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the organic farmer from California had a Great Pumpkin Dream.

By Richard Published about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Magdalena Smolnicka on Unsplash

Tony Dighera, a hardworking organic farmer from California, had a fascinating dream. He wanted to grow pumpkins in extraordinary shapes using molds and turn them into a profitable venture by selling them at high prices. However, this dream was not without its difficulties. Tony worked tirelessly, sacrificing sleep and struggling financially. He experimented with different molds and pumpkin varieties for four long years, but nothing seemed to go his way. He reached a point where he was ready to give up.

But Tony had one final idea. He decided to give it one more shot, just to see if it could make a difference. And surprisingly, it did! About a year ago, when we first met him at his farm called Cinagro Farms (which, interestingly, spells "organic" backward), Tony showcased his triumphs. He had successfully grown pumpkins that resembled Frankenstein's head, which he cleverly named "Pumpkin Steins." These unique pumpkins were priced at $100 each, and they were selling like hotcakes. People from places as far as Dubai were reaching out to him to place orders. Additionally, Tony managed to grow watermelons in heart and cube shapes.

The success of Tony's Pumpkin Steins took him by surprise. During our recent visit to his farm, he met with representatives from Sam's Club, who had heard about his creations and expressed interest. Initially, Tony didn't think it was a good fit because he was already selling a limited number of pumpkins at high prices. However, Sam's Club was persistent and convinced him that a partnership could help him expand his business and explore new ideas.

Russ Mounce, the head of floral and produce at Sam's Club, was astonished when he first laid eyes on a Pumpkin Stein and questioned its authenticity. Sam's Club is renowned for offering unique items, such as grapes that taste like cotton candy. They were keen on selling Pumpkin Steins but at a more affordable price, aiming for a sustainable program. Tony agreed to the lower price, believing that it would make his products more accessible and ensure their popularity during Halloween.

Although Tony hasn't yet secured an exclusive deal with Sam's Club, he can still sell Pumpkin Steins in other stores at higher prices this year. However, the demand has skyrocketed. Last year, he produced around 5,000 Pumpkin Steins, but this year he has received orders for nearly 90,000. To meet this extraordinary demand, Tony has acquired additional land and involved other farmers by providing them with molds and paying them $11 per pumpkin.

Even from failures, Tony has managed to create successes. Some pumpkins had their molds separate, resulting in a pumpkin with a Frankenstein face surrounded by an orange cloud. This unintended outcome became popular, so Tony intentionally replicated it. He even experimented with pumpkins that exploded inside the molds during a heatwave, creating a zombie-like Frankenstein pumpkin.

Looking ahead, Tony has exciting plans. He is currently working on growing white pumpkins inside skull-shaped molds for the upcoming year, and he hopes to find a large greenhouse to grow heart-shaped watermelons in time for Valentine's Day. He is also exploring opportunities in the kale market, such as kale croutons, bread, and an audacious idea of chocolate kale kids' cereal, which surprisingly tastes fantastic.

Tony Dighera is a hardworking and consistent individual. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, he remained dedicated to his dream. He put in long hours and sacrificed sleep to make his vision a reality. Tony's commitment to his work was unwavering, even when things didn't go as planned.

For four years, he tirelessly experimented with different molds and pumpkin varieties, refusing to give up. Each setback only fueled his determination to find a solution. Tony's persistence paid off when he had a breakthrough and discovered the right approach to grow pumpkins into unique shapes using molds.

His consistency was evident in his daily efforts on his farm, Cinagro Farms. He worked tirelessly to cultivate and nurture his crops, ensuring their quality and uniqueness. Despite the challenges he faced, Tony never wavered in his pursuit of success.

This consistency also extended to his business endeavors. When Sam's Club expressed interest in his Pumpkin Steins, Tony initially hesitated, but he recognized the potential benefits of a partnership. His willingness to explore new opportunities and work with others showcased his consistent drive to grow his business and pursue his dreams.

Tony's dedication to his craft and his consistent efforts have paid off. He not only found success in selling his Pumpkin Steins, but he also expanded his market reach and gained recognition from customers worldwide. His ability to adapt and innovate, even in the face of failures, demonstrates his resilience and unwavering work ethic.

Through his hard work and consistent pursuit of his dreams, Tony Dighera has transformed his passion into a profitable venture. His story serves as an inspiration to others, showing that with determination, perseverance, and consistent effort, one can overcome obstacles and achieve their objectives.


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