggest Accomplishments, Failures From His One-Term Presidency

Compilation of 121 accomplishments by Trump and his cabinet McLean County Republicans - Trump Administration Accomplishments

Donald Trump's accomplishments as President include job creation, economic growth, policy changes, infrastructure contributions, and a mix of both successes and failures during his tenure.


The White House - Trump Administration Accomplishments

The White House - Trump Administration Accomplishments

Politico - 30 Things Donald Trump Did as President You Might Have Missed

The New York Times - A Fact-Checked List of Trump Accomplishments

Business Insider - Trump's Biggest Accomplishments, Failures From His One-Term Presidency

McLean County Republicans - Trump Administration Accomplishments

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About the Creator

Timothy A Rowland

I’m an every day human Xennial from the United States. I have many interest. I just want to improve your life and maybe entertain you. Available for editing and LeadsLeap projects at:

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    Timothy A RowlandWritten by Timothy A Rowland

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