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Tin Man


By Ocusan MPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 20 min read

Opening song serenade from song Tin Man.. Smoke glass stained bright colors, image going down, Soapsud green bubbles..

Well here we are in a brand new tv show that I hope you’ll like, ( character smiles a squeaky smile with his red painted lips of silvery tin. ) It all started when I was stuck in the desert with no one there to help me loosen my rusty joints.. (Time drifts back where character is seen moving elbow & grimacing in pain) You see, I had lost my oil can when I went to the geyser to wash my rusty axe when I dropped it in the bubbling sulfur! Boo hoo hoo 🤧 The tin man cried a tear that turned to rust immediately. Oh no, now my tears have rusted more, ( tin man looks up at the clouds hopelessly searching for help ) I’ll help you find your oil can Tin Man. Who said that ? Who’s there? I’m here, a tiny little fairy said dancing in the air. Looking up he saw a pretty little fairy with pink phoenix wings. She smiled at the mechanical creature. I thought you were one of those giant crows that ate up my friend, scarecrow! Oh my how horrible, I am as you can see a small humble phoenix fairy 🧚🏽‍♀️

That’s right! We’re just outside of Phoenix, ( might as well be Tombstone 😢 ) Say.. can you retrieve my oil can? I would be ever so grateful 😨 Well I can give it a try, little fairy said. Just follow the yellow brick road until you see the geyser, you can’t miss it. His long thin nose twitched pointing to a sign post. The bricks were hardly visible from the covering sand that glistened in the mirage like atmosphere. If I find your oil can, will you help me find flowers to make a flower bed? I can’t sleep on a cactus 🌵 Sure I will ! I know if we find the Magical Genie in her glass city there are many flowers 🌹 Alright it’s a deal, I’ll be on my way to the geyser ! I hope you do find it, be careful the geyser is very hot 🥵

The fairy flew through the sand following the path until she found the geyser. She saw his axe soaking in the shallow area but the oil can was deep down in the boiling turquoise clear pool of sulfuric acid. How was she ever going to retrieve that? Gazing down into the bubbling hole, she breathed in too much vaporous fumes of egg smelling gas causing her to pass out. Her wings guided her down safely until she rested in a patch of grass. It just so happened that a escaped circus tiger was prowling the area in search of cool drinking water. Being fed in the circus 🎪 he wasn’t use to finding his own food. When he saw the pool of illuminous water he thought his thirst would be quenched. Pouncing down to the water, he stepped upon the sleeping fairy throwing him off balance & tossing the winged creature high into the air. Her wings fluttered as she landed upon the leaves of a Joshua tree. Upon awakening she found one of her wings had torn in flight where she couldn’t fly down. The tiger had found the pool of sulphuric water ( not knowing what sulfur was ) and was just about to take a drink. I wouldn’t do that if I were you! A small voice called out..Tiger looked around to find who’s voice it was. I’m up here in the tree and the water your about to drink is poison! Tigers ears peeked up. If the words were true, he must find the talking tree spirit to question. Climbing the tree he found resting upon its brittle bark the tiny fairy who’s wings were as pink as a desert sunset. Her big eyes 👀 glaring at the tiger. She explained that the water was from a underground hot spring & was undrinkable. Well pluck my whiskers 😿 I guess you saved my life, What can I do to pay you back? Well my wing is torn so I can’t use it, I need to find a way to mend it. Just as the tiny fairy spoke the tree that she was nested in started to shake its pointed nettles. Tiger looked around noticing that the bright sun was starting to set. Funny, I feel no wind but the tree shakes it branches. The tree shook again then let out a whale of a yawn. A face appeared within the bark that of a old man. Why have you awoken me Spirits! 🧌 Fairy screamed and jumped down upon tigers back grabbing hold of his stripped fur. Oh no! What have we done! 🙀 Tiger backed away from the alarming reality of a talking tree. Children behave! I have heard every word you said and I can help you mend your wings with my Yucca sap. The bearded face held out his branches holding a waxy fruit, oval white in texture. How do I use it to bind my wing? Just grind it into a paste with the water inside, it will fix your wings and can heal a broken bone if needed. Tiger took the fruit breaking it with his claws. Fairy jumped into the fruit as the tree spirit extended his limb with pointy fingers to help paste her wing. There, there, your wing is as good as new 🪽 Fairy flew up to the talking tree, kissing his cheek. She was ever so grateful. The old Joshua tree asked her why she had ventured out into the desert with a stray tiger. The fairy told a sad story of how her family of Phoenixes died in a winter snow storm that caused her to fly south in search of warmth. Tree