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People Scare The Sh*t Out Of Me

Real Poetic's Mini Challenge

By Jordan Sky DanielsPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
People Scare The Sh*t Out Of Me
Photo by Julia Kadel on Unsplash

How's it going?

My mind: do I reply?

Should I say I'm fine?

I'm not fine

Today is not okay

There you go spiralling

Take it easy

Conversation isn't easy

What if I answer and that lights a spark?

This girl doesn't begin to now where to start

Should I go with fine

That's everyone's favourite line

Even if it's a lie

Then again society has us toe a fine line

Strangers don't really care

They ask and move on

So why bother?

It's not really as polite as we think

See I'm having social anxiety

I'm about to panic

Do I have to go through this dynamic?

Some will say people are mean

They say hi and others don't speak

Excuse me sir, ma'am

Whatever you identify

I'll respect it

Respect that I'm not going for mystic

I'm backpadelling no oars

Can't hit you with bars

This chick is up a creak

Why'd they walk up to me?

Why say anything?

People don't know how they scar the sh*t out of me

Real Poetic issued a mini challenge all about describing your fear in a poem to enter and check out others participating in the mini challenge go here.

sad poetrysocial commentary

About the Creator

Jordan Sky Daniels

90s kid

Flower child

I rise with the moon

My pen flows

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  5. On-point and relevant

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Comments (7)

  • Cathy holmes12 months ago

    Oh my, this really good. Well done.

  • Mackenzie Davis12 months ago

    I can't express how much I get this poem. I had a major anxiety breakdown my freshman year of high school, and this speaks so much to how I felt: cripplingly overwhelmed at the thought of being in public, around more than 2 people, and only calm people I knew. The constant fear of being seen by strangers, the terror of small talk, even about the weather. Pathological self-consciousness is one of the hardest things to get over, and I'm still not quite over it, 10 years later. Very well written, Jordan. Your rhymes add a lot to the emotional weight here, and I love the build up to the final line. The conversational tone works wonderfully too; you have a great poetic style. 💗

  • Mohammed Darasi12 months ago

    This a weird fear that I'm sure a lot of people have, including myself! It's illogical to worry about what strangers would think about you, because you won't see them again.. but the fear still comes in.. we always ask ourselves these exact questions you had in your poem every time! Great and relatable poem!

  • Omgggg, I can soooo relate to this! I'm an introvert who has social anxiety and agoraphobia. People scare the hell out of me too!

  • Real Poetic12 months ago

    This is really well done. I can relate to this one so much.

  • 🥹📝👍❤️💯😉

  • Jazzy 12 months ago

    I also do not like the small talk; I would rather not respond! Great poem!

Jordan Sky DanielsWritten by Jordan Sky Daniels

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