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The Price of Water

A hidden resistance rises against a thirsty corporation.

By suren arjuPublished 2 days ago 4 min read

They locked eyes across the bustling farmers market, Maya's heart skipping a beat. Although everyone wore wide-brimmed hats to shield themselves from the harsh desert sun, she instantly recognized Enzo's piercing green eyes, their intensity burning through the woven straw and warming her cheeks with a flush. The pounding of her heart quickened as he navigated the throng with the ease of a seasoned climber, scaling hay bales and weaving between stalls to reach the woman locked within his gaze.

Maya fanned herself with a woven palm frond, willing herself to stay calm while simultaneously wondering how no one else reacted to the sight of this imposing figure making his way through the tightly packed crowd. His presence commanded every ounce of her attention yet no one else seemed to notice as he fluidly moved through bodies that willingly parted at his approach, their voices raised in lively bartering barely registering as he neared her.

As he approached, Maya noticed Enzo was dressed more simply than she had ever seen him. A worn linen shirt and faded trousers concealed his broad frame, the hat itself a simple straw design with a single, brightly colored feather that seemed to bob with an adventurous rhythm as he moved. Once he finally stood before her, a mischievous grin played across his face as he extended a calloused hand.

"Hola, amiga," he greeted her, his voice raspy and weathered by the elements. "Care to join me in a little rebellion?"

Just who was this man?

Maya thought she knew him as Miguel, a quiet potter at the local market known for his fierce opposition to the corporate water monopoly. He had always been charming towards Maya, but he seemed restrained in their conversations as if he were holding something back – and now she knew why. He was completely captivating, casting a spell of intrigue over the bustling market where he seemed to hold a strange sway. This was his element now, the vendors his cheering audience, and Maya, trembling with a mix of fear and excitement, stood at the center of it all.

Despite the prickling of unease on her skin, Maya seemed to lose control of her senses as her hand moved on its own to meet his in a firm handshake.

"Glad you could make it," he rasped, his eyes glittering with an unsettling light. The feeling of unease gnawed at her, but the thrill of the unknown was intoxicating. She felt a surge of defiance, a sense of rebellion against the ever-rising prices set by the greedy water corporation. Miguel was not who he seemed, and the revelation that she faced a dangerous unknown terrified and enticed her all at once.

Suddenly a siren wailed in the distance, a company security vehicle barreling through the market, lights flashing and loudspeakers blaring orders for the vendors to pack up. Panic began to set in as heavily armed guards wove through the crowd, their faces obscured by mirrored visors. In the ensuing chaos, Maya lost sight of Miguel. The air grew dusty, the churning crowd obscuring her vision. Disoriented and coughing, she pushed through the panicked crowd, desperately searching for him.

"We need to get out of here!" a voice shouted above the din. Maya turned to see Miguel, his hat askew, his face etched with concern. He grabbed her arm and pulled her through a labyrinth of narrow alleys, his knowledge of the hidden pathways a stark contrast to his seemingly unassuming persona.

They ran until they reached the deserted rooftop of a crumbling adobe building, the bustling market sprawling beneath them like a sea of uncertainty. Maya gasped for breath, leaning against the sun-baked wall, her heart hammering against her ribs.

"Who are you?" she rasped, her voice hoarse.

Miguel ripped off his hat, revealing a face weathered by the sun and wind, but with eyes that held a spark of defiance. "I'm part of a group fighting for fair water access," he said, his voice low and urgent. "They're trying to control everything, Maya. We can't let them win."

Maya looked at him, her mind racing. This quiet potter was a rebel, a champion for a cause she secretly supported. A new kind of fear gripped her, a fear of the unknown consequences of getting involved. Yet, a flicker of hope ignited within her, a chance to fight for something she believed in, a chance to escape the stifling control of a corporation determined to exploit their most precious resource.

"What do we do?" she whispered, a newfound resolve hardening her voice.

Miguel's smile, though fleeting, held a promise of shared purpose. "We fight back," he said, his eyes gleaming with a fierce determination that mirrored her own. "We start by spreading the word, exposing their greed. We'll need your help, Maya. Are you with us?"

Maya looked out at the market below, a symbol of both life and exploitation. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders, a newfound determination coursing through her veins. "I'm in," she declared, her voice ringing out with conviction. A grin spread across Miguel's face, and together they turned towards the bustling crowd below, ready to ignite a spark of rebellion.


About the Creator

suren arju

Hi there! I'm Suren, your startup guide. Entrepreneur, writer, dreamer - I share insights, tips & stories to fuel your startup journey. Ready to explore, learn & win together? Join me & let's redefine how we launch, learn & leap!

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Comments (1)

  • Sanjay Upadhyay2 days ago

    I enjoyed reading.thanks for sharing

SAWritten by suren arju

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