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Tale of The Golden Scroll

By Wendy - Empathic TigressPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

From Middle Earth to land and sea,

Three traveled to the shores of Greece

With tools of magic made to breach,

And suits of mercury for each.

In whalebone ships, they slipped below,

To dive to depths beyond the glow

With Lava glass upon their heads,

They filtered air from seaweed beds.


Left adrift in the deepest seas,

A golden scroll from mystery

Well hidden for a thousand years,

Beneath 'the waterfall of tears'

There, sharks seek out the scent of blood,

Below, in holds adorned with mud

Among the ghosts of sailor’s drowned,

A treasure, longing to be found.


Below the decks’ the mermaids played,

Hypnotic songs, their serenade

Delighted were the hunter’s eyes,

Strange creatures gave them such surprise!

Three men's intent to glorify,

From Middle Earth, from land, and sky

Found themselves as cold as death,

Confronted by the ghostly depths...


Then, suddenly appeared a light,

Soft at first, then blinding bright

Below it stood a silver chest,

It’s secrets waiting to confess.

The chosen three, the chest in hand,

Delighted now, returned to land.

Within the scrolls, the truth be told,

Of man’s lament in days of old …

Eons ago the world loved greed,

Their hearts were starved of basic needs

In search of gold, they sold their souls,

Their sin increased a thousandfold!

Technology would bide its time,

Gaining strength to rule mankind

No need for men to click their keys,

The world bowed down to mean machines!


Angels cried from thunderous skies,

To warn of moral genocide

Within these scrolls, the truth remained,

A book of love and life explained

Man's love of meat and sinful treats,

Begot a terrible disease

This pestilence from days of old,

Made scarce the greatest tale told

A cure became a fiasco,

Of death and beastly placebos!


Men from the middle, land, and sea,

Had found the 'Word' to set man free

No treasure map, nor chest of gold,

Instead, the greatest story told...

They traveled with the book in hand,

To Middle Earth, to sea and land

They spread the hope of heaven’s word,

At last, the prayers of man were heard...

We promised then, never again...

Would greed for 'green' create our end!


© Wendy Phelan - 26 March 2020

Image Google - No Claim

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Wendy - Empathic Tigress

Born in NZ, living in Australia. With a passion for writing from an early age. Traumatic experiences peppered my life but, gave me deep empathy and unconditional love. Poetry/writing are the best therapy and bring me peace, I hope to share.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (5)

  • Heather Hubler2 years ago

    This was absolutely gorgeous! I loved all the imagery, the message, just everything :) And your rhyming game was on point. Great work!

  • Love it Wendy you are a talented writer and you know that I love a good nautical tale I first thought of Jason and the Argonauts when I first started to read this but you have woven a beautifully crafted story Many contiued blessings to you my sweet friend ❤️

  • Beautiful use of language. Magical story. I found it ending abruptly - would love to have had another stanza to bring the moral home.

  • Babs Iverson2 years ago

    Brilliant and loving it!!!💖💕

  • I absolutely loved this! 💖 Thank you so much for sharing this with me! I especially loved this part: Eons ago the world loved greed, Their hearts were starved of basic needs In search of gold, they sold their souls, Their sin increased a thousandfold! Technology would bide its time, Gaining strength to rule mankind No need for men to click their keys, The world bowed down to mean machines!

Wendy - Empathic TigressWritten by Wendy - Empathic Tigress

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