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What do girls notice first? It's More Than Just Your Looks

Forget the Pick-Up lines; Here's How to Make a Genuine Connection That Goes Beyond First Impressions

By James SmithPublished 28 days ago 3 min read
What do girls notice first? It's More Than Just Your Looks
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

We've all heard the age-old question: "What do girls notice first?" It's a loaded question, often leading to superficial answers about physical appearance. But the truth is, attraction is a complex dance, and what a girl notices first can vary depending on the situation and the individual.

Let's ditch the stereotypes and delve deeper into the fascinating world of first impressions. Here's what girls might actually notice before your biceps or dazzling smile:

Confidence is King (or Queen):

Confidence is an undeniable magnetic pull. It's not about arrogance, but self-assuredness and a genuine comfort in your own skin. This confidence can manifest in your posture, eye contact, and the way you carry yourself. Owning your personality and being comfortable initiating conversation is a major turn-on.

A Spark in Your Eyes:

The eyes are often referred to as the windows to the soul, and there's truth to that. Girls might notice the genuine warmth and kindness in your eyes, the spark of humor, or the intensity of your focus. Making eye contact shows you're present, engaged, and interested.

A Smile that Lights Up the Room:

A genuine smile is universally attractive. It conveys warmth, approachability, and happiness. A forced grin might fall flat, but a smile that reaches your eyes and crinkles the corners is a sign of true joy that's contagious.

The Power of Positive Body Language:

Your body language speaks volumes before you even utter a word. Good posture shows confidence and self-respect. Leaning in during conversation demonstrates interest, while crossed arms can create a barrier. Mirroring her body language subtly shows you're engaged, but don't overdo it!

The Soundtrack of Your Voice:

The way you speak can be incredibly attractive. A confident, well-modulated voice is a pleasure to listen to. Avoid monotone delivery and show enthusiasm with vocal inflections. Humor is a plus, but avoid cheesy jokes or forced attempts at being funny.

The Intrigue of Mystery:

A little mystery can be captivating. You don't have to be an enigma, but revealing yourself gradually can keep the conversation flowing and spark her curiosity.

A Hint of Style (It's Not Just About Labels):

While designer logos aren't everything, taking pride in your appearance shows you put in an effort. It's about dressing for the occasion and feeling comfortable in your own skin. Whether it's a well-fitting t-shirt or a sharp suit, wear it with confidence.

Chivalry Isn't Dead (But It Doesn't Have to Be Holding Doors):

Thoughtful gestures can go a long way. It could be offering your jacket on a chilly night, remembering something she mentioned earlier, or simply listening intently to what she has to say.

Beyond the First Notice: It's All About Connection

The initial spark is important, but a lasting connection goes way beyond what someone notices first. Here's what truly matters:

Genuine Interest: Take the time to get to know her, ask questions about her passions, and truly listen to her answers.

Shared Values: Do your core values and life goals align? Shared interests can create a foundation for a strong connection.

Sense of Humor: Being able to laugh together, at yourselves and the world around you, fosters intimacy and creates lasting memories.

Kindness and Compassion: These qualities are universally attractive. Being kind to others and showing empathy creates a strong emotional bond.

Remember, attraction is multifaceted. While the initial spark might be ignited by something you notice first, a lasting connection is built on shared values, genuine interest, and emotional compatibility. Focus on being your best self, cultivate your personality, and let your confidence shine through. The right person will be drawn to you, not just for what they see on the surface, but for the incredible person you are within.

So, the next time you wonder what girls notice first, remember – it's a combination of factors that create that spark. Be confident, be genuine, be kind, and the rest will follow. Now go out there and connect with people with an open heart and an open mind. You never know who you might meet!

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Comments (1)

  • Titilayo Agboola21 days ago

    "Owning your personality and being comfortable initiating conversation is a major turn-on". So true!

JSWritten by James Smith

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