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How to move in and survive in a country that you cannot speak her language

My personal findings

By Mba Ogele OnyekwerePublished 25 days ago 12 min read
Be focused!

It is an established fact that moving to a foreign country where you cannot speak the language can be both exciting and daunting. The adventure of integrating yourself in a new culture is often tempered by the challenge of going through daily life without understanding the local language. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with practical strategies and insights to help you to not only survive but thrive in such an environment.

1. Preparing Before the Move

1.1 Research and Learn Basic Phrases

Before moving, invest time in learning basic phrases of the local language. You don’t need to be fluent, but knowing how to greet people, ask for directions, order food, and handle emergencies can be incredibly helpful. Language learning apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone offer beginner courses tailored to different languages and can be a good starting point.

1.2 Understand Cultural Norms

Understanding cultural norms and etiquette is crucial. Researching customs, traditions, and social behaviors can help you avoid misunderstandings and show respect to your new neighbors. Books, travel blogs, and expat forums are excellent resources for gaining cultural insights.

1.3 Legal and Administrative Preparation

Ensure you have all necessary documentation, such as visas, work permits, and medical insurance, in order before your move. It’s also wise to get translations of important documents, such as your driver’s license, birth certificate, and medical records.

1.4 Financial Readiness

Open a local bank account if possible, or ensure your existing bank cards will work abroad. Inform your bank about your move to prevent your cards from being blocked. Also, familiarize yourself with the local currency and exchange rates.

2. Settling In

2.1 Finding Accommodation

Choosing the right place to live can significantly impact your experience. If possible, arrange temporary accommodation for the first few weeks. This will give you time to explore different neighborhoods and find a place that suits your needs. Websites like Airbnb,, and local real estate platforms can be helpful.

2.2. Mastering Public Transportation

Understanding the local transportation system is essential. Study maps, routes, and schedules. Apps like Google Maps, Citymapper, and local transit apps can provide real-time updates and directions. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from locals or fellow expats if you’re unsure.

2.3. Accessing Utilities and Services

Acquiring utilities such as electricity, water, and internet can be challenging if you don’t speak the language. Consider using translation apps like Google Translate or seeking help from a local friend or neighbor. Some utility companies may offer services in English or have customer service representatives who can assist you.

2.4. Registering with Local Authorities

In many countries, you are required to register your residence with local authorities. This process can vary, so research the specific requirements for your new country. Bring necessary documents and consider bringing a translator or using a translation app.

3. Overcoming Language Barriers

3.1 Language Learning Strategies

3.1.1 Formal Classes

Enrolling in language classes can accelerate your learning. Look for local language schools, community colleges, or online courses. Many institutions offer beginner courses tailored for expats.

3.1.2 Language Exchange Programs

Participate in language exchange programs where you can practice speaking with native speakers who want to learn your language. Websites like Tandem, ConversationExchange, and Meetup can connect you with language partners.

3.1.3 Intensive Language Learning

Engage yourself in the intensive learning of the requisite language by consuming local media. Watch local TV shows, listen to radio stations, and read newspapers or books in the local language. This can help you pick up colloquial expressions and improve your listening skills.

3.2 Using Technology to Bridge the Gap

3.2.1 Translation Apps

Apps like Google Translate, iTranslate, and Microsoft Translator can be lifesavers. They offer text, voice, and even camera translation features, making it easier to communicate and understand signs, menus, and documents.

3.2.2 Language Learning Apps

Beyond initial preparation, continue using language learning apps to build your vocabulary and practice grammar. Consistent practice is key to gaining proficiency.

3.2.3 Online Communities

Join online communities and forums for expats in your new country. Platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and have groups where you can ask questions, share experiences, and get advice from those who have faced similar challenges.

4. Building a Support Network

4.1 Connecting with Locals

4.1.1 Participate in Local Events

Attend local events, festivals, and community gatherings. This can help you meet new people and learn more about the culture. Even if language is a barrier, showing interest and enthusiasm can foster connections.

