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HSP: My trait made me do it!

Realizing your traits are all linked to being a Highly Sensitive Person can seem overwhelming at first. Being able to identify why you are the way that you you can live your best life, is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

By Vanessa R. PowellPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo Credit: Leesa Renee Hall

HSP's are sensitive to bright lights

The only time my Sun-visor gets lifted up is when it’s raining or it’s completely dark outside. Otherwise, I always have it down because it’s too bright when I’m driving.

HSP's need to reset with downtime

If I’m in a bad mood or just feeling down… I listen to calming music to help reset my feelings. If that doesn't work, I put myself in "time out" by going to my room to lay in bed. I'll often binge watch my favorite series or take a nap.If I want to take it one step further… I’ll go on a drive put the windows down and crank the volume on some songs that I would consider hype so I can really feel the music.

If I am fueled with rage/anger, I take my shoes and socks off and walk barefoot in grass. Being in nature helps reset and ground myself. I also greatly enjoy tending to my garden and picking flowers to make arrangements for various rooms in the house. While I don't have a forest in my backyard, this technique is often referred to as Forest Bathing. The quiet and sounds of the birds chirping ease my overwhelming feelings.

HSP's are easily overwhelmed by noisy crowds

If I’m traveling in a busy airport after going through security and finding my gate… I will go to the bathroom because it’s quiet and it helps reset my anxious feelings.

HSP's often struggle with low energy or feeling depleted

I overthink and sometimes over analyze everything. I have a tendency to over explain why I do or don’t do something to better educate someone so that they understand my reasoning because it’s important for me to know that they know why I came to the decision that I made. (Hello run on sentence, but it had to be said this way) All of this thinking is exhausting. I often feel very tired. I am also a light sleeper and it takes me anywhere from 20mins to an hour to fall asleep because I have trouble shutting down my mind.

HSP's avoid violent movies/tv shows/certain media in the news

I do not pay attention and have unsubscribed from all news stations in my social media accounts. Some of it still filters through, when people share articles, and I do my best to not let it affect me too deeply. The feelings leave me unsettled. HSP's are also known to startle easily or are jumpy. I tend to avoid Horror movies & shows.

HSP's are deeply moved by beauty

Perhaps this is why I am a photographer. I love going for drives and admiring the beauty on the sides of the highways, roads, cities I've never been, etc. I love a feel good commercial that can move you to tears. I love nature and various forms of art. Pinterest is both my friend and my nemesis (because I can't stay off of it! HAHA)

HSP's can experience PMDD (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder)

I joke that my period lasts a full 2 weeks. One week before I start: my hormones are self destructing causing me to feel extremely moody, extremely irritable, constantly on edge, and difficulty concentrating, and these are just the psychological effects. I typically feel my cramps, bloating, lack of energy and breast tenderness also during the week before my actual cycle. This has gotten MUCH worse in my 30's. For more information on this topic click here. So how do I deal with all of this? I'm still learning if I'm being honest. Trying to communicate with your partner and family is crucial. Paying attention to what your body needs is crucial. Perhaps you need to soak in a bath with 500 essential oils in the dark for 2 hours. Maybe you need a nap....or to lay in bed for awhile and binge watch your favorite shows. Only YOU know what YOU need. Trust your intuition and don't ignore your needs.

For more of articles on Highly Sensitive People, check out:

To learn more about Highly Sensitive People check out this podcast by Julie Bjelland

She also has an amazing eBook:

To purchase the eBook click here


About the Creator

Vanessa R. Powell

I am a portrait photographer, graphic designer, creator extraordinaire, oh and I sell Scentsy. I suppose I am dabbling in writing too 😊 | Based in Evansville, IN | I am 721vanessa Photography |

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    Vanessa R. PowellWritten by Vanessa R. Powell

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