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Have you got a Drug Dealer/Pusher, type mind?!

… And are you just its enslaved junkie customer?

By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Have you got a Drug Dealer/Pusher, type mind?!

… And are you just its enslaved junkie customer?


If you..

…Are always finding yourself shouting at your spouse and kids.

…Are always angry with your co-workers

…Are hating the entire world but STILL have to go on social media to fight your little corner Vs all comers!

…Punching walls and doors.

…Are itching to tell that arse hole at the bar what you really think of their dumb shit.

Then Maybe consider…

That Just Maybe…



Maybe consider…

That Just Maybe…



One long-standing issue with our entire species is that as a survival trait, we are very addicted to our hate and anger.

Rage is a potent self-applied hormonal cocktail that fills the "addict" with feelings of euphoria, confidence, resistance to pain, and resistance to rational fear.

As well as delusional feelings (that seem VERY real) of empowerment and strength.

While most people feel that getting hit is a bad thing,

There are (honestly, I do promise this is true) some who are addicted to physical combat (or watered-down modern replacements)

Even in modern times, there are (mostly men but also some women) who like the controlled anger and feelings of power that come with street fighting and brutal pub brawls.

The excuses may vary, but the real core reason is the love of martial combat.

INCLUDING the adrenalin rush of being hit hard enough to get your aggressive blood pumping enough to hit back.

And while this was a good thing from an evolutionary standpoint, fighting for our tribal group's survival vs predators, etc.

However, In the modern world. - On today's social media. - It is a bit, to put it politely, "redundant".

This is, a not often talked about enough, ugly truth, about us all, as a species.


And people will never admit to it...

Sure, You may never get into physical fights. (yet)

Maybe you feel that you are just well informed and passionate about your beliefs?!

(And perhaps, at the same time, that is also true)

It is easier on the ego to feel like a Heroic Crusader for the Left or the Right or something else than is to admit you have a problem...

Adicts will always claim,

"That's not me"

- "That can never be me"

- "Rage just makes me feel ill"

And when, you ever so lightly, press them on the subject,

Guess what?!

They go into a rage-induced rant, full of personal insults!


Maybe this is Not you!?

(Bearing in mind that a large part of addictive traits in anyone’s personality is genetic – you may well not be pre-disposed to being addicted to anything, anyway!)

But then again…


Ask yourself THIS...

While, Yes, It is true, That You may feel awful afterwards, including ill, nauseous, exhausted, and drained because of the come down from your own body's applied rage drug.

But – Before the comedown, did it feel, sort of, nice at the time?

Did you feel extra motivated or maybe slightly more empowered, as your normal IQ was being chemically suppressed??

(Even though it was not real)

Chemistry will always be chemistry.

Biology will always be biology.

I am not saying that the following applies to you – Maybe you are special and different in some way.

- But as rage is rightly seen as a bad and negative thing, many people may not want to admit how addicted (either chemically or just psychological they may be to it.)

(The toxic poisonous macho “hero” kudos attached from both historic culture and modern-day mainstream media, do not help!)

There can form, habitually, a sort of reward system

- (Not dissimilar in mechanics at play, to the brain's reward to use for eating high-fat, high sugar foods. - but even when made ill from such a diet, people will still crave more later!)

Because of the potential shame attached to it,

It took a while for me to spot and recognize it, in myself!


I say this as someone who openly admits being addicted to rage.

Without my "Rage fix", I get withdrawals that lead to crippling depression that leave me with very limited ability to care for myself adequately.

(Including basic hygiene)

So, I am left with only two choices

Chase the "Rage Dragon"

Or fall into horrifying despair that leads to self-destructive thoughts.

(It is not a great existence, but it’s the only one that I have got – So I might as well “suck it up” and just get on with it!)


People rant and rave against one another,

As their anger gets ever stronger and ever more potent as they circle the drain, from being merely moderate to being a follower of one form of extremism or another.


- People will refuse to admit that they are really living for the fight...

...Rather than their claimed cause! -


Sure, they may have intellectualized reasons for their stance a million miles long.

But at the end of the day, - you have to ask.

How many of these rants and extreme beliefs are just a self-license to just get another "rage fix" of their drug-dealing pusher brain?


Just Like any other more common addiction,

The first step is acknowledging that you have a problem!

So, while others are in deep denial,

About our most common addiction that is supported by our cultures, social structures, social norms, and networks that have historically always helped both justify and support their horribly toxic, filthy habit,

(Because the idea of macho men gaining glory and honour in a war, while waving a rag on a stick, benefits the sort of people that own munitions factories, social media sites, and action movies.)

I choose to dissent, against that popular view, even if I will never be able to kick my drug habit.

For now, I see my rage for what it really is!


As a Metaphor,

The mask has now been pulled off the "Scooby-Doo Villain" and now I can only see, that the real crook behind all this all along was really...

Duh! Duh! Duuh!

- None other than a cartoon version of my own grinning brain, holding a dripping drug needle!

…To continue extending that same Scooby-Doo metaphor.

The cartoon brain then says,

"And I would have gotten away with it too,"

"If it had not been for those meddling personal insights"!


I stand up before you all.

I Now openly admit it.

"My name is Ross E F Lombardi…"

"…And I am a violent, potentially homicidal, very doomed, rage addict!"




About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 years ago

    Omg, I think I'm addicted to rage. This piece was an eye opener

Ross E Fortune LombardiWritten by Ross E Fortune Lombardi

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