4.1.2 Volunteering

Volunteering for local organizations is a great way to give back to the community and meet people. It also provides an opportunity to practice the language in a supportive environment.

4.2 Finding Fellow Expats

4.2.1 Expert Groups and Clubs

Join expert groups and clubs to meet people who understand the challenges of living abroad. These groups often organize social events, provide practical advice, and offer emotional support.

4.2.2 Online Forums and Social Media

Engage with online forums and social media groups dedicated to expats in your country. These platforms can provide valuable insights, recommendations, and a sense of community.

5. Navigating Daily Life

5.1 Shopping and Dining

5.1.1 Grocery Shopping

Learn the local names for common items and familiarize yourself with local brands. Shopping at local markets can also be a good way to practice the language and discover fresh, local produce.

5.1.2 Eating Out

When dining out, use translation apps to understand menus and communicate your preferences. Don’t be afraid to try new dishes and ask locals for recommendations.

5.2 Healthcare

5.2.1 Finding a Doctor

Research healthcare providers and find doctors who speak your language or use translation services. Keep a list of essential medical terms and phrases to communicate your needs effectively.

5.2.2 Pharmacies

Learn how to ask for common medications and understand dosage instructions. Some countries require prescriptions for medications that are over-the-counter elsewhere, so it’s important to know the local regulations.

5.3 Handling Emergencies

5.3.1 Emergency Numbers

Memorize the local emergency numbers for police, fire, and medical services. Keep this information easily accessible in case of an emergency.

5.3.2 Emergency Phrases

Learn key phrases for emergencies, such as “I need help,” “Call a doctor,” and “Where is the hospital?” Having these phrases ready can be crucial in urgent situations.

6. Taking Control of the Experience

6.1 Adapting to a New Culture

6.1.1 Open-Mindedness

Approach your new environment with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Embrace cultural differences and try to understand the local way of life.

6.1.2 Patience and Resilience

Adjusting to a new culture and language takes time. Be patient with yourself and others. Celebrate small victories and learn from mistakes.

6.2 Personal Growth and Development

6.2.1 Journaling

Keep a journal to document your experiences, challenges, and achievements. Reflecting on your journey can provide perspective and highlight your progress.

6.2.2 Continued Learning

Take advantage of the opportunity to learn and grow. Whether it’s picking up new skills, exploring hobbies, or deepening your cultural knowledge, continuous learning can enrich your experience.

7. Long-Term Integration

7.1 Legal and Financial Planning

7.1.1 Residency and Citizenship

If you plan to stay long-term, research the requirements for residency or citizenship. Understanding the legal processes can help you secure your status and rights.

7.1.2 Financial Stability

Plan for financial stability by understanding local tax laws, retirement plans, and investment opportunities. Consulting a financial advisor familiar with expat issues can be beneficial.

7.2 Building a Home

7.2.1 Community Involvement

Become actively involved in your community. Join local clubs, participate in neighbourhood initiatives, and build lasting relationships with your neighbours.

7.2.2 Cultural Exchange

Share your own culture with locals while learning about theirs. Hosting cultural exchange events or cooking traditional dishes can foster mutual understanding and appreciation.

7.3 Maintaining Connections

7.3.1 Staying in Touch with Home

Maintain connections with family and friends back home through regular communication. Technology makes it easier to stay in touch, but balancing time zones and schedules may require effort.

7.3.2 Creating a Support System

Build a support system that includes both locals and fellow experts. Having a diverse network can provide emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of belonging.


Moving to a country where you cannot speak the language is undeniably challenging, but it is also a profoundly rewarding experience. With preparation, resilience, and a willingness to adapt, you can not only survive but thrive in your new environment. Embark on the journey with an open heart and mind, and you will discover that the challenges you face can lead to personal growth, deeper cultural understanding, and a richer, more fulfilling life.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Many have gone through these challenges before and have emerged stronger and more connected to the world. Use the tools, strategies, and insights shared in this guide to help you along the way, and don’t hesitate to seek support when needed. Your adventure awaits—face it with confidence and curiosity.u cannot speak the language can be both exciting and daunting. The adventure of integrating yourself in a new culture is often tempered by the challenge of going through daily life without understanding the local language. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with practical strategies and insights to help you to not only survive but thrive in such an environment.

