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Living Dangerously

Ep 1 Living a Lie

By Niko BanksPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 8 min read
Runner-Up in Pitch Your Pilot Challenge
Living Dangerously
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash


Fourteen-year-old Tyler is starting high school at Boogey High, a school for the supernatural. The only problem is that Tyler takes after his dad and is powerless, unlike his mermaid/merman older brother and sister. Now he must walk alongside some of the most powerful supernatural kids in the realm.

On the other hand, Nathan, a powerful nomadic supernatural, is at Boogey High on a mission to track someone down so that he can get closer to his family, but Tyler is standing in his way. Tyler and Nathan have the potential to be great friends if they can get past their differences.

Sitcom, Fantasy, Teen, Supernatural



14-year-old Tyler is powerless. He has never shown any merpowers in his entire life, and now he's going to school with thousands of powerful supernatural kids. Tyler is a good kid who badly wants to come into his powers like his brother and sister but quietly worries it may never happen. Still, Tyler will fake it till he makes it.


14-year-old Nathan is a troubled supernatural. Nathan has never physically seen his parents. Yet he's been following their directions without question all his life, but now that he has met Tyler and experienced other perspectives, he's unsure if listening to them is still the right thing to do.


Tyler's dad Greg is a regular human who fell in love with a mermaid. Greg's wife Alicia passed away, and now he raises his three supernatural merkids on his own. Greg is a loving father who puts his all into raising his kids and doesn't care about their supernatural status or his lack thereof.


16-year-old Vanessa is the oldest. She is a beautiful mermaid with an angelic voice who dreams of becoming a singer. Vanessa is quick-witted and popular, and she knows it.


15-year-old Vick is the middle child, has full command of his merman powers, and is captain of the TowerBall team. Vick is a popular strong leader with an open mind.

Mr. X

Mr. X is a Sphinx who teaches English. Mr. X likes to use his ability to see possible futures and his penchant for riddles to guide his students. At Mr. X's core, he's an uptight but good-hearted teacher who enjoys helping people even if they don't always understand his methods in the moment.


The kids are introduced at the beginning of the episode as Greg sends them off for the first day of school. Vanessa does some quick talking to get out of having to drive her little brother to school with her friend Audrey who she says is allergic to freshman. She instead signs Vick up for that duty.

Vick comes down, and as Greg is giving him his protein-packed lunch to start the year off right, Greg tells Vick not to forget the little people before having to remind him that he needs to take his brother to school and watch out for him. Vick diligently agrees to take good care of his brother, but after an optical flip, it's revealed that Vick is actually ditching his brother to train for Tower Ball by swimming to school.

Vick tells Tyler that he needs to make his own way in high school just like Vick had to. Tyler needs to prove to everyone that he's his own man, and Vick tells Tyler if he holds his hand, it will ruin Tyler's reputation. Tyler takes these words to heart and sets out to prove to his brother that he can survive on his own and take over this school just like Vick did.

Nathan's day starts with a note telling him to "find him." Nathan notices Tyler falling off the bus and being laughed at on his way in, but he just glances at Tyler and continues on. While Nathan is sniffing around, looking for the mysterious him he was told to find, he runs into a beautiful girl who turns out to be Vannessa. Nathan flirts with Vanessa until Audrey sweeps Vanessa away, claiming her freshman allergy is flaring up. Tyler comes by and says hi to Vanessa, and Nathan is impressed Tyler knows her, not picking up on the fact that they are related.

When Tyler sees that Nathan truly has no idea who he is and thinks he is cool, Tyler lies to Nathan. Tyler tells Nathan that he is a sophomore and is the captain of the Towerball team. When Nathan has no idea what TowerBall is, Tyler explains that it's a sports game where two teams try to take a ball from one tower to another. Each tower is defended by four moat defenders in the water around the tower and three tower defenders on land in front of the tower who aren't allowed to touch the tower, two flyers who defend the length of the tower, and one safety who guards the ball on top the tower.

Tyler accidentally leads Nathan to the wrong classroom on their way to English, but Tyler is able to smooth it over by convincing Nathan that he’s so focused on being Towerball captain that he doesn’t have time for class. Nathan points out that Tyler doesn’t look like he has the size to play Towerball, making Tyler sweat before blissfully concluding looks can be deceiving.

