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ViM:Top Notes.


By TestPublished 5 months ago ā€¢ Updated 5 months ago ā€¢ 4 min read
Dallee and Canva cobbled

So in between a bout of the flu, which kicked me rather deftly in my Welsh behind, a mountain of Diachronic Language Change essays to mark and a spot of job hunting, Iā€™ve managed to fit in a bit of reading. And wow, thereā€™s been some wonderful pieces presented on VIM over the past few weeks!

As usual, in no meaningful order whatsoever:

Though not a member of VIM (yet), our - unbeknownst to him - honourary member Paul Stewart's deeply emotional poem,

ā€˜If you know, you knowā€™ is a definite top note:

Packing one hellā€™ova gut punch, a right hook of vivid imagery and stark emotional depth, his words explore the complexity of the inner struggles many of us have faced, and perhaps yet will come to face. Hard-hitting and sharp, a darkly beautiful offering that ultimately presents us with an overarching message of hope. A contemporary piece, perfect for anyone seeking understanding in the midsts.

From Oneg in the Arctic

The charmingly gorgeous ā€˜there's music out thereā€™

A lyrically crafted prose, this piece positively immerses the reader in the vivid, sensory experience of a vast winter landscape. Encapsulating the essence of winter's charms and the narratorā€™s magical walk to work, it really is a joyous celebration of the season. As the winter winds continue and SAD is embedding in, this delicate and thoughtfully crafted offering canā€™t fail to bring a little glow to even the most frozen of hearts.

Cathy holmes' showcased her stunning craftmanship in the piece, 'Coming Home'

A tragically exquisite story presenting the struggles of a soldier and the impact of loss and the ravages of war on the psyche. Told from the perspective of an inanimate object (Iā€™ll leave it at that) Cathyā€™s piece is an absolute tearjerker and a moving tribute to those who have endured. A must read for anyone, um, who reads.

Another gorgeous creation by JBaz in the form of his micro fiction, 'Beneath the White'

A hauntingly evocative narrative that immerses the reader in a harrowing experience (I wonā€™t give anything away). Superb literary craftsmanship which will leave you as stunned as the story itself. Mesmerisingly vivid and envelopingly encapsulating (Yeah, youā€™d better come back after youā€™ve read it with an, ā€œI see what you did there!). A compelling choice for anyone seeking some food for thought. This gem will keep you satiated, long after the last line has been devoured.

A wonderfully poetic work by Heather Hubler in the form of 'An Anomoly"

This particular poem jumped out for its powerful musings and much needed commentary on gender equality and societal norms. With a deceptively straightforward style the poem follows the ABCderian structure seemingly with ease. An unapologetic challenge to outdated views on the role of women in society, a creative, thought provoking read for anyone interested in contemporary perspectives and looking to feel empowered.

Though Top notes was already written, this piece by Judey Kalchik really resonated,

Offering up a thoughtful statement about self-worth and perseverance, Judey gives a message we could all use to hear from time to time. More complex of course, but essentially ā€˜Haters, gonna Hateā€™. The most important thing is to be true to ourselves. In this digital landscape we have found ourselves - where keyboard warriors weaponise words in ways they would never dare in the real world ā€“ this poem challenges us to reflect on the impact of our own words. They really do matter. Typed or spoken. A gutsy must read for anyone who has ever experienced the toxicity of external negativity. Afterall, weā€™re all entirely capable of bringing ourselves down, we donā€™t need anyone else to do it for us. The value of our creative endevours is not diminished by criticism but it is bolstered by support and kindness. And hell, the world needs much more of that. Ideal for anyone, especially creators, who have ever felt devalued (which I'm guessing is um. Everyone)

A huge shoutout to all of the creators who are part of, Voices in the Minor, and to those who are not. Finding Top Notes was easy. Narrowing those down was extremely difficult. And of course a thank you to the team: Mother Combs, Suze Kay and Poppy

And a huge, huge thank you to River Joy, whose passion for supporting creator's inspires me to be better every day!

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Dall ee Generated

Some afterthoughts...

Faulknerā€™s timeless words lay on my mind this afternoon as I looked out onto the grey outside, I felt them warm and comforting like a hot water bottle of sorts

ā€œThe purpose of writing is to allow others to see what we see, feel what we feel, and to share the experience of the soul.ā€

And surely, whether we are masters of our craft or novices, our words are a reflection of our being? Writing, in its purest form, is an act of sharing and communion. Humans attempting to translate the intangible ā€” thoughts, emotions, experiences ā€” into words that others can touch, feel. And that has to be a worthy endeavour, Right?


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