1. Preparing Before the Move

1.1 Research and Learn Basic Phrases

Before moving, invest time in learning basic phrases of the local language. You don’t need to be fluent, but knowing how to greet people, ask for directions, order food, and handle emergencies can be incredibly helpful. Language learning apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone offer beginner courses tailored to different languages and can be a good starting point.

1.2 Understand Cultural Norms

Understanding cultural norms and etiquette is crucial. Researching customs, traditions, and social behaviors can help you avoid misunderstandings and show respect to your new neighbors. Books, travel blogs, and expat forums are excellent resources for gaining cultural insights.

1.3 Legal and Administrative Preparation

Ensure you have all necessary documentation, such as visas, work permits, and medical insurance, in order before your move. It’s also wise to get translations of important documents, such as your driver’s license, birth certificate, and medical records.

1.4 Financial Readiness

Open a local bank account if possible, or ensure your existing bank cards will work abroad. Inform your bank about your move to prevent your cards from being blocked. Also, familiarize yourself with the local currency and exchange rates.

2. Settling In

2.1 Finding Accommodation

Choosing the right place to live can significantly impact your experience. If possible, arrange temporary accommodation for the first few weeks. This will give you time to explore different neighborhoods and find a place that suits your needs. Websites like Airbnb,, and local real estate platforms can be helpful.

2.2. Mastering Public Transportation

Understanding the local transportation system is essential. Study maps, routes, and schedules. Apps like Google Maps, Citymapper, and local transit apps can provide real-time updates and directions. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from locals or fellow expats if you’re unsure.

2.3. Accessing Utilities and Services

Acquiring utilities such as electricity, water, and internet can be challenging if you don’t speak the language. Consider using translation apps like Google Translate or seeking help from a local friend or neighbor. Some utility companies may offer services in English or have customer service representatives who can assist you.

2.4. Registering with Local Authorities

In many countries, you are required to register your residence with local authorities. This process can vary, so research the specific requirements for your new country. Bring necessary documents and consider bringing a translator or using a translation app.

3. Overcoming Language Barriers

3.1 Language Learning Strategies

3.1.1 Formal Classes

Enrolling in language classes can accelerate your learning. Look for local language schools, community colleges, or online courses. Many institutions offer beginner courses tailored for expats.

3.1.2 Language Exchange Programs

Participate in language exchange programs where you can practice speaking with native speakers who want to learn your language. Websites like Tandem, ConversationExchange, and Meetup can connect you with language partners.

3.1.3 Intensive Language Learning

Engage yourself in the intensive learning of the requisite language by consuming local media. Watch local TV shows, listen to radio stations, and read newspapers or books in the local language. This can help you pick up colloquial expressions and improve your listening skills.

3.2 Using Technology to Bridge the Gap

3.2.1 Translation Apps

Apps like Google Translate, iTranslate, and Microsoft Translator can be lifesavers. They offer text, voice, and even camera translation features, making it easier to communicate and understand signs, menus, and documents.

3.2.2 Language Learning Apps

Beyond initial preparation, continue using language learning apps to build your vocabulary and practice grammar. Consistent practice is key to gaining proficiency.

3.2.3 Online Communities

Join online communities and forums for expats in your new country. Platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and have groups where you can ask questions, share experiences, and get advice from those who have faced similar challenges.

4. Building a Support Network

4.1 Connecting with Locals

4.1.1 Participate in Local Events

Attend local events, festivals, and community gatherings. This can help you meet new people and learn more about the culture. Even if language is a barrier, showing interest and enthusiasm can foster connections.

4.1.2 Volunteering

Volunteering for local organizations is a great way to give back to the community and meet people. It also provides an opportunity to practice the language in a supportive environment.

