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Facts About Life and Real People

The Struggle with Mental Health and Addiction

By Emily BuehnerPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

Facts are facts. Simple right? It's either true with proof or not true. One fact a lot of people hear and use is, "life isn't fair." Yes, that is true. Is it a fact? It can be if you have support to back it up. Okay so people say life isn't fair, why do we have to believe what other people say. Life isn't fair but we control our own destiny. So it is a fact to some extent.

Have you ever looked at the statement backward? We say life isn't fair, but the life given to us we treat is unfair by the choices we choose to make. If someone drinks excessive, that is not fair to the life that was given to them because they aren't appreciating the life that they have. If someone decides to start using drugs, they are taking their life for granted because our lives given to us are not meant to be cut short, but it often does because of the choices we make that affect ourselves, and may affect others around us. A person who decides to drink and drive is cutting their life short; before they even know it, four people a day are killed for driving under the substance of drugs and/or alcohol in Canada. Life isn't fair when innocent people are killed because some person chooses to take their life for granted and end another.

Why do we choose death over life? People who choose to smoke are taking their lives for granted also because they don't appreciate the life they are given to respect and take care of their bodies. Many may end up dying at a young age due to some related cancer caused by their smoking. People look at death as, that shouldn't have happened to that person...they didn't deserve to die, why them? Life isn't fair. Life isn't fair because we make it unfair to ourselves and others.

Things we cannot change about not being fair is mental health. People do not choose to have mental health issues. Mental health is a disease along with addiction, but the difference with addiction, the person with the addiction choose the very first time to use drugs, but they did not choose to be addicted. People cannot choose to have mental health problems; they may be caused by life experiences, traumatic events, and how we feel.

People with addiction and mental health issues are real people and the fact that life isn't fair when those people struggle on a day to day basis dealing and try the hardest they can with their mental health issues, whether that may be depression, PTSD, FAS, anxiety, personality disorders, and many more. With that said, even though life isn't fair, we don't have to sit around and suffer in silence. We reach out to the supports who understand the life struggle and know that we are real people with real issues that need to be addressed and worked on.

Life isn't fair but we don't need to sit around believing what other people tell because we control our own lives, and if life isn't fair to you, then we can change those thoughts and feelings around.

How we turn those thoughts and feelings around is what we like to call CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is rewriting how we think about things. For example, we say life isn't fair, but I will choose to be happy and make the best out of life I can with the challenges that are given to me at hand.


About the Creator

Emily Buehner

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    Emily BuehnerWritten by Emily Buehner

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