At The Touch Of A Button

A Simple Idea To Create Our Own Network On Vocal

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
A Profile To Network


Earlier this year I was looking at my profile, and as I am so laconic, I believe that I don’t have to say much about myself because most people find me uninteresting and boring ( although if you are reading this you are among that select elite who believe I have something worthwhile to say or you stumbled here by accident, whatever I now have your attention).

Building Our Vocal Network

I thought it might be useful to put links to my other social media presences on there so it would be like a central station for my various platforms and pages. Then I decided to add some of my favourite Vocal Creators so I could quickly jump to their page and see if they have anything new for me to read.

As far as I know I am the only one to do this, it’s a bit like when Stiff Records used their inner record sleeves to promote great albums on other record labels in the late seventies / early eighties. Vocal pushes us to promote ourselves and that is something we all have to do, but I wanted to sort of expand this and hope that people who land on my home page see a name that they may want to visit.

I mentioned that I had added Heather Hubler, who I respect a great deal, and she thanked me and has taken up the idea on her Profile Page which you can see below. When I clicked through I realised that I had instant access to a lot of writers who I love to read.

One of the issues is that we are limited to 240 characters in the profile text so you are limited to the number of creators you can have on your page, but if we all add a few, maybe if it’s just half a dozen (you don’t want thirty or forty, and there wouldn’t be rook anyway) we can build a network on the Vocal platform and discover even more great content to consume.

At the moment it’s just Heather and I. If this is not your thing that is fine, we can use subscriptions and favourite stories to connect as well as our Facebook links so it’s not as though we are cut off. I’m also not suggesting that you add me or Heather, but if you do, you will immediately have direct access to some great creators who you may already know.

I hope I don’t upset anyone that is not on my list, and I am the worst for feeling left out, but if you do this, someone is sure to include you on their favourites list. Heather included me and I included Heather, but between us we have links to about twenty great creators, and I know if I click on Heather’s profile link from my Profile I can jump onto the pages of other friends I did not have space for.


You may see this as just more work, but for me it saves me a great deal of time as I can check out some of my favourite creators, so to speak, at the touch of a button. How many times do you hear that pushing digital content? And yes it’s at the touch of a button, after pressing a hundred buttons beforehand.

Have a look at mine and Heather’s Profiles, jump between them and see if you want to join in and link to one of us and become part of the network.

tips and guides

About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales & Poems

7(1.2m) ֎ Fb ֎ Px ֎ Pn ֎

X ֎ In ֎ YT (0.2m) ֎ T

Vocal Tips


Call Me LesGina HeatherCaroline


DaphsamMisty MelissaMa Coombs


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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  4. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  5. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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Comments (27)

  • Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock4 months ago

    This is a great idea, Mike. I may have to get around to reviewing my page.

  • Donna Reneeabout a year ago

    Oh cool!! This is in the for creators by creators resource section now! 👏👏😃. Yay!!

  • Caroline Janeabout a year ago

    Nicely done Mike... this should be a resource. Definitely. 🥰

  • J.C. Russeabout a year ago

    I love this idea and will definitely spend some alone time (away from work and kids when i can catch some freedom) and start immersing myself in lots of other creators' works and start building a "showcase" list on my profile too! Awesome idea! I fully believe life is about reap what you sow...and this is goodness many should implement.

  • Jo Cro2 years ago

    Great idea!

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  • A simple yet great idea!! X

  • U.Rdiya2 years ago

    Congrats on your Top Story!

  • SC Wells2 years ago

    Absolutely love this idea!

  • Loryne Andawey2 years ago

    This is vital information. Thanks to you look how many authors in your circle made the Top Story today, including yourself! This is what teamwork and support looks like. It's beautiful. Congratulations to all of you and for what you've accomplished!

  • Kim2 years ago

    I love this! Genuine support for one another. It’s tough being limited, but perhaps you can change it up/cycle your favorite creators each month? Regardless, I think you’re on to something here…

  • Sissi Smith2 years ago

    So how does one do this without eating up all the characters? Very cool idea! Congratulations on the Top Story!

  • Morgana Miller2 years ago

    This is giving me MySpace top 8 throwbacks, and I dig it. :)

  • Heather Hubler2 years ago

    Congrats on your Top Story!!

  • Gina B.2 years ago

    Perfect song accompaniment. Appreciate you always supporting and lifting up other creators on the platform. You have great taste!

  • I love how the video matches so well with your title. I'm not going to say how I didn't even need to play the video and I knew exactly what the song was from the still shot. That video requires a warning for young ears and the faint of heart. LOL.

  • KJ Aartila2 years ago

    Congrats on your Top Story, Mike! This is such a great idea! :)

  • JBaz2 years ago

    You are a step ahead, this is a great idea Mike.

  • Awesomeness bro!! Congratulations on top story

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  • You are the backbone of Vocal. I hope more people realize that.

  • Madoka Mori2 years ago

    I really like this idea! I already lean on my subscriptions pretty heavily for what the writers I like are up to, but this is a nice way to promote some of my favourites to others.

  • KJ Aartila2 years ago

    This is a great idea! :)

  • I've thought a lot about this but the only reason I've not done it is because there's a word limit and I wouldn't be able to add everyone. My anxiety will never let me be in peace knowing someone might think I'm ignoring them

  • Dana Stewart2 years ago

    Great idea!

Mike Singleton - MikeydredWritten by Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

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