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Break in hostilities but Blair and Cameron back to stir things up

Netanyahu: 'War continues until we have complete victory'

By Steve HarrisonPublished 8 months ago 11 min read
From left to right: Tony Blair, David Cameron, Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh

Just when you thought the situation in Gaza couldn’t get any more sinister, who should pop back up on the radar but former British prime ministers and World Economic Forum (WEF) facilitators David Cameron and Tony Blair.

When the news was coming out last week of Cameron making a return to bolster Rishi Sunak’s Tory front benche as UK foreign secretary, there was also much speculation about Blair being brought on board by Israel as a key hostage negotiator to play down its campaign of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

According to the Jerusalem Post, on 12 November, Israel was seeking to install former British Labour prime minister Blair as a humanitarian coordinator for Gaza “out of a desire to improve the humanitarian situation inside the Palestinian enclave and reduce international pressure” as Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud regime continued to wage its genocide against the children and civilians in the enclave.

And Ynet, the online arm of the Yedioth Ahronot newspaper, cited unnamed senior officials as claiming Netanyahu hoped to leverage Blair’s experience as the former Middle East Quartet’s envoy to the region to temper international concerns over the civilian cost of the Israeli military siege.

The report said Blair had been contacted on the matter and talks had been ongoing with his office in Israel stating “he has not been given or offered a position” while not directly denying any contact had been made.

Ynet said the exact definition and scope of the proposed role had not been clearly defined but Blair’s office confirmed in a statement that: “Mr Blair maintains an office in Israel and he continues to work on matters tied to Israel and the Palestinians. Understandably, he has conversations with people in the region and other places in order to see what can be done, but he was not given or offered the role.”

Blair, who was British premier from 1997 to 2007, became a Quartet – which comprises the United Nations, European Union, United States and Russia – special envoy immediately after leaving office and continued to represent them until 2015.

Following the Hamas incursion into Israel last month Blair, who is a long-time member of Labour Friends of Israel, released a statement condemning Hamas’ brutal onslaught in southern Israel and called for change.

“As the full nature of the barbarity and disgusting savagery of Hamas’ attack on Israel becomes clear, which the perpetrators know full well will result not only in grief and tragedy for Israelis but also for the people of Gaza, it becomes clear also that decades of conventional western diplomacy around the Israeli-Palestinian issue will need to be fundamentally re-thought,” he wrote.

Clearly Blair had already read the WEF script and was firmly in tandem with the false-flag narrative, so just the man for Israel to have on board but not a huge plus for the Palestinian people facing the full wrath of Israeli state suppression.

But after Sunak welcomed Cameron onto his team, Israel’s “Blair bitch” project suddenly seemed to die a death only to be salvaged by the UK’s Labour opposition leader Keir Starmer, who has brought Blair in as a broker to help him build relationships with Middle East leaders, including Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. So, not to read too much into it, but Starmer is to be Netanyahu’s proxy to make Blair more tolerable as an “intermediary” in the conflict?

According to The Scotsman report on Starmer’s appointment of Blair, its aim is to alter perceptions about his shaky opposition following last week’s Labour rebellion in the vote on whether Westminster should support calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Starmer himself abstained on that vote but 56 Labour MPs supported an immediate ceasefire, with Rachel Hopkins, Sarah Owen, Naz Shah and Andy Slaughter all sacked by the Labour leader after the vote.

Jess Phillips, Afzal Khan and Yasmin Qureshi were among shadow ministers who quit their roles to back the motion, with 10 frontbenchers in all leaving their jobs over the vote, including eight shadow minsters.

Starmer has stood firmly behind his policy of not calling for a ceasefire with insiders suggesting it is because, with a general election only a year away at most, he is acting as he would if he were prime minister.

So it seems his response to the setback is to have Blair, Britain’s most successful Labour politician with three general election victories, managing his campaign for top office and brokering diplomatic introductions in the Middle East, with assurances Israel can expect a consistent approach from the UK should Labour win the next general election.

And why, one wonders, might that be? Well a telling indication could be Starmer’s affiliation to the Israeli cause... with the opposition leader’s wife, attorney Victoria Alexander, coming from a Jewish family. Together they have two children who, according to reports, they are bringing up to recognise the faith of their grandfather’s family.

“Just carving out that tradition, that bit of faith on Friday is incredibly important, because we get together and we do Zoom prayers now,” Starmer told The Times Of Israel, an online newspaper, in December 2020.

Ahead of the Limmud Jewish learning festival in the UK, Starmer opened up on how he and Alexander are raising their children to recognise their family’s heritage.

