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My Late Grandmother Came to Me In a Dream And Asked to Borrow 2,000 Dollars

Now What In the Hell Would She Need That Kind of Money For

By Digital_FootPrintPublished 4 months ago 5 min read
My Late Grandmother Came to Me In a Dream And Asked to Borrow 2,000 Dollars
Photo by Avinash Kumar on Unsplash

Now, grandmother! I ain’t seen you in more then a couple of months and the first thing you do is ask me for some money. C’mon, man!

Can I at least get a hug and a kiss or a “how are you” followed by a “I’ve missed you so much, grandson” first?!

Apparently not because I didn’t get any of those things.

All I got from her was a “show me the money, grandson” instead.

I bet she got quite the kick out of seeing my reaction. I can just hear her chuckling right now as I font and she had a very distinct laugh.

It’s the kind of laugh a witch would have while riding off on a broomstick. It’s kind of ironic since I learned that she used to dress up as a witch for Halloween at her job at a nursing home in hopes of spreading cheer to the elders.

You know, as wild as that money question was, I have to admit that she did cheer me up with her unique brand of humor.

To be honest, I hadn’t really been feeling my best as of late so when she appeared in my dream the other night, it brought a lot of calmness to my troubled soul.

That night, I got to bed a little earlier then usual. I cut off all the lights as well as “the idiot tube.”

Now it took me a little time getting comfortable in my bed.

I’m pretty sure you all know how that can be sometimes.

You just have to get the right spot and position to fully maximize your zzz’s. After a few moments of tossing and turning, I finally achieved my goal and I was off to la-la land to count some sheep.

The only thing was I didn’t see any sheep but I did see my grandmother and great aunt which brought a huge smile to my face.

They were sitting out in the garage as they always did with my grandmother on her bed and my great aunt seated in her favorite recliner. I remember my aunt hugging me and embracing me.

It felt so real. It felt just like the old days.

I must’ve left and went somewhere because when I came back my grandmother was seated on the floor.

I figured she must’ve slid off the bed because of the slipperiness of one of her many flower gowns or she was practicing yoga. My money would be on the former.

My aunt was hysterical when she was telling me that my grandmother had fell out the bed again. I bent down to check on her to make sure she was alright.

My grandmother turned over on her hands and I hoisted her up from the floor back on to her feet.

That also felt like the good ole’ days.

She took her seat back on the bed and then she asked me for 2,000 dollars. I thought to myself,

‘how in the hell am I going to get that kind of money to her.”

  • Sidenote: Now I know I’m going to get a few smart ass comments about how 2 grand isn’t that much money and maybe it isn’t in the whole scheme of things but my response to that would be,

“well, not everybody is flying on private planes, sipping fine wine and eating caviar like you fine folks do on an everyday basis so chill.”

Now back to my post.

I figured that all I would have to do was move a couple of my investments around.

Then, I thought to myself that I would’ve easily had all the money right there.

See, with her still living, I wouldn’t have gotten myself involved into a failed business venture which was a hairbrained scheme I came up with in hopes of raising enough money to keep the house which didn’t go exactly as planned.

Plus, I would’ve had a lot more money from not having to pay for all of the moving expenses after her place was sold.

“There we go! Problem solved,” I thought to myself.

After I had figured out how I was going to make all of her money woes disappear, I looked at her and before I could ask her what she needed the money for, I woke up.

The one thing that’s going to bug the hell out of me is not knowing what she needed all that money for.

Knowing my grandmother like I know her, she could’ve needed the money for anything. It could’ve been money going towards some much needed roofing work or it could’ve been just her wanting some new furniture.

One thing about my grandmother, she always had great taste. Highly expensive but great taste nevertheless.

Another thing that I wondered about was what was the point of me having this dream in the first place.

Normally when I’m visited by my grandmother or any other ancestor, it’s usually to teach me some sort of life lesson but at the time, I had no clue of what that life lesson could be in that situation.

Maybe, it was her way of letting me know that she’s still here with me.

Prior to the dream, she was on my mind heavily on account of my brother and I were planning on closing out her account down at the local bank.

That’s what pretty much brought all of this on in the first place. I just had mixed emotions about closing it.

Closing her account just felt like an end of an era. It was like the last vestige of her being that I wanted to hold on to.

I guess since losing the house and then this, I kinda felt like I was losing her and maybe the dream was her reminding me that’s not the case, grandson.

“I’m not going anywhere just as long as you loan me 2,000 dollars.”

I’m pretty sure she was kidding on that last part.

After about 30 minutes of discussion on the matter, my brother and I decided that the best thing to do was to shut down the account.

Besides, all the damn thing was doing was accruing banking fees because you know these greedy ass banks just don’t have enough money; They always need more.

My brother and I set out on a trip to the closest bank to us and being that we now live way out in the boonies, the drive was going to be about 30–40 minutes to it.

I really did enjoy the ride though.

I enjoyed seeing all of the horses and cows grazing all over that beautiful land. I even liked being in a city that I had never been to before.

We got everything taken care of at the bank and headed back home.

After we got home, my brother and I reminisced about how my grandmother used to send him and my grandfather before him, down to the local store to pick up about 144 money orders.

I long for those days so much.

It seems like an eternity since that time period but it really wasn’t that long ago when I really think about it.

It feels as if the days seem to be flying on by but no matter how fast time may move that woman will always stand still for eternally inside my heart.

Love you, grandma. See you in my next dream.

Stream of Consciousnesshumorfamily

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    Digital_FootPrintWritten by Digital_FootPrint

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