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Visualization- Extremely Powerful Tool to Master to Manifest Your Desires

Practice Visualizing Yourself in the Situations You Wish to Create

By Yogesh SawantPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Visualization is an extremely powerful tool and you must master it in order to manifest your desires. Once you have mastered visualization, you will be able to visualize the exact situation you wish to create. The process of visualization is the very basis of meditation and must be mastered if you wish to control your mind and use the power of your mind to manifest your dreams. When we meditate we focus our attention on a specific object or idea, and gradually move away from it until we arrive at a state of mental rest. When we do this while visualization is an active part of our meditation, we are using this process as a way to create the exact situation that we wish to achieve.

By visualizing yourself in the situation you wish to create, you are allowing your mind to take you to the place you desire. Visualization is also referred to as "conscious dreaming." When we wake up from a dream, we normally visualize ourselves in a positive situation. By meditating and visualizing you are creating a new reality for yourself, and you will live your life according to your new chosen belief system.

By Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

This process allows you to change your beliefs by changing the way you think about something. When you visualize in your mind, you are allowing the subconscious to come into play. This subconscious part of your mind can do amazing things such as forcing you to take any action that goes against your beliefs, yet if you focus on visualizing the situation you wish to create, it allows your conscious mind to stay focused on the goal of meditation.

If you are in a situation that you do not like, it is important to visualize yourself getting out of it. Do not allow your mind to dwell on what it is you don't like about the situation. Imagine yourself overcoming the negative thoughts and coming out as a positive person. You can even visualize yourself leaving the situation you are in or loving yourself for how you are feeling right at that moment. Your conscious and subconscious minds work together to make decisions that help you in everyday situations.

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Another technique to help you with visualization is to breathe deeply and imagine the scenario you wish to create filling your mind and body. Feel all your muscles relax as your mind fills with thoughts of joy. Visualize the feelings associated with each scene, and bring them into reality with your breath. If you find this difficult to do, then just remember to focus on one sensation at a time, instead of picturing the entire scenario.

You can also use visualization to release negative emotions. When you visualize the way you want to feel when the situation or person you are upset with is not present, you may find that you can let go of the anger. When you see yourself acting in a way that you wish would happen instead, you will have more patience. You may even find that positive emotions come more easily as you use visualization to release them.

The best way to start visualizing yourself in the situation you wish to create is by focusing on one aspect of the scenario. Focus on the part of yourself that you wish to change, and see how that changes the other parts of the scenario. You can also focus on how the other person feels about the situation. This exercise requires you to breathe deeply and to visualize the feelings associated with the situation, instead of just visualizing what you feel. It is important to be patient with your visualization exercises. Take some time between your visualizations to actually feel the emotions associated with the scenes you visualized.

By Benjamin Child on Unsplash

The more you practice visualization, the more comfortable you will become at visualizing yourself in different situations. You can start visualizing yourself making promises to yourself, and then seeing yourself keeping those commitments. You can also practice visualizing yourself enjoying the positive outcomes that you wish to see in your life. You will get more comfortable with visualizing yourself by practicing on a regular basis.


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Yogesh Sawant

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    YSWritten by Yogesh Sawant

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