The family belong to London’s Liberal Jewish Synagogue, which is situated in the St John’s Wood neighbourhood. Alexander’s mother, who had converted to Judaism, died in 2020. “It’s been a terrible year for my wife and her family,” Starmer told The Times Of Israel, adding Alexander’s father, who was born Jewish and has roots in Poland, lived on the same street as the Starmers.

So does that mean Starmer has a vested interest in backing Israel’s interests with regard to Palestine? Well, given his performances in Westminster so far, you’d have to at least be a tad suspicious.

Oh, and don’t forget, when Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions, when allegations began to emerge about BBC TV and radio presenter Jimmy Savile (high-profile Jewish celebrity) being a prolific sex offender, he was at the helm when the Crown Prosecution Service failed to pursue them.

Now of course, there is no evidence to suggest Starmer had any direct involvement in that decision. But since his death, aged 84 in 2011, a series of inquiries and investigations found Savile was responsible for six decades of sexual assault and the abuse of hundreds of children and women. If only Starmer could have known, perhaps he could have been prosecuted!

Don’t know about you, but seems like pretty damning evidence to me and more than enough, I’d say, to qualify Starmer as an Israel apologist… so two of them steering the Labour ship and Starmer’s bid to form the UK’s next government.

But how about our current government? Well, ahead of last week’s Westminster vote calling for an immediate ceasefire, Sunak resurrected another former prime minister, beaming in Cameron as foreign secretary after speedily elevating him to the House of Lords to quash any resistance to the government’s acceptance of Israeli genocide in Gaza.

So, after last week’s Westminster vote rejected calls for the UK to back cries for an immediate ceasefire, Cameron took to the sky to find out what the climate in Israel was like, after first stopping off in Ukraine to briefly focus attention back on WEF’s other big production starring Davos’ Kiev puppet Volodymyr Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin, also a WEF facilitator.

And, following the WEF script to the letter, Cameron assured Zelensky Britain would support Ukraine for “however long it takes” before moving on to Jerusalem to catch up with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen to get the latest updates on Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

Cameron, who has called for “humanitarian pauses” with the UK “committed to preventing wider regional instability”, said on X (aka mark of the Musk): “I spoke to Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen yesterday and shared my condolences for the Israeli civilians killed in Hamas’ brutal 7 October terror attack.”

Well done Dave, you toe that Israeli propaganda line! Cameron, again on X, also said he’d called Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riad Malki to outline all the hard work the UK was doing to address the acute humanitarian situation in Gaza, emphasising the UK’s support for the Palestinian Authority and a two-state solution. Yeah, a real humanitarian response coming from Sunak’s government, no question about that!

Cameron on X:

But, herein lies the problem, Israel doesn’t want a two-state solution... it wants total control of Palestine, cleansed of any Palestinian pollutants, which is where Ismail Haniyeh and Yahya Sinwar enter the fray.

These are the Hamas heads culpable for the 7 October border incursion by a group of militants, using hang-gliders and jeeps, that the Israel Defence Forces, the best-equipped army in the world, took more than eight hours to repel. But, in the course of that valiant effort, they did manage to wipe out hundreds of their own citizens attending the Nova music festival after they were engaged by an IDF combat helicopter.

Allegedly deployed to target Hamas fighters, apparently instructed to blend in with the crowd to deceive the air force into mistaking them for Israelis, the IDF gunship opened fire on its own citizens, with police estimates suggesting 364 people were killed at the festival although their identities were not disclosed. This comes from an Israeli newspaper report on 18 November in the Haaretz, the longest running title currently in print in Israel.

The whole debacle was a false-flag production planned by Israel to justify its ethnic cleansing and slaughter of children in Gaza. And how could this come about? Well, I’m of the opinion that Haniyeh, the current chairman of Hamas’ political bureau and head of the Hamas list that won the Palestinian legislative elections of 2006, and Sinwar, Hamas’ chief in Gaza since 2017 when he replaced Haniyeh, are nothing more than Israeli puppets, there to provide the justification for Likud’s merciless colonisation of Gaza.

Based at their political bureau in Qatar, I’m guessing Haniyeh has some kind of diplomatic immunity so it’s Sinwar who Israel is allegedly targeting in Gaza and bringing all its force to bear on the innocent children and civilians in a bid to presumably capture.

But Sinwar has disappeared, hardly surprising as thousands of Israeli troops – backed by drones, electronic eavesdropping devices and human informants – are all trying to discover his whereabouts. But how much effort are they really putting into this task and are tunnels under Gaza really hiding him?

