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Dear Biden

A letter to our new president

By Thomas TerryPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Dear Biden
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Dear Biden,

You are taking office in such a broken time. The unrest in this country is on a constant rise and there are hurting people across this nation. You will be given the chance to unite our country or drive it further apart. I cannot say I agree with you or even wanted you to win this election, but you did win and now you are my president. I will wish you the best and even give you the benefit of the doubt that you will do what is best for this country. I hope you will have the wisdom and discernment you will need to lead a broken nation into unity and growth. I want to see America be the land of the free, a thriving nation not one where you say something someone doesn't like your voice is silenced and your life ruined. That's not freedom in fact it is quite the opposite.

I will beg you to not forget where we as Americans came from. Don't forget the reasons we fought to leave the British all those years ago. Help our democracy and capitalism grow and not crumple to communism. You as an elected official have the duty to protect our constitutional rights including speech and the right to bear arms. Don't alienate half of America by declaring war on the NRA. The men and women who are apart of the NRA are not the enemies of America, the system itself is. If we could fix the lifestyle and the broken homes in America we could fix so many more issues we come across every day. The root cause of a lot of the violence we see is that kids are growing up in broken homes. The system incentives fathers leaving so that they can get onto welfare. Our system for helping people is only hurting them more. More regulations won't fix America that is like slapping a bandaid on a machete wound and saying you fixed it. America is bleeding and needs a doctor. We need to fix the problem at the source. Our systems that are built to fight racism in our country are encouraging broken famileis and poverty. These are what need to be fixed.

As you plan to take office I hope you do not fill your cabinet with unqualified people just because of the way they look. That is not the answer to fighting racism. Just putting people in positions of power because they are or are not a certain color is not a solution. We need people who are wise and able to take on the unique challenges of the position. We need diversity in our schools but not just diversity of color. What we really need is a diversity of opinion. How can we have productive debates if one side of the coin is pushed away and silenced. Just because you believe one way does not mean someone else who believes differently is evil. You say that our country is filled with systemic racism yet you continue to talk about ways you will help people of color and not white people. That by definition is systemic racism. I agree some cops may be racist but the system itself is not.

There are people who are fearful of what you might do in these next years. You are in the position to show the other side what it could look like to work together. The democrats keep talking about how they are the party of unity and love. That sounds great, show us how that works. Unity does not mean agreeing on everything, instead, it means being able to make compromises and work with one another despite our differences. I want to be able to have a conversation without being yelled at because I think things should be different.

I am sorry I am so scatterbrained but there is so much I wish I could tell you. I want you to know my point of view as a conservative so you can better serve the half of America who lost. But it doesn't have to be a loss for us. If you bring unity and protect our rights as Americans then it can be a win for everyone. That is what I would love to see you do in these next four years. I wish you the best for these next four years, Mr. President.


About the Creator

Thomas Terry

Hello, I like using poetry and music to help connect people and find the meaning of life. We all have our own unique stories and I want to share mine to hopefully inspire you to share yours!

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    Thomas TerryWritten by Thomas Terry

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