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Stay In Your Lane...😁

Clan~Feather~Pool <Barbie Word Hunt Story>

By Tiffany Gordon Published about a year ago 5 min read
Top Story - June 2023

Howdy Doll Clan! It's Doll Mommy here!

I'm sorry that I've been so out of touch. These youngins have been running me ragged with soccer, tennis, gymnastics, and volleyball practice.

Anyhow, let me get to the point of my text.

Remember my doll daughter, Promise? The little cute one with the bubble gum pink hair & the big bluish-grey puppy dog eyes? You know the one who wore a fur scarf around her neck in 85-degree weather last summer? ... the same one that I suspected was hiding a hickey underneath it...

Here's a quick pic to jog your memory:


Well, it turns out that my assumption was right. After a long, long, long interrogation, Promise broke down and showed me that ugly, little, feather-shaped, dirt-colored abomination on her neck, and boy did I hit the roof when I saw it!

Fortunately, it's not what you think, folks... Promise had what you call a Vac-Hickey. In other words, she had a hickey that she created with the end of a vacuum hose. Apparently, you hold the hose to your neck and suck away like you're Count Dracula.

Boy, these kids sure are a trip these days! 😱😂 Anyhow, it turns out that Promise created the infamous Vac-Hickey because she didn't want to be seen as a prude by her friends because she was 15 and had not french-kissed a boy yet. Apparently, she was the only girl on her gymnastics team that had not done so, and she didn't want to be made fun of or to feel left out, so she "faked the funk."😱

After I regained consciousness, I decided to cut Promise some slack. I remember doing dumb things to fit in as a teen too, like wearing butt pads under my Levi's to look as if I had more junk in the trunk.

Butts were all the rage in 92' when I was a little more youthful! And unfortunately, that Sir-Mix-A-Lot song 'Baby Got Back' only made matters worse for me because I was shonuff back-less, and the boys on the basketball team never let me forget it; they used to sing "Baby Got Pancake" in unison whenever I walked by because my behind was as flat as one! LOL 😂 

I can laugh about it now, but back then, I was mortified. 😁

I didn't want to get caught slippin' in the second semester of my senior year; therefore, I started wearing those silly butt pads in my jeans. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, I was outed by my high school nemesis, Kaylee Bell, who jacked my butt pads from my gym bag after pickle ball practice one day. 

Kaylee Bell had no mercy; after stealing my butt pads, she outed me to the entire lunchroom the following day. I should have slapped her to sleep like my favorite Aunt Willie Esther used to say, but I was a good girl, and I ignored it because I really should have just been happy with what God gave me. But most teens, especially us chicas, seem to have I-really-really-care-about-what-others-think-of-me-itis at that age, and I was no exception.

Although I may have had a pancake behind; my tummy was six-pack status back then, doll friends! 

Ironically, I learned at our recent 30 year class reunion that Kaylee Bell had actually always been jealous of me because of my top-notch volleyball skills and my flat mid-section and it turns out that that is why she targeted me for ridicule. She came up to me at the reunion and laid that little juicy morsel of info at my feet while we were at the hors d'oeuvre table. 

Kaylee even went on to apologize profusely for her behavior and she admitted that her stepmom was always ridiculing her for her thin lips and plus-sized figure back then, and as a result, she had picked up the bad habit of ridiculing others to make herself feel better. Looking back on things with that new bit of entail actually made me pity Kaylee. I never thought that I would feel that way in a million years, but hey, people change...

Anyway, back to the lecture at hand... I told Promise my pancake story, and I reminded her that I know what it feels like to not fit in but that she should never ever live her life for others, no matter what. 

I also warned her to never sign up for a rollercoaster ride that she wasn't tall enough to ride yet because things would never end well. Case in point: My Big Daddy C (grandfather) knew a kid who snuck on a rollercoaster ride when he was eight and ended up urinating on himself during the ride because he was so terrified of falling out of his cart.

Unfortunately, the poor little guy had his little accident in front of his entire 3rd grade class, and from that day forward, he was no longer called by his given name: Peter Johns; everyone began to call him Pee Pee Johns. The dude is 85 years young now, and he still answers to Pee Pee Johns. I told Promise, please don't ever become a Pee Pee Johns! 😂 Please, please, please stay in your lane!

But don't worry about Promise, folks; I have a backup plan if my fine sermon isn't adhered to.

Guess what I did, friends...?

