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"Twists of the Heart"

love triangle

By ayesha nadeemPublished 6 days ago 3 min read

Act 1: The Beginning

Scene 1:

A cozy café in a small town. The décor is warm, with wooden tables and soft lighting. Three main characters: Emma, a cheerful and kind-hearted artist; Alex, a charming and confident journalist; and Olivia, a sophisticated and intelligent lawyer.

Emma sits at a table, sketching in her notebook. Alex enters, looking around before spotting Emma and walking over.

Alex: (smiling) Emma! There you are. Working on another masterpiece?

Emma: (looks up, smiling) Hey, Alex. Just doodling, really. How was your day?

Alex: Busy as always. But seeing you makes it better. (sits down) How about we grab dinner tonight?

Emma: (blushing) That sounds lovely.

Olivia enters the café, glancing around before noticing Alex and Emma. She approaches them.

Olivia: (smiling) Alex! Emma! Fancy meeting you two here.

Alex: (standing up) Olivia! Join us. We were just making dinner plans.

Olivia: (sitting down) I'd love to. It's been a hectic day, and I could use some good company.

The three chat and laugh, the chemistry between them evident.*

Act 2: The Complications

Scene 2:

A few weeks later. Emma’s art studio, filled with paintings and sketches. Emma is working on a painting. Olivia enters, looking hesitant.

Olivia: Emma, can we talk?

Emma: (putting down her brush) Of course, Olivia. What’s on your mind?

Olivia: It’s about Alex. I... I think I have feelings for him.

Emma : (taken aback) Oh. I didn’t know you felt that way.

Olivia: I’ve been trying to ignore it, but... it’s getting harder. I just thought you should know.

Emma looks conflicted, but nods.

Emma: Thanks for being honest, Olivia. I need some time to think.

Scene 3:

A park. Alex and Emma are sitting on a bench, holding hands. The atmosphere is tense.

Alex: Emma, you’ve been distant lately. Is something wrong?

Emma: (sighs) Alex, there’s something I need to tell you. Olivia... she has feelings for you.

Alex: (surprised) Olivia? I had no idea.

Emma: I don’t know what to do. I love you, Alex, but Olivia is my best friend.

Alex: (holding Emma’s hand tighter) Emma, I love you. We’ll figure this out together.

Act 3: The Resolution

Scene 4:

Olivia’s apartment. Olivia is sitting on the couch, looking upset. There’s a knock on the door. She opens it to find Alex.*

Alex: Olivia, can we talk?

Olivia: (sighing) Sure, come in.

Alex: (sitting down) Emma told me how you feel. I’m sorry if I ever gave you the wrong impression.

Olivia: It’s not your fault, Alex. I just... I can’t help how I feel.

Alex: I care about you, Olivia. But my heart belongs to Emma. I hope we can still be friends.

Olivia: (nodding) It’ll take some time, but I think we can. I don’t want to lose either of you.

Scene 5:

Emma’s art studio. Emma is painting when Olivia walks in.

Olivia: Emma, can we start over?

Emma: (smiling) I’d like that.

They hug, their friendship restored.

Scene 6:

The same cozy café. Emma, Alex, and Olivia are sitting together, laughing and talking, their bond stronger than ever.

Emma: To friendship and love.

Alex: And to new beginnings.

Olivia: Cheers to that.

They raise their glasses, the tension between them resolved, and their hearts at peace.

Thank you all for joining me on this incredible journey through my story on Vocal Media. Your support, feedback, and encouragement have been invaluable, and I am deeply grateful for each and every one of you. Writing is a solitary endeavor, but sharing it with such a wonderful community has made it a truly enriching experience. I hope my story has resonated with you, sparked your imagination, and perhaps even inspired you in some small way. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being part of this adventure and for allowing my words to become a part of your world.


About the Creator

ayesha nadeem

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    ANWritten by ayesha nadeem

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