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All The Damn Vampires

Dealing with a crap Dad and a bad family is one thing. Now he has this to deal with.

By Raphael FontenellePublished 2 days ago 4 min read
All The Damn Vampires
Photo by Ankhesenamun on Unsplash

Sitting back against a wall the young man crossed his legs as he stared at the other wall. Feeling upset with what happened last night between him and his dad. The argument they had about a rule that he hadn't told Jean about until Jean broke it. Something that rightfully pissed off the young teenager. Adjusting his hat, he sighed,"Rules. Rules. Rules. Always changing and rearranging. Never consistent, ever."

Jean toyed with the brim of his favorite hat staring at the opening of the alley. Impatiently waiting for his target to finally pass. His fingers grip tighter on the material of his hat softly as he waited for them. Frowning as he whispered,"Rules never stay the same with me. I'm the only one who gets this bullshit, it ain't fair."

It wasn't going to be easy to do this. Nothing worthwhile ever really was. His fingers ran along the sharp piece of wood that was in his front hoodie pocket. Now that these beasts have shown up, he'd been keeping it close to himself.

It helped thanks to the ever-growing population of these creatures in his neighborhood. Almost as bad as having roaches or bees living near or in their homes. These creatures were more beastly than the vampires he'd seen in T.V, movies, or any video games. Their faces were much more demonic and horrifying. Claws were at least three inches long and very thick. And there were at least seven of them on each hand if he had counted right.

Though he hadn't really had a chance to properly count the last time they attacked.

Soon he began to walk slowly towards to the opening of the alley he had hidden in. The creature disguised herself as a normal teenage girl with long wavy brown hair. Which was waist length. Her outfit was a long navy-blue t-shirt with khaki capris and chunky gray sandals. A brief look would say she was your average teenage girl.

Only someone paying attention would notice the odd paleness of her skin alongside her freaky eyes. They were a bright frightening red that wasn't normal in any human. Outside of contact lenses.

She was definitely new.

Jean quickly began walking behind her but keeping a good distance between them as they walked. Afraid that this creature could smell him if he wasn't careful. Hands pushed themselves into his hoodie's pocket as he walked after her. In a minute he was close enough to smell her freaky intoxicating smell. One that smelled like a strange perfume that most girls in his class used. Only a hundred times stronger than what a normal teenage girl liked.

This was something he had gotten used to smelling for over two weeks or so now. He honestly couldn't see the purpose of it, but he guessed it was to have their prey interested and lulled into a false sense of security. Or something to that effect.

They were at least a block away from the public park. It was late at night and practically no one but drunken idiots would be out there. Perfect witnesses who barely remembered much and perfect victims who didn't always put up a fight. Soon as they were halfway through the empty park, he attacked on her. His right arm went around her waist as he dragged her into a nearby bush. Left arm going around her neck to keep her from screaming out loud. Not wanting to attract people to this situation as they wouldn't understand what he was doing it. Or why he had to stop this terrible creature.

They both rolled around the grass as he punched her in the back of the head. She almost bit his arm a few times. Luckily his jacket mostly saved the skin underneath. Her terrible fangs scraping the skin lightly underneath but not drawing blood. It was going worse than he initially pictured it would.

It took him a tremendous amount of effort to finally pin her arms to her sides with his thighs. She was so much stronger than she looked. It was hard to pull the stake out from his hoodie pocket but he managed somehow. Jean bit his bottom lip as she caught sight of the stake he pulled out. Thrashing harder than she had done before. With an almost practiced flair he managed to stab her in the chest. Shoving it as hard and deep as humanly possible. Finding it much harder to stab a vampire in the chest than the movies made it out to be.

When he finally managed to get it through her heart a huge puff of heat and ash flew up into his face. Falling flat on his face a few seconds later. Only laying there for a few moments as he frowned at the mess on him. Getting up he managed to carefully wipe what was on his face. In a low voice, Jean grumbled,"Buffy Summers never had to deal with this bullshit."


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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  • Sweileh 8882 days ago

    Thank you for the interesting and delicious content. Follow my stories now.

Raphael FontenelleWritten by Raphael Fontenelle

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