I made arrangements for Promise and her best friends Majestic-Journey and Earthie-Larue (isn't she the spitting image of Eartha Kitt?) to volunteer at the local daycare every Thursday afternoon after school for the next three months so that they can remember what kind of hot water a few too many hickies could potentially get them into. After running around after all of those ill-mannered kids for 4 hours each week, I guarantee you that Promise and her besties will be looking for the closest convent to enter when they finish their volunteer assignment!

And I see no problems with that, do you? 😂

Check out this picture from their first day at the daycare center. Promise and Earthie look like things went okay for them, but poor Majestic-Journey (the one in the middle) looks like she is about to go to the electric chair! LOL 😂


Welp, I'd better go. I have four loads of laundry left to finish! Then it will be time for a dip in the pool! Hasta Luego!


Your overworked and underpaid Amiga-- Doll Mommy💃🏽


About the Creator

Tiffany Gordon

I am a super-spiritual, fun-loving artist, writer, & peer-counselor residing in the Pacific Northwest. I am also an Institute of Children's Literature alumna who enjoys writing about the triumph of the human spirit.

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Comments (56)

  • Colleen Millsteed 12 months ago

    Hahaha a vac-hickey. Love this Tiffany 💕

  • Caroline Janeabout a year ago

    I am late to the party but so glad I made it!!! This is funny and unique and so so authentically you. Amazing. I love this. ❤️

  • Veronica Coldironabout a year ago

    Tiffany, I absolutely love this! LOL! I caught myself being transported back to high school from the moment I started reading. IT's so amazing the things we go through to fit in as kids. This was so much fun to read, and also educational. Thank you for the bright spot in my day! :)

  • Andrew Williamsabout a year ago

    Subscribe to my page and I’ll do the same :)

  • Testabout a year ago

    This was so fun and creative! Well deserved top story!

  • Sandra Tena Coleabout a year ago

    Such a fun and sweet story!! Very well deserved TS, too!! xxx

  • Holly Pheniabout a year ago

    I absolutely loved this story!! Tiffany, from your doll babies' humorous antics to your memories -- and reconciliation -- with your old nemesis, this is heartfelt, humorous and such a great read!! ❤ My sympathies to the babysitters, may they learn their lesson. Books before boys, darlings!🤣

  • Kim Loostromabout a year ago

    This is great! What a fun and creative piece! I love the voice of the narrator, your top story status is well deserved!!

  • Anderson about a year ago

    Nice one

  • Heather Hublerabout a year ago

    I always enjoy your doll stories!! What a great lesson in self-acceptance and consequence :) Kudos to you for a well deserved Top Story!!

  • Julia Coulibalyabout a year ago

    I enjoyed the story great work!

  • Gerald Holmesabout a year ago

    Very well done. Filled with humour but also carries a strong message. Congrats on Top Story.

  • Omar Parker Sr.about a year ago


  • VoiceWaveabout a year ago


  • Azeezat Hammedabout a year ago

    Interesting and educative

  • MT Poetryabout a year ago

    Haha, I can totally relate to those teenage antics of trying to fit in. It's great that you're teaching Promise the importance of staying true to herself. And kudos to you for arranging the volunteer work at the daycare center. That'll definitely give them a different perspective! Enjoy your time by the pool and take a well-deserved break. Hasta luego, Doll Mommy! 💃🏽😄

  • Alyssa Sarahabout a year ago

    YES!! Congratulations on Top Story!! 🤗

  • Yahaya nanahauwaabout a year ago

    Keep the good work I like this

  • Ruth Stewartabout a year ago

    This was great. I have a few barbies. I used to have about 20, but when my granddaughter got into them I gave most of them to her. I love making clothes for them. This was well-written and very amusing.

  • Donna Reneeabout a year ago

    This was such a fun read!! 🤣😁👏 congrats!! Loved the daycare part hahaha

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    YES!! Congratulations on Top Story!! 🤗❤️

  • Stephanie J. Bradberryabout a year ago

    Congratulations on Top Story. I met Sir Mix A Lot once when I was growing up in Washington State.

  • sleepy draftsabout a year ago

    Yesss! Congratulations on Top Story! 👏🏼💖💓

  • C. H. Richardabout a year ago

    Your doll babies have so much❤️ This is so creative! Well done and tell Promise to stay clear of the vacuum 😊 Congratulations on Top Story ❤️

Tiffany Gordon Written by Tiffany Gordon

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