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Everything We Don't Know

Unveiling the Unknown

By Dilesmeyyy<3Published 12 days ago 4 min read


Color perception is a fundamental aspect of human experience, yet it raises profound questions about the nature of reality. When we say something is green, red, or blue, how can we be sure that what one person sees is the same as what another person perceives? Our names for colors provide a common language, but they don't guarantee identical visual experiences.

The Enigma of Color Perception

In February 2015, a seemingly innocuous image of a dress sparked a viral debate: was the dress gold and white or blue and black? This phenomenon highlighted the subjective nature of color perception and reminded us of our limited understanding of sensory experiences. The "Yanny" or "Laurel" auditory illusion further underscored this point, showing that even sound is open to interpretation.

Water: The Essence of Life and Mystery

Water is undeniably crucial for life on Earth. It covers 71% of the planet's surface and composes a significant percentage of various living organisms: humans are about 60% water, potatoes 80%, watermelons 93%, and cucumbers 95%. Despite its abundance and importance, much about water remains unknown. Astonishingly, we've explored only 5 to 10 percent of Earth's oceans, leaving vast, mysterious depths unexplored.

The Complexity of Coastlines

The concept of coastlines presents another intriguing challenge. Coastlines are the ever-changing boundaries between land and sea, constantly shifting due to natural processes. Measuring the length of any coastline is fraught with difficulty, as each small deviation from a straight line adds distance. Surveyors often simplify these measurements, resulting in varied estimates depending on the methods used.

Human Ingenuity and Invention

Humanity has demonstrated remarkable ingenuity in adapting to challenges. From creating clothing and shelter to developing tools and weapons, we have continually invented solutions to survive and thrive. The origins of fire, music, and other innovations raise questions about discovery versus invention. Did humans invent music, or did we merely recognize and systematize harmonious sounds present in nature?

Tool Use and the Definition of Humanity

For a long time, the use of tools was considered a defining characteristic of humans. However, studies by researchers like Jane Goodall revealed that chimpanzees also use tools for various purposes, challenging our understanding of what sets humans apart. If tool use isn't unique to humans, what is? Emotions, rational thought, and social bonds are found in other animals, suggesting that our definitions of humanity may need revision.

Consciousness and Self-Awareness

The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in 2012 stated that many non-human animals possess the neurological substrates that generate consciousness, indicating that humans are not unique in this regard. This revelation forces us to reconsider what truly makes us human. If consciousness, sentience, and emotions are shared with other animals, what distinguishes us?

The Mysteries of Death and Existence

Life and death remain two of the greatest mysteries. Near-death experiences hint at the possibility of life beyond death, but these are shrouded in uncertainty. Similarly, the origins of ancient structures like Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids are subjects of speculation and debate. Were they human achievements or the work of otherworldly beings? We simply don't know.

The Power of the Human Mind

The human mind is the source of all our greatest inventions and discoveries. The placebo effect illustrates the mind's potential to influence physical health, demonstrating that belief alone can initiate healing processes. Self-affirmation has been shown to bolster self-esteem and competence, indicating that our thoughts can profoundly impact our reality.

Laughter, Crying, and Handedness

Human behaviors such as laughter, crying, and handedness raise fascinating questions. Laughter is not unique to humans; animals like dolphins and rats also exhibit this behavior. Crying, too, appears to have emotional healing properties, yet its association with sadness remains puzzling. The prevalence of right-handedness and the rarity of ambidexterity suggest underlying biological or evolutionary factors that we have yet to fully understand.

The Vast Unknowns of the Universe

Space exploration has expanded our understanding of the universe, yet it has also highlighted our smallness. With potentially billions of solar systems and galaxies, the question of whether we are alone in the universe persists. The nature of the universe, the composition of matter, and the existence of atoms all pose fundamental questions that continue to elude definitive answers.

The Nature of Time

Time is a constant in our lives, yet its true nature is elusive. Did humans invent or discover time? Understanding time is crucial to understanding existence itself, but its origins and mechanics remain shrouded in mystery.


Despite our advances, we remain in the infancy of understanding the world and ourselves. From the nature of perception and consciousness to the vast mysteries of the universe, there is much we do not know. However, this ignorance is not a limitation but an invitation to keep questioning, exploring, and learning. By embracing the unknown, we continue the journey of discovery, inching ever closer to uncovering the true meaning of existence.


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    Dilesmeyyy<3Written by Dilesmeyyy<3

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