No doubt there are tunnels, as the IDF keeps finding them and I doubt they go to the trouble of digging them themselves. But, let’s face it, they could be showing propaganda shots of pretty much any tunnels on the planet as far as most people would know.

Israel certainly holds Sinwar responsible for the 7 October raid but I’ll be gobsmacked if they find him as he’s the cog in the wheel that brings legitimacy to Israel’s siege of Gaza and the slaughter of children.

“Yahya Sinwar is the commander… and he is a dead man,” IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in early October, a statement that was echoed by IDF Chief Of Staff Herzi Halevi: “This abominable attack was decided upon by Yahya Sinwar. Therefore he and all those under him are dead men walking.”

Yeah, they sure seem to know a lot about Sinwar’s role in the attack. And, along with a team of Mossad strategists, it is more than likely Sinwar has strings controlling him from Jerusalem. Finding him would cause Mossad quite a bit of grief because that would mean they’d have to find a replacement for him on the ground.

What if his successor at the head of Hamas started to genuinely operate against Israel’s interests and head down Arafat’s negotiated path to a two-state solution. Certainly not what Israel wants at all.

As I write this article news is coming out about a temporary four-day ceasefire being agreed, in a deal struck after lengthy and complex talks mediated by Qatar, the US and Egypt.

So Qatar, home of Haniyeh, is an instrumental player in the talks. I would guess because that provides the conduit by which Haniyeh is advised of Israel’s strategy for validating its actions in Palestine. The message is then passed on to Sinwar who carries out the plan to appease Israel’s conscience and deflect some of the global backlash against its ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

The ceasefire is due to begin tomorrow morning, 24 November, with an exchange of hostages and prisoners, as well as opportunities to bring humanitarian relief for the citizens of Gaza.

The deal, announced early yesterday, will see Hamas free at least 50 of the hostages taken on 7 October, while Israel will release at least 150 Palestinian prisoners and allow up to 300 trucks of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

The Israeli terror bombing over southern Gaza will stop, with restrictions imposed on air strikes over northern Gaza. According to a Hamas statement, Israel has agreed not to arrest anyone in Gaza for the duration of the break in hostilities.

The freed hostages will be women and children, and likewise with the Palestinian prisoners. But, one moment here, why is Israel holding women and people aged 18 and younger as prisoners?

We are told, if the first exchanges go well, and Hamas can locate more female hostages or children, there will be further releases on both sides. But Netanyahu has already warned the genocide in Gaza will continue despite the brief ceasefire.

So a breakthrough of sorts at last, but really don’t be deceived. This is just a calculated move by Netanyahu to try to get the world back in harmony with Israel’s colonisation of Gaza.

“The war continues,” said the Israeli prime minister at a press conference in Tel Aviv. “We continue until we have achieved complete victory… eliminating Hamas, liberating our captives and making sure that post-Hamas there will be no threat to Israel.”

But the spanner in the works could be Sinwar, whose views in the past have been known to diverge from those of Hamas’ leadership outside the enclave. However it’s a system that works perfectly for Israel… a Hamas office in Qatar that brings legitimacy to negotiations and a rogue element in Gaza to carry out Israel’s bidding on the ground.

Who gives Sinwar his orders? Could it be Israel? Perhaps it’s via a landline or mobile connection with Haniyeh in Qatar? Personally I’m of the opinion it’s probably a direct line to some Mossad operative, either electronically or directly in the maze of tunnels under Gaza that Israel first constructed as far back as the 1960s.

Israel captured Gaza from Egypt in 1967 and held the territory under full military occupation until 2005 when it withdrew its settlers and soldiers for Hamas to assume full control inside the enclave two years later following the 2006 elections.

So my question is do those tunnels extend under the border and into Israel and provide a myriad of opportunities for secret meetings between Mossad and Hamas strategists? Will Sinwar be found hiding underground or is he already in Israeli hands being briefed on the next phase of the operation once the ceasefire ends?

I really don’t have the answers but I know not to believe the propaganda from Israel, the disinformation flooding the mainstream media and certainly not one word that passes the lips of WEF facilitators Sunak, Starmer, Cameron or Blair.

A short break in the genocide is not good enough, the slaughter of children must stop permanently and the people of Palestine must have a say in the future of theit ancestral homeland. Israel's colonisation and ethnic cleansing must not be allowed to continue!


About the Creator

Steve Harrison

From Covid to the Ukraine and Gaza... nothing is as it seems in the world. Don't just accept the mainstream brainwashing, open your eyes to the bigger picture at the heart of these globalist agendas.


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    Steve HarrisonWritten by Steve Harrison

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