spirit shook in fear at the sound of her words. The seasons have been odd as the Earth becomes older. You are trying to survive. Yes I was looking for a flower for drinking nectar when I found a tin man! A tin man! But that’s a tiger! Tiger happened to be looking for water at the same time I was looking for a oil can that fell into the abyss of the geyser. The oil can was for a rusted tin man I found who needs the oil to restore his joints. In that case you can use my yucca fruit for that too, there’s no need to fish in a bubbling geyser for a oil can! Take the long grass and braid a basket for the fruit having the tiger carry it to your friend. Fairy quickly braided a basket as a giant pumpkin moon was glowing overhead. Tiger was so thirsty he drank much of the fruit juice, leaving little for the basket. Seeing this the tree shook again, angry at his nature. I’m sorry 😢 I was so thirsty after running away from the circus. Have one more fruit, tree spirit tossed tiger another. The circus you say! Well that’s a hard life, jumping through hoops of fire, I don’t blame you. Tiger wagged his tail looking up at the old face under the orange moon. Fairy carried the basket 🧺 over to tiger, instructing him to put inside the fruit. Once fastened around his neck they speed off in the direction of tin man, thanking the Tree for the solution to a complex problem. A nearby desert owl found the Joshua tree, nestling upon his branches. How does a geyser get in a desert? Old tree asked the Owl. The desert owl 🦉 could only hoot. Within the next sunrise fairy and tiger found tin man sleeping in his frozen position. Wake up Wake up! I brought you a gift from a talking tree spirit ! Fairy shouted as she flew above tin man’s closed eyes. I hope we’re not too late, he might have shut down completely! Tiger suggested to apply the fruit oil in hope it would awaken him. Fairy took little pieces of the fruit spreading the juice so it seeped into the rusted joints. Suddenly tin man made a ahhh sound, sighing of relief. Ahhhhh, I can feel! His eyes opened where he smiled for the first time in years. He looked at fairy asking if she had found his oil. Well no, it was too far down in the very dangerous hot springs! Tin man moved his arms as his joints were free of pain. What did you use then if not my oil can? Tiger explained how a old tree spirit offered to use his yucca fruit as it contained a natural oil. Tin man looked at tiger and asked who he might be. Tiger told his tale about the circus and finding fairy as tears of relief poured down tin man’s face. Don’t cry! You might rust again! Fairy didn’t want to go through the same thing again. That’s how you got yourself into such a predicament! Crying too many tears until you rusted!Tiger exclaimed. Your right, I do cry too much, if only I had a heart I would feel better. Tin man bent down his head with the funny funnel hat. How can we help you get a heart? Fairy sat upon his thin nose. Well if I can get to the glass city, I can ask the Genie for one! I’ve tried before but it starts to rain, then I start to cry and I freeze in the rusted state you found me in! If we go with you with the fruit basket then your sure to get there shining in a suit of well slicked oil! Tiger bounced around on his tail with the encouragement. Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go to the glass city! What direction should we go? Tiger asked. Tin man looked perplexed, well I’m not sure, but there’s a sign post up ahead. Following the road to the sign post it pointed to two directions. To the right was lost valley, to the left was the glass city. I guess we go left, tiger said. Little did they know, the sign had fallen off where someone put it back with the arrows switched. The threesome headed left into the lost valley. It grew darker with nightfall as they entered a groove of apple trees. They did not seem like friendly trees as they began throwing apples at the intruders underneath a scarier moon. Get out of our valley the trees called out! I don’t think we’re on the right trail! Tiger became frightened as tin man chattered his teeth. Maybe we should turn back and go on the other path. Fairy called out as a rotten apple darted through the air. Many apples were being hurled hitting tin man making ping sounds that made them run back faster as evil eyes peered through the dark. Making it out of the valley to the sign post and turning right in hope it was a better direction. It must have been since they found with the sunrise a beautiful field of poppies growing in the midst. Oh these flowers make me sleepy..Fairy floated down upon a soft poppy curling up to fall asleep. Tin man & tiger looked at the sky to notice that it started snowing. The clouds formed a picture of a snow princess waving a magical wand. Who is she? Tiger asked. I’m not sure, everything around here seems so illusional. Tin man said as he passed out in the field. Tiger looked up at the illusion in the sky, her human face changing to a snow leopard. I think I’m in love! 