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Bride For The Summer God

Their town had experienced hardship throughout the past few years. Each ritual making the town elder's more and more desperate to save themselves. And turning to a very despicable act to save their own.

By Raphael FontenellePublished 21 days ago 5 min read
Bride For The Summer God
Photo by Polina Rytova on Unsplash

This town has had several Summer rituals over the years that I have lived here. Several that would make the town supposedly rich. Yet each time none of the rituals would last. Every time that the leaders of our town it would be only for a month.

Two weeks.

And this last ritual that they used had only lasted for half a day. Then everything started dying or withering in their places. Our livestock starved to death in the fields they laid. Far too weak to even be able to stand up on their own legs. Babies dying before they were even born. So many of the mothers prodding them with their dry noses.

It was so heartbreaking to see.

I couldn’t bear the sight of my family’s animals trying to awaken their children. Despite everything we tried to save them. It broke my Father’s heart the most to watch them suffer. He hated seeing them give up and slowly wither.

We were desperate and so was the rest of the town.

So, when the town’s elders came to my Father with a terrible proposition. He didn’t hesitate to take them up on it. This ritual required a live virgin bride for an unknown deity. One that would rejuvenate the entire town and several others nearby if the ritual were performed right. Despite other candidates that could also fit the bill.

In fact, there were at least three young women who had volunteered.

Sadly, for me these volunteer brides were the town elder’s daughter, niece, and granddaughter. And there was no way they would allow any of them to willingly sacrifice themselves. Not when they had someone like me. My Father is a respectable man in town. But my Mother was not when she was alive. So, by extension the townspeople weren’t all too keen on me being around. Especially with all my peculiarities.

You see I wasn’t a man by birth, I made myself one with the help of the town doctor.

I won’t speak about that progress, but I will say that this made most folks weary of me. Even my own Father was a bit uncomfortable with it. Though in time he grew accustomed to it. Not being accepting outright. Nor was he as outright cruel to me as the others were. Though I suppose that I shouldn’t have been surprised he sacrificed me.

Yet I still was.

When the town’s elders came and dragged me off the field. I struggled hard to get free but one of them knocked me out. Sometime later I awoke in a field of dead wheat. My whole body tied to a stake in the most hideous dress I had ever seen. It itched me but I couldn’t get my hands free from my bonds to relieve the itching. Or just free myself in general. All I could do was stand there. Staring at my hands while tears rolled down my cheeks. Terrified that this creature would come soon.

Come soon and devour me whole.

Or whatever it did to its sacrificial brides. I wasn’t entirely sure what that was going to entail as I stood there. Facing certain death. Closing my eyes to not see what was to come for me. The second that I did I started to hear strange crunches in front of me. Someone or something was coming for me through the dead field. My heart began racing in my chest as they came closer and closer. I prayed that the end would be swift as whatever it was got close to me. Their breath gently washing over my face as they seemed to lean in.

“My goodness, no one has done my ritual in hundreds of years. Now the first bride that I get in that time and you’re not really willing are you?”,the voice questioned. It was much softer than I anticipated it was going to be. Deep but gentle. Almost like the person was afraid that I would scream. When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I had thought the deity would be some form of creature. Hideous and ready to rip me to pieces the moment it saw me.

Yet this wasn’t a creature.

It was a tall older woman. She wore a beautiful silver suit. One that was tailored to show off her figure in ways that would make me self-conscious. Her hands were in startlingly white gloves with shoes that matched them. Despite the dirt that she clearly walked through. Her hair was black, thick, and was pulled into an elaborate bun. This woman’s eyes were a gorgeous dark brown that made me feel safe when I looked into them. A friendly smile was on her face.

Her teeth weren’t normal human teeth. They vaguely reminded me of a fox.

It took me a moment for me to realize she was talking to me. But I somehow couldn’t bring myself to say a word as she wiped my tears away. Gently cupping my face as she gently murmured,”Don’t be afraid my dear.”

“I’m not angry at you. Just saddened that these people thought they could offer me such an unwilling bride.”,she informed me. Removing one hand from my face carefully. Lifting it up and snapping those slender fingers of hers. The ropes around my body, arms, and legs dropped to the grass. I rubbed my wrists as I glanced down at them. Noticing there were bruises already forming. I glanced up at her as I asked,”So you’re not going to kill me?”

“Of course not. But I have an offer for you, dear.”,the woman states. That beautiful smile grew on her face as she takes my hands in hers. Squeezing them reassuringly. It made me feel so safe as I briefly glanced at our hands. Then up at her once again as I asked,”What would that be?”

“I will fix the whole town of all its problems and make it flourish once more. Forever.”,she offered. It sounded wonderful. I won’t lie. The offer sounded utterly perfect. Though I was afraid of what she wanted in return. What if it was something that I couldn’t give her? So, I questioned,”What would you like in return?”

“Just for you to be by my side for the rest of our days.”,she answered. Her tone didn’t suggest anything terrible. Or that I had to be her ‘bride’. And she continued,”You don’t even have to be my bride. I just want your companionship.”

“What do you say, dear?”,she questioned. For a moment I wanted to say no. As I hadn’t wanted to leave my Father without help on our farm. I was the only one who could. Then I recalled how he offered me up like a sacrificial lamb to slaughter. How he didn’t even have the courage to look me in the eye after he did it. Nor did he stop the town’s elders from bursting in and stealing me. With a small nod, I answered,”I say yes.”

“I would love to come with you.”,I continued. Smiling widely as she let go of one of my hands. Gently gripping the other in her own. Lacing her fingers through mine as she walked with me. The formerly dead wheat field slowly springing to life as we walked along.


About the Creator

Raphael Fontenelle

Horror movie fan trying to write decent horror.

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    Raphael FontenelleWritten by Raphael Fontenelle

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