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The In Dwelling Spirit

Observer, or Participant

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 2 months ago 4 min read
Wipe away the darkness, allowing the light to shine

Science is now starting to catch up to concepts, that ancient spiritual traditions have been practicing for generations. There have been studies conducted which show that the impact our mere presence has on our environment, which is astonishing, in regards to the depth, and scope of this impact.

Our emotional state has now been shown, to not just have impacts of small implication on our external world, but we seem to be a strong catalyst, in regards to the changes that do take place in our external world, and the secret to this catalyzing factor is simply our presence. When we however begin emanating emotions of either a positive or negative nature, that external environment begins to alter in ways that science is having a hard time digesting, however the proof speaks for itself, and now that lab controlled experiments have been done, the proof of our impact speaks for itself. The effects of this manifestation were what Einstein called "Spooky actions at a distance".

We are living in an age of great awakening, and great darkness, and while the two are representations of energy, the frequency of that energy is in opposition to one another, and they are beginning to diverge further from one another, creating in essence, two separate states of consciousness, those who want to aid this awakening process, and those who want to implement forms of control that are so devious in their scope, and so subtle in their design, that many people are falling prey to worldly powers, that are taking the power away from us as individual aspects of divinity, and giving that power over to those who don't want what's best for us, but instead simply want to have control over the masses, feeding their desires for more and more power.

Science and spirituality are now beginning to converge, the information from such a convergence, is vital for all of us to know, so that we can take control of personal states of conscious awareness, and begin, or continue growing into the best possible versions of ourselves. When we learn to match our outward expression of self, with the core of who we are, which is spiritual beings having a physical experience, we begin to realize that everything that exists in this world, is first formed in the ethereal realm, or in scientific terms, the Unified Field, which connects all matter in the universe, through the concept of quantum entanglement.

We are all connected through this field, and neither time, nor distance, has any bearing on this connection. The connection was formed at the beginning of creation, and as the universe expands outwards, at an ever increasing pace, these connections, are still present, through this field of energy, which spiritual practitioners, have for a long while, referred to as the Akashic Record, or as I am now understanding it as the Akashic Connective Field. When we learn to cultivate a state of inner peace, and true contentment and happiness, through the understanding of these principles, making a conscious decision to share that same energy which we feel internally, with the outside world, these are Conscious Emotional Emanations.

Our emotional state can alter external matter, and to make these things happen, we don't need to be spiritual masters, however, we do need to understand that with this type of effect coming into, and emanating from our conscious awareness, that there will more likely than not, be those who choose to use such techniques to harm instead of heal. This world is changing at a rapid pace, and with that change, the new information that is now becoming available, must be utilized and not simply swept under the rug, due to the fear that such a change, that this information can have on the structure of our societal system, and way of life, can have.

With all that you do, learn to appreciate everything in your life, from the situations of the past, which may have left scars, but also created a stronger version of you, to the moments of bliss, that have helped you to make it through such times of increased stress and trauma. As we learn to perceive this world, as a direct manifestation of that which is going on internally, we shift our perception from observers of reality, to active participants in that reality.

We hold within us, the power to alter the fabric of reality, which Jesus even spoke of, before he left this earth, when he said, that "You will do things even greater than I, for I am going to my father" He in my mind was saying that the use of this information can result in drastically beneficial changes to our world, if we only make the decision to spread the message of love, and light which he urged us to always carry in our hearts, for we were not given a spirit of fearfulness, but a spirit of strength, endurance, love, compassion, peace, prosperity, and every good thing which can come from the light that lives within the hearts of those who choose to embrace it.

Always remember that you hold the power in your self, to create the world you want to see, so don't just hope for a positive change to take place, be part of that positive change, and never lose your faith, to weakened states of fear.

We are all aspects of Divinity, now it's time we took this calling seriously, and create the world, that god intended us to have.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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