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The Metaverse Mixer: A Glitch in the Matrix?

When a virtual retreat goes awry, Maya finds herself questioning the reality of her online world.

By suren arjuPublished 2 days ago 3 min read

The Metaverse Mixer: A Glitch in the Matrix?

From her tightly fixed bun, a strand of auburn hair escaped the claws of Maya's sleek clip, caressing her cheek as it fell. Lifting her fingertips from where they had danced on the keyboard, she pinched the hair back into place and resumed typing. For a few more seconds, there was a hidden rhythm in the tapping of her unpainted fingernails until, in a culminating moment, the enter key was pressed. She read the message aloud to ensure its meaning could not be misinterpreted.

To whom it may concern,

While I appreciate the feedback Mr. Khan provided, I must respectfully disagree. After further review of his analysis, it appears he is missing a few critical details I am more than happy to go over once I return from my virtual retreat.


Maya Chen

Once the last syllable left her lips and the silent whir of the air purifier was all that now filled the space, she let out a deep sigh. Reading the message aloud helped soothe her initial feeling of apprehension. She lifted her eyes from the screen for the first time in hours, and her attention shifted to the sleek digital clock on her desk.

7:15 PM

"They're gonna think I ghosted them…" she thought.

In a sudden, fluid movement, she eased the VR headset off and began to pack up her things.

From her rooftop patio, Sarah watched as her sister gracefully navigated the bustling virtual marketplace, weaving past avatars in a sea of people. The rhythmic clicks of Maya's keyboard provided a tempo to the digital ambiance of the Metaverse, becoming audible through the high-powered speakers Sarah had set up for the occasion.

With Maya only a few virtual paces away, Sarah called out through her microphone.

"Didn't we say seven o'clock? It's almost a quarter past."

"I know, I know. I'm so sorry, Sarah. You know how busy I've been trying to finalize everything before we log in for the retreat."

"Just teasing you. It's alright. Here – I had them send you a virtual mojito."

Maya's avatar, modeled after her real-life appearance, winked and took a virtual sip, the condensation sparkling on the digital glass.

"Thanks. Now I can finally unwind."

Sarah watched silently as Maya took in the virtual world. The vibrant landscape, teeming with avatars in outlandish outfits, seemed to be a stark contrast to the sterile environment of Maya's workspace. The simulated sun on her virtual skin felt warm to the touch, the gentle digital breeze rustling the nonexistent leaves of the virtual palm trees. Her shoulders visibly slumped as she relaxed in her virtual chair.

While Sarah had been patient for over fifteen minutes, she couldn't keep her pep contained for another second.

"So, did you get a chance to take a look at the itinerary?"

"Yeah, I… skimmed it," Maya said, her avatar's brow furrowing slightly.

Sarah squinted through her VR headset, a sense of unease creeping in. Maya always meticulously planned everything. Maya decided to come clean.

"Sorry. Would you mind going over it with me?"

"Sure, just remember, this is supposed to be a relaxing getaway for you, and the only way you'll be able to relax is if you know what's going on."

"You're right, and trust me, I'm ready to relax."


Sarah began describing the itinerary for their trip to a virtual replica of ancient Rome, her excitement barely contained. Maya closed her eyes and started to visualize the experience when Sarah disrupted her mental voyage with an announcement that made Maya's virtual stomach lurch.

"There's a toga party on the second night!"

"A toga party?" Maya choked out, a sudden wave of dread washing over her. Unlike Sarah, who thrived in social situations, both virtual and real, Maya preferred the comfort of solitude and a good data analysis report.

Before Sarah could see the flicker of anxiety in Maya's virtual eyes, she moved on.

"But don't worry! I found a virtual tailor who can whip one up for us in no time. Trust me, it'll be fun!"

Vignettes of awkward social gatherings from Maya's past flickered through her mind. The sensation of being trapped in a room full of strangers, forced to make conversation, was a nightmare she actively avoided. Her virtual world, on the other hand, was a safe haven where she could be herself without judgment.

"So, what do you think?" Sarah asked, her voice full of anticipation.

"It sounds… interesting," Maya said, forcing a smile.

The three avatars, Sarah, Maya, and a group of newly made virtual friends, walked along a pixelated path leading to the virtual Colosseum, the iconic landmark


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suren arju

Hi there! I'm Suren, your startup guide. Entrepreneur, writer, dreamer - I share insights, tips & stories to fuel your startup journey. Ready to explore, learn & win together? Join me & let's redefine how we launch, learn & leap!

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Comments (1)

  • Sanjay Upadhyay2 days ago

    Nice article

SAWritten by suren arju

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