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A Boy on the 4th Floor…Chapter-1

Don't read if you've got a weak heart!

By Sharique KamalPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
A Boy on the 4th Floor…Chapter-1
Photo by Victor Ajayi on Unsplash

This is one of my favourite story from my Quora friend. It's not a fiction. It's a real story of a paranormal experience from India.

This story is narrated by my friend, Abhishek. This story will come in three episodes and this is the first episode. I hope you will enjoy reading🙂

My name is Abhishek and I am from India. This story is from a few years back when I was preparing for a medical entrance test at a 20-year-old hostel building. It was a pleasant late morning when my brother came with me to leave me in that hostel. We checked in at the reception and gave the required details like name, course, and registration number. The receptionist verified all the details and welcomed me into that new hostel. I said goodbye to my brother.

I was happy about my new journey but yet I was feeling a little bit unhappy. I spent a lot of happy years with my family but then at a very young age of 16, I had to leave all that. However, with heavy emotions, I said the last words to my brother. I asked him to tell mom that I would miss her a lot. He replied that they would too miss him a lot. He said goodbye to me and then he left the hostel.

I too proceeded further. I was feeling very shy. The whole environment was very new for me. A senior came to me and asked me if I am newly admitted. He was very humble. I was looking very depressed. He assured me that you'll really have a good time here with your friends. He asked me for my room number so that he could assist me to find it for me. I told him that my room number is 351. He then took me to the 3rd floor where there was my room. We reached room no.351 and knocked on the door. Rohan and Deepak my roommates opened the door and welcomed me very warmly. The senior told them that I was their new friend and roommate and then he left us for his next classes.

They offered me a cup of coffee. I enjoyed the coffee with my new friends. Both were really very nice and sweet. My all fear, shyness, and depression went away when I talked to them. They were really like my sweet brothers.

As time passed, we three developed a very strong bond with each other. As our classes had not started then yet, so, we used to roam in the corridor of the hostel. At 8'o clock in the night, we had dinner at the mess. After having dinner completed, we used to gather in our room to have a general talk.

One night, we were talking to each other in our room. The door was open. It was normal. There was nothing abnormal. But, suddenly, I saw a black figure passing by the room. I could not identify as it was dark outside of our room. I jumped toward the door to see who was that. Rohan and Deepak asked me, "What happened Abhishek? Did you see a ghost? Why did you jump out of the bed?"

Photo by Catalin Pop on UnsplashI told them that I saw a black boy going to the 4th floor. They replied, "It's a hostel. Everybody is free to go anywhere in the hostel after 8 PM. Maybe some seniors going there for spending time. Why do you want to have a Group discussion on such a small thing." I told them that I had never seen him before. He was looking ugly and was smiling like a devil.

Rohan said, 'If you'll not stop here, I will surely make you a devil and lock you in the bathroom. Don't spoil our night with your exaggeration."

Deepak said, 'Right! Don't scare us.' I urged them to believe in me but they denied to believe. They warned me that if I would not stop now, they would tickle me the whole night. I got feared of their warning as I hate tickling. So, I slept.

The next day, we all woke up normally. It was looking normal. But, the day was not normal. Something happened which made us shiver. We hadn't ever expected that. You won't believe that after that event we couldn't sleep for three consecutive nights.

Do you want to know what happened to us? Why were we shivering? What made us sleepless for three consecutive nights?

If yes then stay tuned. Episode-2 will be posted soon where I will reveal the story of that horrifying day. If you don't want to miss Episode-2, I would recommend you to follow me via email so you never miss the next one.

Thank You for reading!

Disclaimer: This story was originally published at

Children's FictionHorror

About the Creator

Sharique Kamal

Just a writer and a student....

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    SKWritten by Sharique Kamal

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