In MR X's first class, he seems to quickly catch wind of what Tyler is doing with Nathan, but instead of popping Tyler's bubble, he gives Nathan a few literary reference clues about what Tyler is doing that luckily fly right over Nathan's head.

Mr. X seems very interested in Nathan and asks him a bunch of personal questions. Nathan, who had been warned about a man who would smell like sand and feathers, was on guard, but Mr. X got the answers he wanted and decided that based on Nathan's answers, the class would be reading The Great Gatsby.

After school, the consequences of Tyler's lie begin. Tyler has to go to TowerBall tryouts for the freshmen team, which he convinces Nathan is a closed-door practice for the Varsity Towerball team, which freshmen aren't allowed to join. Nathan reveals that the person he is looking for is a weakling, and he's going to the chess club to see if he can find the guy.

Tyler's coach expects him to try out for moat defender like his brother since they should both be gifted mermen swimmers. However, Tyler has no powers and is ironically not a very good swimmer. So instead, Tyler tells the coach he will be going for Tower Defender instead. How hard can it be? He just has to delay the other team, he thinks to himself. He sees that one of his fellow Tower defenders is a small druid girl, making Tyler believe he won’t be the worse defender.

The only problem is that Tyler is nowhere near the size to play that position and has no magic power. The Druid girl creates quicksand to stop her attacker. While Tyler gets flattened by a Yetti, he costs his team the game and breaks his collarbone after being hit by the Yetti.

Tyler is rushed to the infirmary, where the nurse magically cures his broken bones and tells him that, as a human, he's far too fragile to play TowerBall and that she would tell his coach that. Tyler reveals that he agrees. Tyler was going to fake an injury anyway. The Yetti just sped up his plans. Tyler says he will give the coach the news himself.

Tyler lied and doesn't plan on telling his coach anything. Nathan wasn't having much luck, either. Chess club guidance counselor Mr. X allowed Nathan to join in. It turns out this chess club has psychic powers and a pain suit for losess and taken pieces. Nathan lost a lot in a montage of pain and failure before he declared that this club clearly isn't where the weakling is.

That night Tyler talks to his dad about whether or not he ever feels the need to lie to impress people because he is a human in a supernatural world. Greg tells Tyler that he doesn't because he is impressive, and he wouldn’t hide that with a lie, and Tyler shouldn't either. Greg reminds Tyler that he and Tyler's mom fell in love when he was himself, not pretending to be something else despite him being human.

After Greg and Tyler have a heart-to-heart, and Greg leaves the room, Vick reveals he heard about what happened at tryouts. Vick is frustrated that Tyler is embarrassing him on the TowerBall team, but he admits he tried the same thing before his powers came. Vick teaches Tyler a trick to stop the Yetti that ran him over.

Back at Nathan's current home, he is alone in the woods, calling for his parents in an opening, but they don't answer, and Nathan apologizes for not finding him and sinks down in despair and drifts off to sleep. The next day Nathan is super aggressive in his search for the weakling. Nathan just starts shoving people randomly and trying to get them to react.

When Tyler tries to stop Nathan, Nathan pins Tyler against the wall, and a teacher comes by, and it seems like Nathan will be in big trouble until Tyler convinces the teachers they are just playing.

At Towerball practice, Tyler implements what Vick said, and instead of standing still or running away, Tyler baseball slides into the Yeti's left leg, and the Yetti goes down hard. This time everyone thinks Tyler is the man for real except the Yetti, who challenged Tyler to a fight later.

Nathan doesn't get pushed around this time as he goes through the clubs but doesn't find the weakling he was looking for. Then in his search, he sees the Yetti holding Tyler upside down by his leg, and Nathan remembers earlier today when Tyler had his back with the teachers even though Nathan freaked out on him.

Unlike the first day of school when Nathan kept walking after Tyler fell off the bus, this time Nathan helps by beating up the Yetti and saving Tyler. Tyler comes clean about all his lies, and he apologizes but tells Nathan that he just wants to be Nathan's friend and that Nathan was the one person who thought he was cool. Nathan tells Tyler he is still cool when he isn't getting swung around by Yettis.

After they reconcile, Vick and Vanessa come out and proudly congratulate Tyler, and Vanessa gives Tyler and Vick a ride home after hearing about Tyler's practice heroics. In the post-credit scene, Nathan is back at home, and he calls out to his parents, saying he found the weakling, and this time, Nathan's parents answer and tell Nathan that he has done very well.


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    NBWritten by Niko Banks

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