😻 Tiger said as he too passed out. They slept for a whole day until the had rested enough to continue their journey. The path wound around the poppies that were potent enough to endure deep sleep. The yellow brick road stretched onward until the three could see the peeks of glass towers indicating that they were almost there. Then, another occurrence happened in the sky. A flying nimbus of clouds making a floating carpet wizzed by carrying what looked like the Genie herself! That must be her! The Geniee! 🧞‍♀️🧞‍♀️🧞‍♀️ I can’t wait to see the city! The road ended as they approached the glass gates guarded by two glass snakes that formed a puzzle out of marbles that when positioned right would open the gates. The snakes spoke out in a mechanical voice..Delicate fingers will open the way without this feature you must stay. Well that counts me out, tiger said holding up his thick paws. My limbs are too tiny to move marbles! Fairy exclaimed. I guess I can try tin man tried to move the marbles but his metal graspers were too large. I got an idea, why not use your thin nose to shoot the marbles? Tiger suggested. Tin man bent down to try as he wedged the marbles into the right areas according to the color. Soon they heard a click as the door opened. Tiger was laughing, You looked so funny shooting marbles with your apparatus! Realizing they were now inside the city of glass, just inhaling the air became overwhelming. Buildings of multi colored glass blanketed them making it seem like they were inside giant bowls of candy 🍬 all designed by a unknown source. In the center of the city stood a giant statue of the Genie as she was decorated with hundreds of glistening jewels half inside a Genie bottle. Dry ice pored from the bottle spilling out into a watery fountain. Her eyes glared downward at the threesome. What brings you to my city? Her voice beamed causing tiger & tin man to shudder. Fairy cried out..I have heard you have the finest flowers 💐 in the land, I’m a mere fairy in search of a flower bed to be my home. The genie marveled at her request. She beckoned down at the tin man & tiger. And why have you dared to enter my city? Tin man spoke up. I’m in search of a new heart that will protect me from rusting all the time! The genie again beckoned at the request. And I would like to have a date with the snow leopardess i saw in the poppy field! What makes you think I can grant wishes? Well you are a genie! Tin man said as more dry ice engulfed them. Well.. truth be told, I don’t like being a genie, forever stuck in this bottle! Well, how can we help you, we’d be more than willing to free you if we knew how..Tiger spoke up. I’m not sure if you can, the sorcerer who put me in this bottle lives in Lost Valley, a dark area that has a army of evil trees! We know the area, we don’t want to go back there. Is there another way, maybe if we all pull you out. I can get out, as I can fly as a real genie, but my vaporous body must return to the bottle as a armadillo lives within their shell. Why that’s a wonderful bottle! The sun was streaming through the pink cotton clouds onto the ruby colored glass bottle that looked ever so inviting to fairy. Well, yes it is a lovely home but I’ve been without company for centuries..Say..why don’t you have a peek inside, your small enough to fit! Fairy was delighted with the invite & flew right in to have a look around. Red velvet sofas encircled with soft velvet cushions looked so comfy fairy couldn’t resist trying it out. Immediately she fell asleep and dreamt she was floating at sea inside the bottle. The genie who was floating outside felt something might be wrong when too much time passed after she flew inside her home. She became a vapor & smoked into her bottle. There she found fairy fast asleep upon her cushions. She touched her soft wing as she awakened to genie’s touch. Oh my! I must have fallen asleep, I had the strangest dream.. And what did you dream? I was floating at sea, far away where I couldn’t get out! That’s what happened to me before I met my master. I must have dreamed about your life..Old master was a good master years ago. He built this city to keep me in, until he let the dark side take over him. How did you become a genie? I was born a genie years ago in Baghdad, where my parents lived. We had a home inside a bigger bottle as I can still remember my crib inside the yellow glass walls. Why don’t you return there? A sea monster destroyed the city, crushing our home, along with my family, where I escaped flying over the sea finding another bottle to live in. That’s when master found me. Oh a similar story to mine! I lost my family in a terrible snowstorm! Both fairy & genie were crying at their fate. Suddenly the bottle started to shake. How’s it going in there? Tigers big eye was looking down the bottle. Both genie & fairy flew out. Did you find something interesting in the bottle? Tigers curiosity got the better of him. Yes, do tell us what you saw. Tin man asked. The cushions inside were so soft I fell asleep! Dear fairy, won’t you stay with me in my bottle? I wish my home to be yours as well. Well I can’t turn down a genies wish, and the cushions were just as soft as my flower home.. Then it’s