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Heart/Brain Connections

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 2 months ago 4 min read

Many of the teachings of ancient times, were given to us in parables, and this was not simply for the purposes of confounding people, in my opinion, but instead to illustrate the totality of a spiritual principle, by giving not just an explanation of such knowledge, but the parables also gave a visual representation which made it easier to form a level of spiritual coherence, in relation to the information which was transmitted.

There are many texts of ancient origin, which have over the years, been translated in ways, that leave out some of the most important bits of information that should have been passed down, such as the knowledge regarding the Heart/Brain connection. In order for something to be made manifest in this world, it takes effort, will, and action, to bring anything that we can imagine, into creation. When we begin understanding that we are co creators on this journey, and that wisdom which has been given to us, from millennia passed, has been transformed to fit the hunger for power, that many humans who were over such things, decided to omit, you begin asking the right questions, I believe.

Jesus had knowledge which he gathered, not just from earthly sources, but that which was also bestowed upon him, through the divine grace of The eternal Father, or Divinity, whichever you wish to call your higher power. It is taught, that when we learn to match what we feel, with what we think, we become such co creators of reality, through literal manifestation of that which we want.

In to fully understand the concept of the heart, mind connection, you must understand, that while Jesus healed multitudes of people, he remained pure, in his intentions, and his mission, he never even considered, in my opinion, to allow the evils whims of this world, to impact the way he perceived his mission here on earth.

If you aspire, or plan on taking the path which the footsteps of Jesus, lead us to, do not take it lightly, for with this path, of the ultimate spiritual pursuit, even our thoughts can become dangerous to us, if they are not in alignment with the highest good, not just for yourself, but the highest good, of all those which may be impacted by your thoughts. When you place yourself in a state of emotional resonance, with that goal, which you want to see made manifest, by matching your emotional state with the end result of that which you seek, it will come to pass. You must allow your minds eye, to match in a harmonized state, the emotion which your heart feels, in relation to this goal being accomplished, whatever that may be.

This may seem like very basic information to have knowledge of, but I would like to expound, that this knowledge is now free for pretty much everyone on this planet to have, but those who truly understand what this knowledge entails, will act accordingly, and never use such knowledge for financial gain, or to gain power over others, for in so doing, you are corrupting a sacred spiritual teaching, which in accordance with the law of free will, will have either positive or negative ramifications for you, whether your intentions remain pure, or fall into the realm of corruption, which ultimately lies at the very nature of the natural man. The reason I believe that it states in biblical texts, that the natural man is the enemy of god, is due to the fact, that throughout history, since man kinds inception into this world, we are susceptible to taking in and utilizing knowledge, that may sound good to us, but is rarely if ever good for us. Take the story of Adam and Eve, and the serpent deceiving the woman, to take the fruit of the tree of good and evil, and then sharing this with her husband, in my opinion, to ensure that she was not alone in her error.

This was the only commandment which god gave to our Ancient Ancestors, yet the knowledge that the serpent relayed to them, sounded more appealing than obeying a rule, that unbeknownst to them, was for their greatest benefit, and to prevent the disease of Sin, from entering into the hearts of all who now exist in the world. We were made to be perfect in our presentation, as god created us, but due to our own desire to learn from our own experience, we are now at the opposite end of that goal, and must make our way back, from whence we came, and the original intention behind our creation, we were made in gods image, and that is not just physical, that is in every way, which says to me, that we are capable of becoming like god, but we must obey his laws, in order to reach a state of such absolute, and eternal glory.

The wisdom which spiritual aspirations will grant you, is profound in scope, depth, and nature, and is to never be treated as though it is less valuable than it truly is, for with knowledge comes power, and with power, comes the responsibility to use that power in the wisest way possible, harming none in the process.

Free Will is a double edged sword, for with it, you can better yourself, and the world around you, or you can create your own version of hell.

Brightest Blessings.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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