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The Fear Of An Uncertain Future.

Climate change and Environment. Action Needed.

By Mba Ogele OnyekwerePublished about a month ago 4 min read
The Fear Of An Uncertain Future.
Photo by Melissa Bradley on Unsplash

The wind whispered through the old oak tree in Dorcas's backyard, carrying with it a sense of foreboding that matched the turmoil in her heart. The sky, once a pristine blue, now bore an eerie gray tint, reflecting the growing anxiety that gnawed at her every waking moment. Dorcas sat on the porch, her eyes fixed on the horizon, where dark clouds seemed to gather ominously. She hugged her knees to her chest, seeking comfort in the familiar warmth of her favorite wool sweater, a gift from her late mother.

The future had always held an air of mystery, but for Dorcas, it now felt like a looming shadow, dark and impenetrable. Her thoughts drifted to her two children, Emily and Jacob, who were playing in the backyard, blissfully unaware of the storm clouds, both literal and metaphorical, gathering around them. Emily, with her boundless curiosity, and Jacob, with his infectious laughter, were the lights of her life, and it was for them that she worried most.

The news had been relentless in its reports of climate change, economic instability, and social unrest. Each day brought new headlines of natural disasters, political upheavals, and a planet that seemed to be crying out in pain. Dorcas felt a tightening in her chest whenever she thought about the world her children would inherit. She wanted to protect them, to shield them from the uncertainty that lay ahead, but how could she safeguard them from a future that even she couldn’t predict?

One evening, as Dorcas was tucking Emily into bed, the little girl looked up at her with wide, innocent eyes. "Mommy, will there still be snow in winter when I'm grown up?" she asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and concern. Dorcas's heart ached at the question. She remembered her own childhood winters, the joy of building snowmen and the thrill of sledding down the hill near her grandparents' house. But with the world warming at an alarming rate, could she promise her daughter the same?

"I hope so, sweetheart," Dorcas replied, brushing a strand of hair from Emily's forehead. "We have to take care of our planet to make sure we can enjoy the things we love for many years to come."

Emily nodded solemnly, her young mind grappling with the weight of the conversation. "I want to help, Mommy," she said earnestly. "I want to make sure there's snow for everyone."

Tears stung Dorcas's eyes as she kissed her daughter goodnight. "You're already helping by caring," she whispered, but the worry lingered long after Emily had drifted to sleep.

Jacob, just five years old, was blissfully unaware of the world's troubles. His laughter was a balm to Dorcas's weary soul, but even his innocence couldn't shield her from the persistent dread. She found herself lying awake at night, her mind racing with questions and fears. What kind of jobs would her children have? Would they face wars over resources, as some experts predicted? Would they know the beauty of a clear river or the wonder of a lush forest, or would those be stories from a bygone era?

One particularly stormy night, as thunder rumbled in the distance, Dorcas found herself at the kitchen table, unable to sleep. The house was quiet, except for the rhythmic ticking of the clock on the wall. She sipped her tea, hoping its warmth would calm her nerves. Her husband, David, joined her, his face etched with concern. He could see the strain in her eyes, the worry lines that had deepened over the past months.

"What's on your mind, love?" he asked gently, placing a hand over hers.

Dorcas sighed, feeling the weight of the world pressing down on her. "I just... I don't know what kind of world our kids will grow up in, David. Everything feels so uncertain. The climate, the economy, the political landscape... it's all changing so fast. How can we prepare them for a future that even we can't foresee?"

David nodded, his own expression mirroring her anxiety. "I think about that too," he admitted. "But I also believe in our ability to adapt and find solutions. We can't control everything, but we can teach Emily and Jacob resilience, kindness, and the importance of taking care of each other and the world."

Dorcas leaned into his embrace, finding some solace in his words. "You're right," she murmured. "We have to do our best, even if the future is uncertain. We owe it to them."

As days turned into weeks, Dorcas focused on what she could control. She involved Emily and Jacob in small, meaningful actions—planting a garden, reducing waste, and learning about renewable energy. These activities not only brought them closer as a family but also instilled a sense of purpose and hope in her children.

One sunny afternoon, as they worked together in the garden, Emily looked up at her mother with a bright smile. "Mommy, I'm going to make sure there's always snow in winter," she declared with the unwavering confidence of a child.

Dorcas smiled, her heart swelling with pride and love. "And I'll be right there with you, every step of the way," she promised.

The fear of an uncertain future still lingered, but it no longer paralyzed her. Instead, it motivated her to take action, to prepare her children not only to face the unknown but to shape it with compassion and courage. The road ahead was still shrouded in shadows, but Dorcas knew they would navigate it together, with hope lighting their way

short storySustainabilityScienceNatureHumanityClimateAdvocacy

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    MOOWritten by Mba Ogele Onyekwere

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