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By echi monday echemPublished 2 months ago 4 min read

The bully 2.

Emmanuel has been acting really stubborn lately, constantly refusing to do what he's supposed to and attempting to sneak out of school. When everyone was called to the dining hall for dinner, he was nowhere to be found. We searched high and low, even sending the security guard to look for him. Eventually, I decided to take a walk around the school and saw him lying there with bruises on his face. It looked like he had been in a fight with someone outside the school.

Mrs. Deborah narrated this to Emmanuel's parents, but they weren't buying it. "You mean to tell me that Emmanuel has been behaving this way, and you never thought to inform us? And now you expect us to believe this unbelievable story? I'll be involving the police in this and will ensure this school is shut down for good. You better start explaining what really happened to Emmanuel," Emmanuel's father said angrily, leading his wife to the car.

Mrs. Deborah knew she was in deep trouble and decided to message Desmond's father on WhatsApp, informing him on the situation at the school.

Mr. Arinze, being a wealthy and influential person in the state, received the message and wasted no time. He contacted the Divisional Police Officer in the area, sharing the entire incident and using his connections to buy him off. "Send your account details, and as usual, take care of the situation." He said to the D.P.O who didn't hesitate to do as he was instructed.

When Emmanuel's parents arrived to report the incident, they were directed to the office of the Divisional Police Officer (D.P.O), who welcomed them in. Unknown to them, the D.P.O had already received a bribe at the back and was only pretending to support Emmanuel's parents.

"We received disturbing news this evening that our son was in a critical condition. Upon reaching the school, we found him lifeless, his face bruised. I demand the immediate arrest of the school owner, the staff, and a full investigation to uncover the truth behind my son's death," Emmanuel's father said to the D.P.O.

The D.P.O, rising from his seat, called two police officers to accompany him as they all made their way towards Shining Star Secondary School.

There, the D.P.O took Emmanuel's corpse to their police van, and also arrested Mrs. Deborah as well. The school was temporarily closed as the students went back to their homes.

Emmanuel's parents both thought that the D.P.O was doing his duty well until when the case was totally dismissed. "Teach your child manner at home before sending him to school. It's obvious that he fought with someone outside the school. This is a case of bad parenting and will be dismissed. Take your son's corpse from the mortuary and give him a befitting burial. This should also serve as a lesson to those bad parents out there," the D.P.O said to Emmanuel's parents who were short for words. All of their efforts to get justice for their son were in vain as the school was opened again, and Mrs. Deborah released from cell.

Emmanuel's parents were heartbroken seeing the injustice that took place. They knew Emmanuel wasn't wild and can't even engage in fights, but nobody cared to listen, not even the judge who closed the case and tagged it bad parenting.

It was early in the morning when a young boy stood outside Mrs Deborah's office, patiently waiting for her to arrive. A short while later, Mrs. Deborah approached and warmly welcomed him into her office. "How can I assist you?" she inquired as the boy began to explain his situation. "I am here to enroll in the school. My parents are currently overseas and will meet with you once they return. Their driver dropped me off here, and hopefully, he will return to speak with you," the strange boy stated.

Mrs. Deborah was confused on the boy's words and puzzled as to why his parents would send him to register for school on his own. "Which class are you looking to enroll in? Have you reviewed the requirements for admission to our school? I will need your personal details, past school results, and especially the school fees," Mrs. Deborah asked, attentively studying the young boy.

"I have all of that, Madam. My name is Enioluwa Caleb, and I am in SS2. Here are the results from my previous school," he replied, handing over his academic results to Mrs. Deborah.

Quickly, the boy used his phone to transfer the necessary fees to Mrs. Deborah's account, and in return, she provided him with the school uniforms. "It is important that your parents meet with me when they return, and I will need their contact numbers," Mrs. Deborah instructed Caleb, now a new student at the school.

Caleb gave her two contact numbers for his parents, though they were unreachable. "I presume it's because they are abroad. For tonight, you will share a bed with another student. Tomorrow, your own bed will be made available as it was included on the payment you made," Mrs. Deborah informed Caleb, leading him to his new classroom.

As they entered the classroom, Mrs. Deborah introduced Caleb to the class. "Here is Enioluwa Caleb, and he is a new student of the school. You all are to treat him as one of your own. For the night, he will be sleeping in one of your beds. Who among you can make a space in his bed for him so he could sleep there?" Mrs. Deborah said. Desmond raised his hand from the back, accepting to accommodate Caleb in his bed. Mrs. Deborah then went back to her office to continue with her work.

Late at night, Caleb was awoken by Desmond's inappropriate touches. "What are you trying to do?" Caleb asked, removing Desmond's hands from his body. "Trying to help you out, my love. Why did you think I allowed you to my bed? You think it's because I'm a kind guy? No, dear. I allowed you because of this, and I know you haven't heard about me in the school. This is what I do to almost all the students, and they love it. Don't play stubborn as it won't be funny," Desmond added, this time trying to force himself on the angry Caleb.

True CrimeAdventure

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    EMEWritten by echi monday echem

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