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5 Easy Ways to Rank Higher on Google

Rank higher on your favorite keywords on Google with these five easy and proven steps

By Sharique KamalPublished 11 months ago 6 min read
5 Easy Ways to Rank Higher on Google
Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Search Engine Optimization will be no more an obstacle in your blogging career and business if you understand the catch. As per my thoughts, almost every 9 bloggers out of10, get stuck with search engines and at last, they lose the battle and return with no profit. But, there is always 1 blogger who has wings attached to his shoulders that gives him the motivation to learn new and perform better. You are required to become like that one blogger.

Today, I have come up with new and little-known five easy ways through which you can improve your rankings on search results.

Here is the list:-

Remember, these tips may not help you if SEO difficulty for your desired keyword is too much higher than the level of your Domain Authority.

1. Get backlinks from ranked pages

Image by ar130405 on PixabayGetting a higher position in search results of your desired keywords is a very difficult task if your domain is new or has a fewer number of backlinks from other web pages, or if it has low domain authority(DA). Even, if your site has a high domain authority or a large number of backlinks, it will not guarantee that your page will rank on your desired keywords.

Backlinks from any websites on the web will not help you much in ranking your page. Also, tons of backlinks from hundreds of sites will not help you to get ranked. You can rank even with a few backlinks but those backlinks should be from the site's page that has already ranked on your selected keyword. This technique is one of the most effective ways to get ranked.

It works like this. Suppose you want to get your page ranked on this keyword - 'How to make money while sleeping?'. So go and search it on Google. And, see which is at the top. Let's assume that entreprenurs.com's story is at the top. So, now you need to get backlinks from this story only not from the other pages of the site. If you get a chance to get backlinks from other ranked pages, it would be even better for you.

If you do it correctly, Google Search Algorithm will include your page in the search result somewhere but not at the top. But, your page may get ranked higher for the search results of some other related keywords that have lower SEO difficulty.

2. Add multiple tags

Image by Clker on PixabayYou may have seen many YouTube creators adding hundreds of keywords in their descriptions to appear at the top of the results. Many think that this technique doesn't work. But, it really works if it has been implemented in the right way. You can even verify it by viewing the description of some of the top-ranking YouTube videos.

The same strategy could be applied to your blog site to increase your rankings. Almost every website on the web has an option to add multiple tags to stories. So do yours. Just go to your keyword research website or planner and copy 10 to 15 keywords. Not more than that. And, add those to your webpage as tags.

Tagging is the best way to include all missed and unmissed keywords on your web page. It is difficult to add some specific words multiple times within the content without destroying the beauty of your piece. Here, tagging makes our work easier and more effective.

When Google bots come to crawl your webpage, they will crawl those tags as well. And, then they will index your webpage in their Lumen database. When anybody searches on Google with those tags or keywords, the Google search algorithm will include your website in the result. If you have managed other SEO aspects correctly, your site will probably be shown at the top. Sometimes, Maybe not at the top, but, surely somewhere in the list.

3. Make your page popular on social media

Image by Pixaline on PixabaySocial Media is another great way to improve your search engine rankings. Major social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter have a very high domain rating as well as they are crawled very frequently.

If you post a link on these sites publicly with a nice description that includes all your desired keywords, then, it will serve as a backlink. It will let Google know about your new blog posts as well. Crawlers will index your new post in their database and show it up not only in search results but other places as well like Google discover.

If your post goes viral over there, your ranking will probably increase day by day as traffic and engagement too play an important role in improving search engine rankings. When Google robots will see the popularity of your post, they will think that it's really nice content that deserves the attention of their search engine users as well. So, they will promote your post more and more in search results. Maybe your Facebook post too gets ranked there.

4. Include internal links between your posts

Image by OpenClipart on PixabayThere is a term that every blogger or developer knows, which is bounce rate. Bounce rate is the total percentage of the users who bounce back after visiting your site within only a few seconds. Suppose, after a massive hard work on optimization, you get ranked on a search result for a particular keyword. People start scrolling the result page and hit your site to get what they need. But, your site is slow to load or it doesn't give what people want. Then, those people will press the back button in just a few seconds to bounce back to the search result page. Then, they will probably visit your competitor's sites. This will impact your rankings badly.

So to prevent it, you can add internal links in your story at necessary places. When users will find them useful, they will click on those links and engage with your site, and may even become your customer or subscriber. It will also give a good indication to search engine algorithm that your site is a quality one and needs more people's attention and then Google will start indexing your page in the search results for other keywords. And, Horrah! You are now ranked on a new keyword.

5. Add comments on your own webpage

I remember that one day I visited a blogger.com blog and I noticed some unclickable links in the comment box. I was curious about them but that was non-clickable. So, I copied the link and didn't paste it into the browser. I pasted it in the search box with the expectation to see that link at the top. But, it didn't happen. I saw the same blogger.com website where the link was posted in the comment box. I should have seen the website linking to that link. But, it was nowhere in the result.

What happened actually?

Actually, that was not a link in the comment box. It was non-clickable, so, it was a text. When Google bots came to crawl that page, they treated that link as a text. And, that text became a keyword for the page and got it ranked in an unexpected search result.

This same comment technique you can use to rank your pages high and will be the best for you. Why? You can't add keywords within the content as it will create a bad impression and Google may even penalize you for doing that. You even can't add more than 10 to 15 tags in your post. This is called keyword stuffing which Google bots hate!

The comment section is the place where anyone can add their ideas as much as they want. No restrictions from Google on the words they use. And, everybody too finds more comments a sign of good content. It will create a good impression. Netizens will share your piece and can even get you viral.

Only, you have to do is, just go to your blog post and add nice comments as many as you can. And, remember to include your keywords in the comments. Otherwise, it will not be worth much. And, if you feel uncomfortable in commenting on your own, you can just simply ask your friends and family members to do that. And, they will reduce your stress.

Final Thoughts

These ways will surely help you to achieve your motive if you do them in the right way. Remember, these techniques will only work if you have managed other SEO aspects nicely. Suppose, if your content is not well-organized, formatted, and easy to read, then, backlinks and keyword stuffing would be of use. So, first of all, your content must be of good quality, then only you would see the results of these tips or tricks.

I pray that you all achieve what you want in your digital career.

Thank You!

Disclaimer: This story was originally published at https://medium.com/illumination/5-easy-ways-to-rank-higher-on-google-9b23a2bd5466


About the Creator

Sharique Kamal

Just a writer and a student....

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    SKWritten by Sharique Kamal

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