4.2 Finding Fellow Expats

4.2.1 Expert Groups and Clubs

Join expert groups and clubs to meet people who understand the challenges of living abroad. These groups often organize social events, provide practical advice, and offer emotional support.

4.2.2 Online Forums and Social Media

Engage with online forums and social media groups dedicated to expats in your country. These platforms can provide valuable insights, recommendations, and a sense of community.

5. Navigating Daily Life

5.1 Shopping and Dining

5.1.1 Grocery Shopping

Learn the local names for common items and familiarize yourself with local brands. Shopping at local markets can also be a good way to practice the language and discover fresh, local produce.

5.1.2 Eating Out

When dining out, use translation apps to understand menus and communicate your preferences. Don’t be afraid to try new dishes and ask locals for recommendations.

5.2 Healthcare

5.2.1 Finding a Doctor

Research healthcare providers and find doctors who speak your language or use translation services. Keep a list of essential medical terms and phrases to communicate your needs effectively.

5.2.2 Pharmacies

Learn how to ask for common medications and understand dosage instructions. Some countries require prescriptions for medications that are over-the-counter elsewhere, so it’s important to know the local regulations.

5.3 Handling Emergencies

5.3.1 Emergency Numbers

Memorize the local emergency numbers for police, fire, and medical services. Keep this information easily accessible in case of an emergency.

5.3.2 Emergency Phrases

Learn key phrases for emergencies, such as “I need help,” “Call a doctor,” and “Where is the hospital?” Having these phrases ready can be crucial in urgent situations.

6. Taking Control of the Experience

6.1 Adapting to a New Culture

6.1.1 Open-Mindedness

Approach your new environment with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Embrace cultural differences and try to understand the local way of life.

6.1.2 Patience and Resilience

Adjusting to a new culture and language takes time. Be patient with yourself and others. Celebrate small victories and learn from mistakes.

6.2 Personal Growth and Development

6.2.1 Journaling

Keep a journal to document your experiences, challenges, and achievements. Reflecting on your journey can provide perspective and highlight your progress.

6.2.2 Continued Learning

Take advantage of the opportunity to learn and grow. Whether it’s picking up new skills, exploring hobbies, or deepening your cultural knowledge, continuous learning can enrich your experience.

7. Long-Term Integration

7.1 Legal and Financial Planning

7.1.1 Residency and Citizenship

If you plan to stay long-term, research the requirements for residency or citizenship. Understanding the legal processes can help you secure your status and rights.

7.1.2 Financial Stability

Plan for financial stability by understanding local tax laws, retirement plans, and investment opportunities. Consulting a financial advisor familiar with expat issues can be beneficial.

7.2 Building a Home

7.2.1 Community Involvement

Become actively involved in your community. Join local clubs, participate in neighbourhood initiatives, and build lasting relationships with your neighbours.

7.2.2 Cultural Exchange

Share your own culture with locals while learning about theirs. Hosting cultural exchange events or cooking traditional dishes can foster mutual understanding and appreciation.

7.3 Maintaining Connections

7.3.1 Staying in Touch with Home

Maintain connections with family and friends back home through regular communication. Technology makes it easier to stay in touch, but balancing time zones and schedules may require effort.

7.3.2 Creating a Support System

Build a support system that includes both locals and fellow experts. Having a diverse network can provide emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of belonging.


Moving to a country where you cannot speak the language is undeniably challenging, but it is also a profoundly rewarding experience. With preparation, resilience, and a willingness to adapt, you can not only survive but thrive in your new environment. Embark on the journey with an open heart and mind, and you will discover that the challenges you face can lead to personal growth, deeper cultural understanding, and a richer, more fulfilling life.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Many have gone through these challenges before and have emerged stronger and more connected to the world. Use the tools, strategies, and insights shared in this guide to help you along the way, and don’t hesitate to seek support when needed. Your adventure awaits—face it with confidence and curiosity.

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