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6 Affirmations People Need To Hear Often

It will benefit all

By LATANYA N CHATFIELDPublished 2 days ago 3 min read
6 Affirmations People Need To Hear Often
Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

People are affirmative beings. There is no age maximum or minimum. At some point in our young lives, we were affirmed in some way. Many positive. Many negative. Many with nothing at all, silent affirmation. As an adult, you have become conditioned to your environment of affirmations either in its absence or its presence and this needs to be reprogrammed into your life.

#1 You are Worthy/Deserve

This one is difficult to convey if a person doesn’t feel worthy within themselves, and this goes both ways. The person giving the compliment needs to be in a place of worthiness just as the person they are giving the compliment to. Worthiness emits an energizing feeling deep inside of a person that requires them to change directions in what they allow in their life. When a person believes they are worthy they will begin to look at their relationships and ask, are they worthy of the treatment……

#2 You are Unique

Social media has painted a picture that we should all look, live, talk, love, hate, and accept things the same way. The problem is people struggle to keep up with these images and lifestyles. They lose themselves and when all the things around them look different they are wondering what happened. Some go through a rough period with mental health issues others do get to the point, where they understand that they are unique and foster that uniqueness to live their life authentically.

#3 You are Needed

Let’s look at need in another way. You are needed in your communities and you are needed within. Yes, You need You. You need You to be the best healed “You” operating in this beautiful yet twisted world. If hurt people hurt people. Then what do healed people do? Your talents are needed. Your creativity is needed. Your time is needed. People look around for help when help is welding up inside wanting to flow outward.

#4 You are allowed

The permission to be your greatest and highest self doesn’t come from the outside. It comes from the inside. Until you get the confidence that is present and waiting inside of you, hearing someone say that you are allowed is a pretty big deal to help you along the way. You are allowed to be your amazing self, even though you don’t feel like you are amazing!

#5 You are Appreciated

Did you know that people walk around with their bodies in a stressful perpetual ball of defense? They are waiting for rude customers. They are waiting for someone to cut them off in traffic. They are waiting for a series of unfortunate events. I have a habit of telling people in the business of customer service that they are appreciated. It is a great habit because when I say it, that person immediately lets down their guard of defense. Telling someone you appreciate them says a multiple of positive things. It says that they see you. It says that you matter. It says that they were glad you left the house to be of service to them. I tell my children I appreciate them. Now they say it to people when we are out in public.

#6 You are Loved

….And you really are. You are loved and being loved is very powerful. There are no other words needed. You can feel the love when someone expresses that they love you.

If you find yourself needing to boost the moods of those that you encountered. Just remember the things that make you feel amazing and find the courage to say them aloud often.

Thanks for reading!

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About the Creator


I love to write all genres and teach my kids that they can do and be anything at any time in their lives.

Check out some of my other stories, short reads, thoughts on my podcast website:

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