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By echi monday echemPublished 2 months ago 4 min read

The bully 3.

Caleb's eyes grew red, his nails growing long as he awaited Desmond, who was determined to fulfill his evil desire.

"What is this one up to? This red touch you placed in your eyes can't stop me from doing what I want with you. Just obey and stop this trick," Desmond said, thinking that Caleb was trying to scare him with a trick.

Caleb came closer to him, scratching his face with his long nails, causing Desmond to shout. Desmond was about to fight back when an unknown wind lifted him up and threw him on the ground.

Caleb, with his eyes glowing red, started punching Desmond. It was just the same way he had bullied the late Emmanuel.

"Please, stop. I won't dare to do that to you again. Don't harm me. I'm sorry," Desmond pleadingly said to Caleb, who let go of him, turning to his normal self.

Desmond rose himself up and ran out of the room.

"Who is this new boy? And where did he get his powers from? Has it gotten to the point of him acquiring power? No, I can't be defeated like this. It will be a shame that this new boy will take over my position in the school. I have to do something about this," Desmond added.

It was in the Assembly ground, everyone of the students was there except Desmond, who couldn't come out because of the wound on his face. Mrs. Deborah noticed his absence and went inside the dormitory room to get him. As she got there, she saw how bruised Desmond's face was and knew something was wrong.

"What happened to you? Who did this to you? What would be your father's reaction seeing your face like this? Come with me," Mrs. Deborah said, dragging Desmond to the assembly ground. Everyone was surprised seeing the state Desmond was in. He was feared by all and the students couldn't help but wonder who was brave enough to face him.

"Point out who did this to you," Mrs. Deborah instructed Desmond, who pointed at Caleb.

"It's the new boy. It seems we have found someone to save us from Desmond," some of the students murmured to themselves. Caleb was called out and flogged mercilessly by Mrs. Deborah. It was her first time flogging a bully. She never flogged Desmond despite the reports of the students, but now, she had flogged Caleb for the same crime Desmond was guilty of. Caleb didn't drop a single tear as he went back to the line.

After the morning assembly came to an end, Desmond could hear most of the students laughing at him. "I wish he had damaged one of his eyes," one of the students said, and Desmond felt defeated.

Desmond pulled his friends aside and narrated everything that had transpired the night before. "That boy, there's something strange about him. How his eyes turned red like that, it's still boggling my mind. What should I do before he humiliates me in front of everyone?" Desmond confided in his friends, seeking their advice.

One of his friends, Gabriel, suggested, "Maybe that new boy is involved in some secret group. To protect yourself from his bullying, maybe we should consider joining a group too. I have friends outside of school who have been pushing me to join an old woman's kingdom where series of powers are given. I think we should join forces before this new guy brings shame upon us in school."

Curiously, Desmond inquired, "But how do we join them if they're outside the school?"

Gabriel proposed a plan, "It's simple. Since you have good relations with Mrs. Deborah and the gatekeeper is easily swayed by money, why not bribe him? Even Mrs. Deborah wouldn't be upset if she found out. Let's plan this for the evening." The three friends nodded in agreement.

As they walked back to class, Desmond couldn't help but feel the weight of the curious looks from his fellow students, undoubtedly fixed on the bruises on his face.

By evening, Desmond and his friends were ready for their visit to the old witch's shrine. With the pocket money they received from their parents, they generously gave some to the gateman who opened the school gate for them. "Do your best to return early. I can't afford to lose my job," the gateman reminded them.

Upon arriving at the shrine, guided by Gabriel's friends, they were welcomed by the old woman. They were instructed to remove their shoes before she began attending to them. "Welcome to my humble abode. I am Agbala Nwanyi, fearless and powerful. I am like the great river that shelters humans, not fishes. What brings you all here?" she inquired.

Desmond, feeling insecure about a new boy at school, confessed, "I'm worried about being bullied by the new student. I need help in removing him from my way."

The old woman's response was scary "He who seeks trouble should be prepared for the consequences. The boy is no ordinary human, and it will not be easy to get rid of him. But I will assist you. He has returned seeking revenge because you bullied and killed him."

Desmond's friends, shocked by this revelation, turned to him disbelief. "Who did you kill?" they questioned in unison, their expressions full of concern and confusion.

DatingTeenage yearsSecretsSchoolHumanityFriendshipChildhood

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    EMEWritten by echi monday echem

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