settled! Now I won’t be lonely anymore..Tigers eyes sadden. How about me? How can I find the snow leopard? Come right over here, I want to show you something. Genie floated over to a lighted mirror that became illuminated when she waved her palm over it. Moving images reflected on the glass as pictures of different time periods. When the screen showed the poppy fields she motioned for it to stop. The snow princess likes the poppies, she visits them through her mirror portal from her home in the snow caves. Genie explained as the clouds above the poppies began to show the face of the enchanted creature. When she was in total view, genie instructed tiger what to do. Quickly, you must jump through the portal while it is open, I’m not sure if I can find her again. Tiger looked around realizing he must embrace the magic that the genie brought to life. Goodbye I will miss you ..Tiger’s eyes started to water. Goodbye Tiger, I love you.. Fairy cried out as tin man was trying hard not to tear up from fear of rusting. His metal face puckered shut as he gave tiger a hug. It’s now or never! Genie motioned to the warping mirror. Here I go! Tiger stepped into the mirror and vanished into the scene of snowfall. The mirror was generous enough to show tiger as he pounced through the snow heading to the castle where he would find the snow princesses. Then the magic mirror shut off portraying only glass. I will miss him, fairy said turning to tin man noticing that he had frozen in welled up tears he couldn’t stop. Of no! He froze again & tiger had the yucca plant in his basket! What is yucca plant? Genie wanted to help. It was a plant that healed his rust, but the basket it is missing. He might have dropped it in the poppy fields.. Genie suggested. What can we do? He looks so sad when he is rusted. He needs a heart made of glass. Can this be done? Fairy wanted to help her friend. Anything can be done in the City of glass..Come with me, we shall take him to the glass factory and administer a team of elves to fix him. Genie lifted up the tin man into her vapor hovering high above the city while fairy followed through the sky. Genie whirled through the night sky as tiny glowing fireflies swarmed around guiding them to a emerald building that was the workshop. Inside dwarfs & elves were sleeping in bunk beds while a night crew stood guard. What brings you to the workshop this late your Heinous? Genie sat down the tin man’s heavy body on a bench. Your heinous? Are you Queen of this encampment? You might say so, I have the crown of the Genies, given to me from the trolls who live in the mines. We think highly of our Genie, she being Queen to us wee folk. A green bearded elf told. What do we have here? The red bearded elf began to examine the tin man. He needs a heart to lift his spell, can you make him one? We can certainly try! How about a necklace with glowing fireflies inside shaped like a heart? It sounds beautiful but he needs a mechanical beating heart that can pump oil! Fairy pointed out. Complicated. Green elf said to red. They both thought for awhile then discussed until they thought of a solution. For that we must take him to the mines where the trolls work..Fairy looked afraid as his diagnosis became deeper. Don’t worry little bee, we can take him there on a rail car. Red elf reassured fairy. If that’s all you can do, we’d like to come with you..Genie became compassionate. Putting tin man in the car, the group sped down the track deep into the territory of the trolls. Stopping at the destination of the work camp all got out. In the caves one couldn’t tell if it were day or night, as it was lit by fiery lanterns that made genie cloister phobic. I don’t like staying down here long. She exclaimed..inside the chamber they could see trolls that looked mechanical pounding on giant slabs of gold as emeralds stuck out from the rock walls. The two elves laid tin man down on a stone table while addressing the trolls. Build him a mechanical heart! We’ve never done this before! The trolls shook their heads and agreed. Suddenly a rock wall moved where a very large troll stood with alarming eyes. Ogre! Forgive us, they brought this metal structure to us! All trolls bowed to their leader. Ogre! Now we have a Ogre! Fairy became impatient. Oh no! Not Clyde! Clyde! Who’s Clyde? Genie looked like she would faint. He was, was my Master! It’s been a long time since I found you in your bottle Puff de! The Ogre was the only one who knew her original name. He had aged since he left with his left eye covered by a eyepatch, his bald head spiked with horns. I still love you babe, but you wanted a life in a bottle, I needed to live in my mines. Genie began to feel week. I think I can help your mechanical friend. Clyde looked down at tin man’s rusted body. He needs a mechanical heart that pumps oil! Fairy shouted as she was feeling inferior. I can make him one, he said going to a smithy where he poured hot iron into a heart shaped mold. He let it form in the hot fire, then lifted it out to cool in a water basin. He then drilled a hole for it to hold oil that he sealed with resin. Attaching