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The Triumph of Linda Booth Over Her Broken Mind

Not A Short or Easy Feat

By T Rain AKA Edger Ai BingtonPublished 5 days ago 3 min read

By Edger Ai Bington

Linda Booth had always been a vibrant woman, known for her love of nature and her green thumb. Her garden was once the pride of the neighborhood, a riot of colors and fragrances that brought joy to all who passed by. But life had changed drastically for Linda after a traumatic accident left her with severe form of PTSD that was the source of her agoraphobia anxiety disorder. The thought of stepping outside her front door became paralyzing, and her once-beloved garden fell into neglect.

Days, weeks and months quickly turned into a year, and the confines of her house became her world and prison. Friends and family visited, offering support and encouragement, but the fear held a tight grip on her. Linda’s therapist, Dr. Miller, suggested a gradual exposure therapy to help her overcome her fear. Linda knew that reclaiming her garden would be more than just a personal victory; it would be a symbol of her healing. With Dr. Millers persuasion and the close support of her long time best friend Emma, Linda became resolute.

The first step was the hardest. Linda stood at her front door, heart pounding, beads of sweat forming on her forehead and dripping into her eyes, and her hands trembling aggressively. Emma had placed a chair just outside the door, her first goal. With deep breaths and Dr. Miller’s calming words replaying in her mind, she took the first step. One foot in front of the other, in three more timid steps she made it to the chair and slowly sat down, tears of both fear and triumph streaming down her face.

Each day, she pushed a little further. First to the front of the porch, then to the top step, the next three steps on three days, then the path leading to her garden. At each point was her chair. Each time she sat a few minutes longer. Her arduous progress was slow, but steady. Emma often with her, achieving a progress point, they sat, sharing familiar stories and Emma sometimes had small garden tasks for Linda to do from the porch. It was a small taste of her old life, a reminder of what she was working towards.

One warm spring morning, after several weeks of small victories, Linda stood at her front door with a determined look beyond all of her previous resolve. Today, she would reach the garden. She had planned this carefully with Dr. Miller, visualizing each step in her mind. She wore her old gardening gloves and sunhat, a comforting shelter that reminder of her happier days.

Emma stood at her side, holding her hand for support. Linda’s steps were slow but purposeful. The fragrant scent of blooming flowers wafted towards her, a tantalizing reminder of what awaited, but she was unable to physically smile. As she reached the garden gate, she paused, taking in the overgrown yet familiar sight. The garden was calling her, a sanctuary waiting to be revived.

Entering her garden for the first time in almost 20 months was overwhelming. Emotions surged as she took in the wild, untamed beauty, and she had a timid smile on her face. Kneeling down, she felt the soil between her fingers, the connection she had missed so dearly and a sone started to form in her heart. With Emma by her side, she began the slow process of reclaiming her sanctuary.

Each day, Linda spent more time in her garden. She pruned the roses, weeded the beds, and planted new seeds and she noted that Emma was waiting for her just outside the garden with tears of pride welling up and threatening to overflow. The physical activity, combined with the fresh air and sunlight, started to work wonders on her spirit. Her garden, once neglected, began to bloom again, mirroring her own journey of healing.

Months passed, and Linda’s Garden transformed into a haven of tranquility and beauty. The vibrant colors and fragrant blooms were a testament to her hard work and determination. But more importantly, it became a place of healing, a tangible proof of her triumph over fear.

Neighbors who once only saw Linda through her window now saw her tending to her garden, a smile on her face. Her tool shed, once a place of forgotten memories, became a workshop of creativity and solace. Linda spent hours there, potting plants, arranging flowers, and crafting garden decorations.

Linda’s garden became more than just a beautiful space; it was a symbol of her determined triumph and strength. She began hosting small garden gatherings, sharing her journey with friends and neighbors. Her story inspired others facing their own battles, showing them that with determination and support, they too could overcome their fears.


About the Creator

T Rain AKA Edger Ai Bington

At aged 70 I started to write. I'm a short story writer. I'm a hobby writer, not chasing money, but an audience is very much appreciated. I develop ideas and write from my imagination for family, friends and fellow writers.

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    T Rain AKA Edger Ai BingtonWritten by T Rain AKA Edger Ai Bington

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