a small nuclear clock to it, he welded it into a perfect device. The clock made it beat having the oil bubble within the amber locket. He examined the metallic body finding it had a small door much like a bird house where he set the newly made contraption inside. It started to tick in rhythm like a metronome! Tin man jerked and sat up, his frozen face taking a new shape. He looked around, feeling his new heart that overwhelmed him. The trolls cheered giving thanks to the genius of their master. The elves, fairy & genie were also astonished. I would have never guessed you were this talented. Genie saw her former master in a different light. I shall visit you in your glass city, if you shall have me back.. Genie studied his face until she granted his wish. It would take awhile to except his new horns. You must go now as these caves are not suited for outsiders..Their were sounds of something wailing deeper into the mine shaft. Genie became afraid and turned to the rail car. Taking tin man’s hand helping him sit inside. The elves bid farewell, thanking for the experience. Fairy fell asleep on Genie’s shoulder as they journeyed back home. Stopping at the elf workshop the elves got out while genie brought tin man & fairy back to her room. Well I guess you’re going to stay here..Tin man spoke to fairy. I hope to make it my new home. She smiled realizing that tin man hadn’t a place to go. I’m afraid to make the journey back all alone! Hearing the conversation Genie remembered about a important item she found that might help. Finding a large burlap sack she handed it to tin man. What’s this? Look inside I think it could help you get back. she gestured to open the sack. Immediately inside the sack bunches of straw manifested into what appeared to be Scarecrow! Oh heavens! It’s Scarecrow! I thought the ravens had the last of you! Scarecrow was trying to hold his straw together after being swept into a sack. I didn’t know what to do with him, until I met you. I realized that he somehow belonged with you. Where did you find him? Fairy said as she wished she had the yucca paste for his straw. Crows took him to the forest where some apple gatherers put him in a sack. Genie told as she found the sack after a wind storm. I was taking the straw to be stored in the wind turbine when the bag started talking. Not knowing a magic spell that would bind him I let it sit until I found one. I must take him back to fetch the yucca glue to make him whole again! Tin man exclaimed. But how do I find my way back, it’s a terribly long way! Outside the wind howled as tin man was too timid to go back alone especially with a discombobulated straw man. Genie led them to the mirror portal as she mixed tin man a fizzing potion she called, potion of remembrance. Giving it to tin man he drank the smoking mist. He then remembered his home in the desert as the mirror focused on his memory. There in the frosty mirror appeared his home next to the field where scarecrow had stood that seemed like a million miles away. The mirror, then portrayed the image of tiger with the snow princess waving her glittering wand. His eyes teared up at seeing his friend in the mirror. It all became surreal like a kaleidoscope of circulating images. Say to yourself..there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home..tin man said the words as he stepped into the mirror as scarecrow followed. The mirror closed as they again disappeared leaving bits of loose straw filtering through the air. Fairy’s eyes looked deeply concerned as Genie assured her they would be alright. On the other side tin man was able to find the old tree that was more than happy to help put scarecrow back together. While you were gone some apple trees appeared that harvested real apples! Old tree gestured to the apple trees that were able to grow in the desert. It was nice seeing apple trees that were friendly. Tin man looked at his friend realizing that he wouldn’t last long without a brain. I know what your thinking, I have just the thing he needs. Old tree held out what he said were magic beans from his seeded fruit that he tossed into the air. Blowing the seeds into the straw they created a mind that awakened scarecrows spirit. Scarecrow blinked his eyes wiggling his eyebrows, exclaiming how much better he felt! Now remember, it’s your job to scare away the crows, not the other way around! Scarecrow ran back to his field a new man as he found his clothes still upon his pole. Tin man sat next to old tree showing him his new heart, telling him the tale of how it became so. The sun set that night as memories of tiny fairy danced through his heart. The lights fade out while movie credits roll..beyond the yellow brick road..


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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Comments (1)

  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    Dorothy and Tinman has a new adventure. I love the characters and see laughs abounding. Very well written story.

Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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